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Steam Box looks like a standard small form factor PC. It's completely possible to have a powerful PC in such a form factor, especially if as Gabe says, they don't include an optical drive. The original Xbox was pretty much standard PC hardware, Pentium 3 CPU, similar to GeForce 3 GPU, DDR RAM. There's no reason why PC manufacturers couldn't make these. Valve obviously think that this is a software and peripheral problem. From what Gabe was saying it seems they're willing to allow other manufacturers to build Steam boxes but they will be making one themselves. It will be interesting to see how the PC philosophy does in the living room. I don't think it'll be as big as the other consoles, I think it'll be like HTPC.


Microsoft and Sony will have to adapt, consoles like OUYA competing with XBLA and PSN less graphics orientated games, and Steam boxes competing with large productions, both open platforms with less restrictions and fees, also much shorter generation cycles.

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All of those toys being announced lately (excluding Valve's internal Steam Box, which we still don't know much of) won't have a chance to even beat a little tiny tent into the Xbox /Playstation marketshare.


Trust me, when the Xbox 720 and PS4 are gonna be announced big time, people already forgot about these silly Android toys. And that totally stupid useless Xi3 cube. Sorry.

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Just who I wanted back, the most annoying guy in the game. Please Bethesda, also bring back Harold the tree, non-talkative super mutants (other than the 1 that will immediately join you) and 2 man villages that somehow just get by.


Now listening to NoFX - The Decline

Hate the living, love the dead.

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While that image is called fallout-4 teaser, it has nothing to do with FO4. It's a piece of fan art made by a (I think) polish guy many years ago. It's awesome art though and I used to have it as my desktop background fro a while.


As for Three dog, I wasn't that bothered by him. Then again I skipped the whole part of the questline where you're supposed to go see him (by accident) so I never got to see the really annoying bits, so I guess I'm not one to judge.

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Just who I wanted back, the most annoying guy in the game. Please Bethesda, also bring back Harold the tree, non-talkative super mutants (other than the 1 that will immediately join you) and 2 man villages that somehow just get by.


Now listening to NoFX - The Decline

That song's a bit long. I'd suggest One way ticket to ****neckville instead. :grin:

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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While that image is called fallout-4 teaser, it has nothing to do with FO4. It's a piece of fan art made by a (I think) polish guy many years ago. It's awesome art though and I used to have it as my desktop background fro a while.

Someone used some of his art in a semi official website (though not actually Bethesda's own site) to promote Fallout 3 as well, IIRC.

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Tech-minded students are increasingly abandoning traditional engineering roles, Dyson told the Radio Times (thanks, GamesIndustry), instead wanting to clean up creating games instead.


"The glamour of web fads and video gaming" was now more attractive than "tangible technology that we can export," he argued. "The government must do more to attract the brightest and best into engineering and science so that we can compete internationally.


"26 per cent of engineering graduates do not go into engineering or technical professions," he continued. "More worrying is that 85 per cent of all engineering and science postgraduates in our universities come from outside the UK."


Yeah, no ****.


Moar Gaeming. And I don't like the trend where the business of making games becomes too heavily emphasized on hardware itself (more systems, motion control, other nonsense) instead of making money off the premise of creating just great games, even if it means dealing with (hardware) restrictions. Is over-emphasizing technology just a substitute for lack of talent? Not that I'm attacking actual hardware designers and engineers themselves, but I get the feeling the game industry is getting hammered and hi-jacked from all different sides while the actual craft of making games is pushed into the background.


Star Wars Kinect is quite indicative of this trend. Who needs a good game if you can play it on Kinect?

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Please Bethesda, also bring back Harold the tree

But I burnt him down.


Why do you expect them to carry over decisions from the 3rd game ?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Please Bethesda, also bring back Harold the tree

But I burnt him down.


Bethesda: "No, you didn't"


So, uhm, par of the course for the Fallout setting? It's not like importing saves has ever been a thing with Fallout, after all, canonical endings were always decided by the devs.


Which is totally fine, imo. I don't like that everyone nowadays is expecting savegame export / import, because it is limiting the amount of possible c&c at the games end.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Gun porn at it's finest.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Nice to see they're putting in western and eastern guns.. Hopefully they'll mix everything that way. :)


edit: Hopefully it'll be a TPS and not an FPS.

Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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What do you mean by Western and Eastern guns ?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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There's a hidden message at 2:14 that says both Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3 will be open-world RPGs.


With Cyberpunk I already knew that, but Witcher 3? I mean, it makes sense, given that Witcher 2 kind of foreshadowed that with its epilogue, but it's still surprising

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