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My soldier had most use for Liara and Javik, but they made the game too easy so occasionally I used EDI for the lulz.


Kaidan is utterly useless, Garrus is great too. Tali... as usual was only useful against Geth.


Never used Vega after Mars, he turned me off with his "Lola" bs.

My soldier Shepard took his bro Garrus to most missions, but everyone did get some time with the away team. Tali is useful against more than just Geth. She's pretty good against Cerberus as well as she can hack the turrets that engineers love to spam around the battlefield and her Energy Drain skill is effectively another Overload just without the possible stun effect. Works on barriers too so she isn't totally useless on reaper missions either. Give her the biggest shotgun you can find and she'll easily hold her own.


He's not that useful. In fact, he keeps dying all the time. I use EDI, Liara and Garrus.

You are crazy. Javik is a great squad member. Whoever was complaining about lift grenades earlier is out of their minds. His damage over time ability is great for preventing enemies from regaining barrier or shields and does a fair bit of damage on its own while the long duration makes it really easy to create biotic explosions with. Also his assault rifle is really good. Give it an ammo mod and you can just swing that death beam around the battlefield on full power for awhile.


Oh i like his assault rifle, use it a lot since it has unlimited ammo and i wanted something like that since i played Vanquish. :D Him i have no use for. Babes with submachine guns do more damage.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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The current popular theory is that Bioware implemented a fake ending. Y'know, to simulate the player being indoctrinated. And they'll release the real ending as a surprise. Because that's sane.




Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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The only thing that's fascinating there is how indoctrinated some people are that Bioware can't fail.


Actually they haven't even failed.


They just made the same game for the third time, including the crap ending. People are making an effort to forget the immensely stupid final boss of ME2 and the silly final mission is because there was the holy third game that would magically make sense of all the nonsense that had piled up sky high at that point.


The simple truth is that Mass Effect was made to be just as shallow, clich

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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The only thing that's fascinating there is how indoctrinated some people are that Bioware can't fail.


Actually they haven't even failed.


They just made the same game for the third time, including the crap ending. People are making an effort to forget the immensely stupid final boss of ME2 and the silly final mission is because there was the holy third game that would magically make sense of all the nonsense that had piled up sky high at that point.


The simple truth is that Mass Effect was made to be just as shallow, clich

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Drowsy Emperor: Theodor Adorno, just with less German. :disguise:


I still don't regret not buying any of the ME games, but I've enjoyed seeing all the "Narrative Evolution" claims that are increasingly being made about the series. I mean, I skimmed some LPs and read some spoilers now about the ME3 ending, and it just seems standard sci-fi, and it's not like the game has a special amount of reactivity. So it is curious how such powerful emotional engagements are apparently happening across the board.

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For me it peaked with ME2. I found a great deal of the stuff in ME3 to be padding with no real purpose. To make matters worse a poor journal and tying those pointless sidequests to overall result.


The ending of ME3 just failed on every level where as the T-800 in ME2 was just one of those WTF moments.While it's perfectly justifiable to call ME2 a game of subquests, those subquests were for the most part very well done, moreseo than ME3.


The imporovements I saw were :


1.Branching skills

2.Rolling - sounds trivial but I did miss it a lot playing over the ME2 demo again.

3.More dynamic battlefields (only in places though)

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"To make matters worse a poor journal and tying those pointless sidequests to overall result."


Journal works like the first two which were awesome. Why you hate so much?


If anything, I like the fact they make the 'pointless sidequests' more important to the main quest. It makes them actually matter the grand scheme of things - espciially since ME3 is about stopping the reaper threat with any means possible.


P.S. DE is so hooked on the ME series. He's its biggest fanboy. <>


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Drowsy Emperor: Theodor Adorno, just with less German. :disguise:


I still don't regret not buying any of the ME games, but I've enjoyed seeing all the "Narrative Evolution" claims that are increasingly being made about the series. I mean, I skimmed some LPs and read some spoilers now about the ME3 ending, and it just seems standard sci-fi, and it's not like the game has a special amount of reactivity. So it is curious how such powerful emotional engagements are apparently happening across the board.


Bioware fans have ever been a bit more fanatical than usual - Volourn being a good example - and Mass Effect fans are fanatics among Bioware fans.


With this, they've finally gone over the edge.

Edited by Azarkon

There are doors

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"To make matters worse a poor journal and tying those pointless sidequests to overall result."


Journal works like the first two which were awesome. Why you hate so much?


If anything, I like the fact they make the 'pointless sidequests' more important to the main quest. It makes them actually matter the grand scheme of things - espciially since ME3 is about stopping the reaper threat with any means possible.


P.S. DE is so hooked on the ME series. He's its biggest fanboy. <>

To say the journal gave you no help is to give it to much credit. I think that the level of pain that the ending caused, and it's backlash is entirely lost upon those who haven't actually played. It sounds good on paper, sure, but when you'[ve played through this game, and been told constntly by the game and developers that "What you do has consequence" only to find out in the last 4 minutes that everything you did... EVERYTHING you did, was completely pointless because Deus-ex-starchild showed up... that's a punch in the gut that won't go away.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I don't think it's just the fact that what you choices you made have pretty much no effect on the way the ending plays out.. But the ending provides no actual closure.


