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Mass Effect 3


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Alternate endings as DLC. Hahahaahah... idiots got to throw away whatever little influence they had on a few seconds of cutscene. Meanwhile the real danger, the real thing that consumer advocates should be interested in, the DLC racketeering, is completely forgotten.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Is the game even that good for all this fuss about the ending? My bro says practially all of the missions are short and there's a ton of decisions made in the game that he didn't agree with. The worlds aren't even bigger to offset the lower than ME2 rez textures. From what I saw the game looked like a parody with some of the cheesiest dialogue/digital acting known to man and casting an African sounding guy as a Prothean - wouldn't it be much better if the Prothean spoke in some strange dialect with subtitles added? The failed "mysterious" ending seems more like the icing on the cake from what I can gather as opposed to the iceberg itself.

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The Prothean is probably the only really interesting party member this time around.


Some missions are short, but the 'priority' ones (those that propels the main story forward) are actually quite sizeable and elaborate. Some of them even quite spectacular in size and scope with impressive backgrounds featuring combat, reapers demolishing things and so on. Didn't pay attention to nitty gritty stuff like texture sizes, so for me it didn't really matter I suppose (it wasn't noticable when playing). I don't know what time restrictions they were under, but it looks like what is there, had fairly decent production values (I already commented elsewhere on the quality of the background "ambience" and little details that adds to the atmosphere elsewhere).


You even run into areas that are not corridor shaped, which makes for a nice change, especially with opponents that no longer only has two options (hide behind cover or bull rush you). The different behaviour of enemy types was a welcome addition. Unfortunately the game has some pacing issues (IMO), where it on one hand tries to create a sense of urgency and it is very top heavy with the combat (at the end, it feels like it's all you ever do in this game) on the other hand there is a lot of walking back and forth (and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth etc.) on the Citadel, being more or less the only non-combat location besides the Normandy. And, you can't even bring your party member along for a stroll, as everything there is scripted.


At least they got rid of most of the stupid mini games and there is no more hacking, lockpicking and other dull time fillers. Bonus point to Bioware for that. If they could just have made cutscenes skippable, it might have helped replayability.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Chris Priestley's twitter says that the rumor on the previous page is false. I really want to believe him because that idea for the "fourth" game is terrible.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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The Prothean is probably the only really interesting party member this time around.


Some missions are short, but the 'priority' ones (those that propels the main story forward) are actually quite sizeable and elaborate. Some of them even quite spectacular in size and scope with impressive backgrounds featuring combat, reapers demolishing things and so on. Didn't pay attention to nitty gritty stuff like texture sizes, so for me it didn't really matter I suppose (it wasn't noticable when playing). I don't know what time restrictions they were under, but it looks like what is there, had fairly decent production values (I already commented elsewhere on the quality of the background "ambience" and little details that adds to the atmosphere elsewhere).


You even run into areas that are not corridor shaped, which makes for a nice change, especially with opponents that no longer only has two options (hide behind cover or bull rush you). The different behaviour of enemy types was a welcome addition. Unfortunately the game has some pacing issues (IMO), where it on one hand tries to create a sense of urgency and it is very top heavy with the combat (at the end, it feels like it's all you ever do in this game) on the other hand there is a lot of walking back and forth (and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth etc.) on the Citadel, being more or less the only non-combat location besides the Normandy. And, you can't even bring your party member along for a stroll, as everything there is scripted.


At least they got rid of most of the stupid mini games and there is no more hacking, lockpicking and other dull time fillers. Bonus point to Bioware for that. If they could just have made cutscenes skippable, it might have helped replayability.

So I take from that, ME3 is improved in the action element, bigger backgrounds, more variety in battles at the cost of party interaction, the characters themselves and "exploration".

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Heh, IGN on "Bioware's decision to rework the ending"




"We asked around for someone here at IGN to support the decision from Bioware and talk about it in a positive light, but no-one here could"


Colin and his "I played the game to review it before everyone else, and I understood the ending, I got it.."


Geez, it's not like it's hard to understand the ending. It's just a really good ending..


I love how bio changing the ending based on feedback is losing artistic integrity. But them changing characters to hit all demographics based on feedback is not.

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Dialouge is at least as prevalent as Me2. Combat is better. Weapon mods and rolling. The short missons kinda feel like a waste of time, but there are long fulfilling ones as well that will get your blood boiling, a krogan one for instance. You still can't talk to companions during missions. I don't know if that's an engine limitation but it's pretty disapointing. You will have to track them down between missions to see if they have anything new to say. Dialouge options open bonus powers.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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If that Shepard is not really Shepard and "Mass Shift" part takes place, then that's even worse than the mysterious ending they have now. Seriously, who writes this stuff? Did they run out of ideas and just ask one of their children to come up with an idea for a cool story?


That leaker says too much. If he's real...it's a good thing he's gone already...or he'd be canned. Wonder what legal options there are for suing his arse.


If he's fake, then it will be known VERY quickly...well at least within a month.


However, I'd get the DLC. In a moment. It does clarify somewhat and give closure. It also means BW didn't ship a full game with a true ending.


Doubt I'd get the next ME game based simply on that...unless it got STELLAR RAVE FAN reviews. Forget the pro reviews...they do nothing for me.


Perhaps that's why they may not call it Mass Effect #


Well, that was considerably less then a month.



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So, which of the 16 endings was your favourite?

Mine was the one where the Mass Relays were destroyed.


Latest data mining analysis shows close to 100% of gamers (allowing for statistical errors) picked that one. That's probably going to be the established Canon for the franchise. They could have saved the efforts and money spent on the other 15.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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So, which of the 16 endings was your favourite?

Mine was the one where the Mass Relays were destroyed.



But did you get a red, blue, or green explosion?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Guest The Architect

So, which of the 16 endings was your favourite?

Mine was the one where the Mass Relays were destroyed.


Latest data mining analysis shows close to 100% of gamers (allowing for statistical errors) picked that one. That's probably going to be the established Canon for the franchise. They could have saved the efforts and money spent on the other 15.


Good point. Yeah, they may as well go with that one for canon.



So, which of the 16 endings was your favourite?

Mine was the one where the Mass Relays were destroyed.



But did you get a red, blue, or green explosion?


I got a blue explosion, but apparently the red, green, yellow, purple, orange, grey, pink, brown, burgundy, cyan, turquoise, sky blue, navy blue, olive and white colour endings were just as sweet.

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Well if you pick the blue ending, you can at least let the Reapers rebuild everything. You could even install them all in a EDI-like body, to accomodate all the Vrolik syndrome patients in the universe.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Well if you pick the blue ending, you can at least let the Reapers rebuild everything. You could even install them all in a EDI-like body, to accomodate all the Vrolik syndrome patients in the universe.



It doesn't actually say what kind of control is 'assumed', but since Shepard is destroyed in the process and the Citadel is destroyed as well I hope it means that Shepards consciousness is transferred to the Reapers somehow, which I assume also means that the Reapers are dumbed down to Shepards level of retardism and thus most likely unable to help rebuild anything other than romances.. Either that or the Indoctrinators become indoctrinated by Shepard at the same time they are securing a steady stream of indoctrinated servants.. As I understand it the Reaper body got an indoctrinating sphere..It's all a bit fuzzy.


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"Mass Effect concludes not so much with a bang or a whimper but with the sound you get from releasing a ballon and watching it fart its way around the lounge."


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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But, BIo fanboys and anti BIo fanboys are morans. Seriously, BIO is one of the few companies that can get such over the top overkill reaction over 'bad' endings 9or games. LMAO


get a life people 9and I need to get a lofie too disucsisng such nonsense, L0L).


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