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Alan, when games design gets old, you have a glittering future as a lawyer! :p

Maybe make a push for Laywer RPGs.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Alan, when games design gets old, you have a glittering future as a lawyer! :p

Maybe make a push for Laywer RPGs.


Ace Attorney RPG




Skill tree:


Opening Arguments

/                  \

Objection  Closing Arguments

/                             \

Take That       Investigative Intuition

/                               \

Dramatic Flair                 Streetwise

/      \                                    /     \

Witness Badgering  Stall Tactics       Security Bypass  Duping

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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"Objective truth", I like that. I'm going to start using those words if you don't mind?

My favourite is "intellectually dishonest".

If you want to call someone a liar, just say so.



Being intellectually dishonest is not the same thing as lying.




Obviously citation is a pipe dream (and probably shouldn't be necessary anyway) on a casual internet forum, but it's not lying to present things in a biased way (not factoring in that sometimes it's born out of ignorance).



Alan now that I read that definition I'm not sure if it is different to lying. The link you provided says "Intentionally committed fallacies in debates and reasoning are called sometimes intellectual dishonesty"


That could also be called a lie as I could lying about a topic in a debate knowing its untrue? I don't see the difference if you look at the definition :unsure:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Alan, when games design gets old, you have a glittering future as a lawyer! :p

Maybe make a push for Laywer RPGs.


Ace Attorney RPG




Skill tree:


Opening Arguments

/                  \

Objection  Closing Arguments

/                             \

Take That       Investigative Intuition

/                               \

Dramatic Flair                 Streetwise

/      \                                    /     \

Witness Badgering  Stall Tactics       Security Bypass  Duping



I'm in if it'll allow me to (re)create Perry Mason.


Lt. Tragg: I don't need an autopsy to tag this one. It screams murder.

Perry Mason: When it stops screaming and starts following the rules of evidence, I'll start listening.

Lt. Tragg: My, we're very legal this morning.


Perry Mason: Two pawn tickets- one she hides in the label of a mink coat, the other ticket stays in her purse where anybody might find it. It's inconsistent.

Paul Drake: She's a woman.

Perry Mason: Nah, that's no excuse.


Perry Mason: Could Jasper have killed Callendar?

Paul Drake: Perry, he was only in there ten seconds.

Perry Mason: How long does it take to stick a sword in a man?

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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EA has laid off some employees today as the company continues to go through organizational restructuring. Today, as few as 20 employees were let go as part of ongoing staff cuts. The department facing staff reductions include the internal analysis and reviews team.


Can't say I blame them, judging by results, internal analysis and reviews team in EA were exactly like this:



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Well, as long as it isn't the development teams; those poor folk have it hard enough already working for EA.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I'm in if it'll allow me to (re)create Perry Mason.


Lt. Tragg: I don't need an autopsy to tag this one. It screams murder.

Perry Mason: When it stops screaming and starts following the rules of evidence, I'll start listening.

Lt. Tragg: My, we're very legal this morning.


Perry Mason: Two pawn tickets- one she hides in the label of a mink coat, the other ticket stays in her purse where anybody might find it. It's inconsistent.

Paul Drake: She's a woman.

Perry Mason: Nah, that's no excuse.


Perry Mason: Could Jasper have killed Callendar?

Paul Drake: Perry, he was only in there ten seconds.

Perry Mason: How long does it take to stick a sword in a man?



What would Perry Mason sound like in this situation?

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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Cringe worthy, but looks good enough. Using a gamepad to send messages when there's smart phone and tablet apps for PSN, not going to happen. Not sure how open it's going to be, it would be more useful if it all integrated with twitter, facebook, and youtube but Sony likes its walled gardens and propriety systems.

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I see they made her more sellable (read: less Asian).

Seems so.  Too bad, I liked Faith's look in the original, not that she looks bad here or anything.  The one thing that put me off in that trailer was that it seems that Dice took the route of "we'll fix the horrific combat" rather than "we'll get rid of the combat entirely and let the people do what they really want to do, run".  Hopefully with the game being "open world" that will mean every single battle will be avoidable if you're creative and perceptive enough.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I see they made her more sellable (read: prettier).


I don't think this version is prettier. Personally I liked the old look better even, but I'd say it's mostly a matter of taste. Anyway, I never did get around to playing the original, how does it play on the PC if anyone knows? Is it worth €10 on steam?

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I see they made her more sellable (read: less Asian).

Seems so.  Too bad, I liked Faith's look in the original, not that she looks bad here or anything.  The one thing that put me off in that trailer was that it seems that Dice took the route of "we'll fix the horrific combat" rather than "we'll get rid of the combat entirely and let the people do what they really want to do, run".  Hopefully with the game being "open world" that will mean every single battle will be avoidable if you're creative and perceptive enough.


They are also pushing 'combat always an option'.

If anything I would expect that anything but combat will be avoidable.

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I see they made her more sellable (read: prettier).


I don't think this version is prettier. Personally I liked the old look better even, but I'd say it's mostly a matter of taste. Anyway, I never did get around to playing the original, how does it play on the PC if anyone knows? Is it worth €10 on steam?


Wait for a steam sale.  It's a fun game when it lets you do what it was designed to do: run.  The combat sucks, most of it is avoidable, but there are a few fights you just can't avoid.  It's a very short game so I definitely wouldn't pay that much for it.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Jagged Alliance kickstarter backers  are being given Natural Selection 2 steam keys as rewards. I already own it so if you want it PM me and i'll give the first person the key.


Really? That's the first time i hear of this.



First I'd heard of it too but the email I got from them had a link to a key for the JA classic pack and a second link giving me a NS2 key. 

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Intresting opinion piece: I’m a little tired of being a murderer

I've been having similar reaction of late and have been wondering why.

I think it's that technology has progressed to the point where games are so immersive that sheer amount of violence and huge bodycounts hurts the experience.

That's at least a small part of why I don't generally get into the average action/shooter/whatever type game. I prefer games that at least have the capability for the player to take a break from such by focusing on another aspect of the gameplay (because other aspects of gameplay actually exist....) for a while.


Edit: also, it's more amusing to me personally to "kill" oodles of imps or demons vs. humans...

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Shooting people like its cool. There's room for some games to feature non-lethal game styles, RPGs and Deus Ex-style games, but in Bioshock: Infinite we're talking about a shooter here, it's not murder if they're trying to kill you, gameplay should come first, obviously "game" developers often disagree. I think maybe some games could put the question there, the people I'm ambushing might not be bad people, and perhaps characters could note your body count or even be afraid of you, which to be fair to Irrational, they added a tiny bit of both into Infinite, and I always felt sorry for the "monsters" in Rapture. I think the problem is the story is trying to be something contradictory to the gameplay, this was most apparent in Tomb Raider 2013 where the gameplay was ridiculously contradictory to the story.


They're trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, and I'm not impressed with the "cinematic" experience of games, where the writing and story-telling isn't any where close to the quality of great movies, TV shows, and especially novels, not even remotely close. There's models of great story telling in games, and the pinnacles are Fallout/Fallout 2/Fallout: New Vegas, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines/Deus Ex: Human Revolution/Bioshock, Portal/Bastion, and Psychonauts/Half Life 2, you don't get that same narrative experience from the other forms of media.

Edited by AwesomeOcelot
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