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Mass Effect 3


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Finished it. One of the oddest gaming experiences I've had is probably the fairest description. I usually have some idea whether I actually liked the game or not at least once finishing it but for ME3... not a clue. I did manage to avoid most spoilers which at the moment seems more of an achievement than finishing the game. Haven't read far back in the thread, but in some attempt to organise my thoughts:


I liked a lot of the early stuff, and I even liked most of the shoehorned MP maps.

Against standard enemies being a biotic (never played one before) gave a good feeling of awsum.

The dialogue was wildly inconsistent quality wise. So was the story. I loathed the consistent use of maudlin and very quickly came to dread the 'sentimental' music starting up.

Whoever thought Kai Leng was a good idea needs an urgent taste transplant, even one from a coprophage would be an improvement.

Some of the enemies were grossly overpowered relative to baseline mooks

Guns were far too plink plink

I have absolutely no opinion whatsoever about the ending. That may be because the way the gameplay had imploded from the Cerberus Base onwards (got so bored I dropped the difficulty to narrative) was far more important than some Matrix type mystic addendum.

Overall the game felt almost completely like a 'gestalt'- a succession of ideas, philosophies and vignettes bolted together from various people and external sources because they were 'cool' or 'awsum' even if they did not gel together well as a whole.

And yes, squadmate distribution was not great either.


Or to sum up, mostly OK, some good but with some truly dreadful garbage- primarily anything related to Kai Leng and just about everything post and including Cerberus Base. Bioware also desperately needs some decent Producers and Project Managers able to draw together disparate groups to form a cohesive experience. By my count that's the third consecutive Bioware project with a significantly 'bolted together' feeling and the second with wildly variable quality as a result.

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the "bad guys" should have been the counsel all along. it would certainly have explained why they always seemed willfully ignorant of pretty much everything they were told.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Finished it. One of the oddest gaming experiences I've had is probably the fairest description. I usually have some idea whether I actually liked the game or not at least once finishing it but for ME3... not a clue. I did manage to avoid most spoilers which at the moment seems more of an achievement than finishing the game. Haven't read far back in the thread, but in some attempt to organise my thoughts:


I liked a lot of the early stuff, and I even liked most of the shoehorned MP maps.

Against standard enemies being a biotic (never played one before) gave a good feeling of awsum.

The dialogue was wildly inconsistent quality wise. So was the story. I loathed the consistent use of maudlin and very quickly came to dread the 'sentimental' music starting up.

Whoever thought Kai Leng was a good idea needs an urgent taste transplant, even one from a coprophage would be an improvement.

Some of the enemies were grossly overpowered relative to baseline mooks

Guns were far too plink plink

I have absolutely no opinion whatsoever about the ending. That may be because the way the gameplay had imploded from the Cerberus Base onwards (got so bored I dropped the difficulty to narrative) was far more important than some Matrix type mystic addendum.

Overall the game felt almost completely like a 'gestalt'- a succession of ideas, philosophies and vignettes bolted together from various people and external sources because they were 'cool' or 'awsum' even if they did not gel together well as a whole.

And yes, squadmate distribution was not great either.


Or to sum up, mostly OK, some good but with some truly dreadful garbage- primarily anything related to Kai Leng and just about everything post and including Cerberus Base. Bioware also desperately needs some decent Producers and Project Managers able to draw together disparate groups to form a cohesive experience. By my count that's the third consecutive Bioware project with a significantly 'bolted together' feeling and the second with wildly variable quality as a result.

Thats sounds awfully familiar, right down to playing Adept :lol:


Didn't think about changing the difficulty though, although that might have made the London level less tedious. Might consider that if I ever replay it.


Yes, the Marvel Comics ninja dud must be there for comic relief. For some reason I thought about Jar Jar Binks when running into him. He just doesn't fit anywhere in the game.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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This was by far my biggest issue with the game until the last hour or so of it. I was really taken aback when I saw the squad selection screen and saw there was only room for 6 squadmates. I was hoping that we'd see the return of the more awesome ones (like Legion). I would have traded away Liara/Ashely/Kaiden/James/Edi for the chance to team up with Wrex/Thane/Legion.

I fully agree with your points here, but I feel obliged to point out that the squad selection screen scales, so they could DLC character us to death, if they so wanted. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Sounds like they used the April 1st opportunity to poke fun at the ME retake movement from some of the items they posted...





The game is still very early in development, but here is a list of things we hope to include:

  • Hard science fiction.
  • Lots of engineering.
  • Fully working computer system.
  • Space battles against the AI or other players.
  • A game ending that makes sense.
  • Abandoned ships full of loot.
  • Waist high walls.
  • Seamlessly landing on planets.
  • Advanced economy system.
  • Mining, trading, and looting.

- Notch


Edited by greylord
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I recently finished a game of ME2 where I pretty much got around to do it all and tried really hard to keep it all Paragorn and I even spend some time watching some of that pointless footage in the video room on the Shadowbroker ship.. Turns out it wasn't all that pointless.


A bit spoilerish, but not naming anyone..



I met someones father, tending a bar on the Citadel and got them talking together.. It was quite fun to eavesdrop on that reunion.


(Signatures: disabled) 

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Well beat the game on my run through of all three games with a soldier (rather boring class to play, I find). Went with the synthetic flavour of explosion. Heh, yeah Allers is pretty freaking horrible, whoever decided Chobot needed to be included with that performance needs to be canned.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I guess they diverted manpower from the ending to that thing.


Which, apparently, has been up since before the game came out.

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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It's going to be interesting to see the Bio boards fan reaction if BioWare doesn't address the ending at PAX, and instead the only thing they announce at the event is the release of some pre-ending DLC.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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It's going to be interesting to see the Bio boards fan reaction if BioWare doesn't address the ending at PAX, and instead the only thing they announce at the event is the release of some pre-ending DLC.

Or multiplayer DLC, as it may be.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Finally finished it. Loved the combat, hated the unskippable dialogue clips and cutscenes, the mush, the dream sequences, and Tali. The game does have some awesome moments, but it's a bit all over the place in the sense that it takes heavily after stuff like War of the Worlds, Saving Pvt. Ryan, Star Wars and who knows what else, without ever attaining an identity of its own. I got the feeling they were trying so hard to go for that "cinematic experience" thing, that the quality of the product as a game suffered in the end, if that makes any sense. This is made worse by the way that major decisions of the previous games are rendered irrelevant -a hallmark of Bioware RPG design- and the continuous obtrusive railroading with regards to PC decisions and attitude. It seems to me that writers at Bio would be happier directing movies or writing books than making games.


I'll freely admit, however, that I had lots of fun playing the game. If only they didn't take themselves so seriously...


As for the ending craze, wow. I expected the ending to be much, much worse. It's not very good, but hardly warranting the reaction the game seems to be getting.


I'll probably be giving it another spin, after I find a good save editor to change import flags and decide what class I want to try next. Suggestions?

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Weren't the fans going to try to "ddos" the bioware booth by being annoying jackasses?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'll probably be giving it another spin, after I find a good save editor to change import flags and decide what class I want to try next. Suggestions?




Good save editor here (last link on the list). Alternately, google "gibbed save editor"


Or there's this site, if you'd rather have someone else do all the work: http://www.masseffectsaves.com/

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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