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What exceptions? If they trained super hard for 3 years, it's not an exception, it's a result of hard work. But in wild nature, a woman is never stronger, unless some super weird mutation occurred.


Genetic exceptions, there are women out there that have a much denser muscle mass, but they are very rare (and in most cases it's just elevated testosterone levels).


No. Women in power lifting take testosterone and other hormones during training, but they still can't compete with men. Hormones are strong stuff, but it still isn't enough to catch up with men. Sorry.

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Random statements on comparative biology thread?

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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 you mean aim a rifle and pull the trigger?



my wife is a better shot than me by miles.  she would be 10x the soldier i would be, and i'm an adult male who is over 6 feet tall.



Because that's the only thing that matters to a soldier?


Can your wife carry a 6 feet tall injured man off the battlefield, is she still a better shot with a 8+ kg. machinegun from a standing position on full auto, can she run faster and longer than you with 40 kg of equipment strapped on to her body?


Maybe she can do all those things but provided you're healthy and not too old you have the potential for overall physical development that she does not. You would need so much less time and effort to get there. That's why in a competitive environment where the best overall performers make the cut, warriors will be overwhelmingly male. At least until we haven't fully switched to nerds controlling drones with a joystick or powerarmor.


My argument isn't about whether a female can make an effective soldier or not. Of course they can and have. My argument is there is no such thing as complete gender equality and fiction should (if it claims authenticity, nothing wrong with fantasy for fantasy sake) reflect those nuances not just assign roles evenly and blindly.

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All generalizations aside as far as I know none of the women who have tried to pass infantry training have succeeded, at least in the Marine Corps


I admit that I haven't been following this closely so this might have changed recently but I don't have a horse in this race so I don't really care

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I actually met a woman at PAX that was in the USMC.  I *think* she may have been a platoon leader, but I can't remember.  She had an amazing cosplay of Aveline.


EDIT: I have no clue what her actual role was though.



If I understand this, however, it doesn't sound like women were allowed to enter infantry training?

Edited by alanschu
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You can't shoot machinegun from standing position so that you can hit reliably to anything, because it kick back is so strong that nobody can control it, especially on full auto. And when you shoot it from mount as one should always do actually need much less strength than assault rifle to shoot.

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They weren't allowed before but they've been taking volunteers for the past year or so to go through the training from what I understand. Even if they pass and I don't think any have at this point they won't be going on to infantry roles in the "fleet" until 2015 or so as for now this is all research.


The woman you met may very well have been a platoon leader/commander as that is the main role for junior officers no matter what their job is 

Free games updated 3/4/21

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You can't shoot machinegun from standing position so that you can hit reliably to anything, because it kick back is so strong that nobody can control it, especially on full auto. And when you shoot it from mount as one should always do actually need much less strength than assault rifle to shoot.

You do have to lug the thing around though, though I guess you have AG to help out with the ammo.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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A chum of mine training at Sandhurst once told me what the Womens Royal Army Corp (WRAC) is abbreviated to by the average squaddie, and the Sarkeesian's would absolutely declare a jihad if they found out. Very distasteful.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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You can't shoot machinegun from standing position so that you can hit reliably to anything, because it kick back is so strong that nobody can control it, especially on full auto. And when you shoot it from mount as one should always do actually need much less strength than assault rifle to shoot.


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You can't shoot machinegun from standing position so that you can hit reliably to anything, because it kick back is so strong that nobody can control it, especially on full auto. And when you shoot it from mount as one should always do actually need much less strength than assault rifle to shoot.




And as you can see from waving barrel and dust traces, bullets go everywhere but target.

Edited by Elerond
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You can't shoot machinegun from standing position so that you can hit reliably to anything, because it kick back is so strong that nobody can control it, especially on full auto. And when you shoot it from mount as one should always do actually need much less strength than assault rifle to shoot.




And as you can see from whiping barrel and smoke traces, bullets go every where but target.



Once he zoned in on the target it was pretty accurate, the aiming wouldn't be much different from a mount.

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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And as you can see from whiping barrel and smoke traces, bullets go every where but target.



No, I think he hit plenty. If that video isn't good enough for you here is a Navy Seal video. Professional soldiers do shoot machineguns standing. (1:50, 2:34, etc)


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I'd imagine you don't need an MG to be really accurate for the most part, is suppressive fire, commonly.


Hm, how did we get here, I wonder.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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And as you can see from whiping barrel and smoke traces, bullets go every where but target.



No, I think he hit plenty. If that video isn't good enough for you here is a Navy Seal video. Professional soldiers do shoot machineguns standing. (1:50, 2:34, etc)



You can shoot from standing postion with machine gun, but you hit maybe 2 from 10 shots in 1 m diameter target from 50m, and from 100m and futher you probably don't even hit target once. In first video they seemed to practice support fire for advancement, where most important thing is to get lots of bullets to air so that enemy has something else to do than shoot your squad (meaning staying in cover). And I can say that women can give support fire with PKM (which was used in first video) in same as men, as it don't reguire that much strength and you do it only until your squad is in cover.

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It's not about physical or mental ability, don't you guys see?!


Men serve in the military forces to protect their loved ones, their family and their country from the bad guys. It grants them a sense of purpose and mostly, great honor. When their women serve in the army, they will lose their purpose since what they protect is no longer safe. Thus their honor is robbed from them under their very feet. What is not left is a soldier, but a mere warrior with no purpose, honor or family waiting for him. He fights just because he likes to fight. What is left is a poor, poor savage. 


As my ol' grandma always said: "The men serve in the military, and the women bear their children".

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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You can shoot from standing postion with machine gun, but you hit maybe 2 from 10 shots in 1 m diameter target from 50m, and from 100m and futher you probably don't even hit target once. In first video they seemed to practice support fire for advancement, where most important thing is to get lots of bullets to air so that enemy has something else to do than shoot your unit (meaning staying in cover). And I can say that women can give support fire with PKM (which was used in first video) in same as men, as it don't reguire that much strength and you do it only until your squad is in cover.



I disagree that he hit only 1 in 5 at that distance. But whatever. Clearly they shoot it with intent and a good measure of control and precision, people don't just get suppressed with sound. If someone appeared in that Navy Seal guy's vision in those jungle I'm pretty sure he'd hit him.

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I don't know about today, but back in the day there were different physical tests for males and females (Navy), with the female test being less rigorous. Not that you need to be in great shape for the Navy anyway. Probably the same for most branches.


Yep, the physical fitness tests are also different in Marines.


Male 17-26 year olds

Pull ups - 3 min 20 max score

Crunches -  50 min 100 max score (2 minute time limit)

3 mile run - 28 min 18 max score


Female 17-26 year olds

Flex arm hang - 15 sec min 70 sec max score

Crunches - 50 min 100 max score (2 minute time limit)

3 mile run - 31 min 21 max score


I've heard they are changing it so that women have to do pull ups as well but with 8 being the max score. So even with all the same exercises the requirements are different and there is also a Combat Fitness Test which while having the same tests has different requirements for each gender


EDIT:This is just a standard fitness test that everyone has to do and just hitting the minimums will not get you a passing score. 

Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Regarding Alan's comment re. women in the United States Marine Corps: Loads of women serve in the USMC. It's huge. They aren't, however, allowed to serve in the infantry MOS grades as riflemen, SF or (IIRC tank crews).


Jesus this debate is half-arsed. Women serve in *over* 90% of military roles in advanced western democracies. They fly fast jets and gunships, they defuse IEDs, they conduct survey for artillery and they set up advanced electronic warfare and SIGINT infrastructure. Asymmetrical warfare means that they are certainly going to be deployed in harm's way: in the British armed services you see female combat medics routinely winning medals for saving lives in battle.


The final frontier for women is the infantry. The rationale is that closing with, and killing at close range, the enemy requires a hyper-aggressive, fit, disciplined mindset that would be (mainly for deeply ingrained bio-sociological reasons) distracted by mixed-gender units. Women can do it. Unambiguously. The military view, however, is that their presence would be detrimental and suboptimal (fact is that, yes, only a minority of women would either want to serve or achieve physical parity with male infantry soldiers). Combat efficacy trumps political correctness.


As I said in my previous post, this last bastion will be breached one day and we shall see what happens. Until technology and social change can mitigate the concerns I address above, however, routine mixed-gender infantry units are a way off. Not far, maybe, but still a way off.

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 You want me to believe a woman can do what a man does?

 you mean aim a rifle and pull the trigger?


my wife is a better shot than me by miles.  she would be 10x the soldier i would be, and i'm an adult male who is over 6 feet tall.



So what we've learned from this is.. entrerix is a wimp.




..and we need pics of his wife. Pronto.



no joke, she is 5'2 and only weighs 115 lbs, but her single rep max squat is about 40 pounds more than mine....


she has been lifting weights for a few years though, i dont think most women lift anything other than those little pink dumbbells.  


if you want pics just google AJ Lee, but change her face for someone who looks a lot like the actress from the xfiles.  i dont think the wife wants me posting her pics online


If you're tall, your body mechanics/leverages are probably working against you. If you work on your flexibility and squat more, you'd probably overtake her in a short period of time. It really is the best exercise for overall strength, if you're interested in that sort of thing. 


What is your wife's one rep max, if you don't mind my asking? I work out with a girl that is approaching a 2 plate (225 Ilbs or 102kg) squat. She is a tiny asian girl, but has impressive leg and hip strength. 

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