It just.. hangs there. Leaving you with no idea of what's actually happened to the world, the universe, the characters that you worked with.


Depending on the way you've played this game (and the pervious two), you've effected the characters around you. Potentially you help EDI feel "alive" and understand organics, which is a huuuge leap forward on the whole organic/synthetic front. You've managed to pull Garrus either more towards paragon or reneage, and all of the other effects you've potentially had on civilisations and important people.


It's the perfect setup for some sort of .. basic "glimpse of the future" of how it evolved, to show what your choices caused.. But nope.


It all comes down to "three buttons" that have no relation to what you've done before. And then just.. fizzles.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Drowsy Emperor: Theodor Adorno, just with less German. :disguise:


I still don't regret not buying any of the ME games, but I've enjoyed seeing all the "Narrative Evolution" claims that are increasingly being made about the series. I mean, I skimmed some LPs and read some spoilers now about the ME3 ending, and it just seems standard sci-fi, and it's not like the game has a special amount of reactivity. So it is curious how such powerful emotional engagements are apparently happening across the board.

There is some notable reactivity in the third game to choices made in the first two. Not as much as in The Witcher or AP, of course, but it's there. The thing is that it almost exclusively relates not to different situations that the player is put in but in which characters are involved in scenes. For example


The character of Kai Leng will always attempt, and always fail, to kill the Salarian councilor during Cerberus' siege on the Citadel midway through the game. However, there are different ways that scene can play out.


Someone has to die, but who dies depends on Shepard's actions in previous games. "First priority" of sorts is Thane Krios, the Drell assassin from ME2. If he's alive at the end of ME2 and you make contact with him early in ME3, when Kai Leng shows up Thane will intervene and prevent the assassination before being killed. If Thane is dead or (as in my case) alive but contact has not been made, it goes to "second priority" which is Major Kirrahe, the Salarian Commando who assists Shepard in the siege of Saren's base near the end of ME1 (if you do a few things during the fight through the base, he'll survive, otherwise he'll die). If Kirrahe is alive, he serves as a decoy and is killed in the Salarian councilor's stead. If both Thane and Kirrahe are dead, then apparently whichever team member you saved at the end of ME1 - Kaidan or Ashley - dies to protect the councilor.


There are other things as well - for example, if you persuaded Jack from ME2 to be more renegade-like in ME2, or you chose the serial killer Asari Morinth over her mother Samara, both will appear in ME3 but will be indoctrinated and turned into monsters by the Reapers. In my ending, Miranda appeared and was killed by Kai Leng, but that apparently doesn't always happen - I think having Thane stop Leng earlier in the game makes a difference.


Edited by Pop
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Just started a second playthrough. Really annoyed that I couldn't get the resolution I wanted for the Quarian missions because Legion had died in my imported game. That only happened because I had done too good a job and no one had died on the suicide mission up to that point, so the game just chose one at random for effect. I had all the loyalty missions etc.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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There is some notable reactivity in the third game to choices made in the first two. Not as much as in The Witcher or AP, of course, but it's there. The thing is that it almost exclusively relates not to different situations that the player is put in but in which characters are involved in scenes. For example


The character of Kai Leng will always attempt, and always fail, to kill the Salarian councilor during Cerberus' siege on the Citadel midway through the game. However, there are different ways that scene can play out.


Someone has to die, but who dies depends on Shepard's actions in previous games. "First priority" of sorts is Thane Krios, the Drell assassin from ME2. If he's alive at the end of ME2 and you make contact with him early in ME3, when Kai Leng shows up Thane will intervene and prevent the assassination before being killed. If Thane is dead or (as in my case) alive but contact has not been made, it goes to "second priority" which is Major Kirrahe, the Salarian Commando who assists Shepard in the siege of Saren's base near the end of ME1 (if you do a few things during the fight through the base, he'll survive, otherwise he'll die). If Kirrahe is alive, he serves as a decoy and is killed in the Salarian councilor's stead. If both Thane and Kirrahe are dead, then apparently whichever team member you saved at the end of ME1 - Kaidan or Ashley - dies to protect the councilor.


There are other things as well - for example, if you persuaded Jack from ME2 to be more renegade-like in ME2, or you chose the serial killer Asari Morinth over her mother Samara, both will appear in ME3 but will be indoctrinated and turned into monsters by the Reapers. In my ending, Miranda appeared and was killed by Kai Leng, but that apparently doesn't always happen - I think having Thane stop Leng earlier in the game makes a difference.




Does Jack actually get reaperfied? I know that if you don't save Grissom Academy she will turn up as a special named phantom in the Cerberus base in the end game, but it's not even a special model, it's a standard phantom enemy with a different name. The same thing happens with Morinth. She'll send you a few e-mails, then appear as a special named Banshee in London.


As for Miranda I think whether she lives or dies has to do with whether you contact her between Thessia and Horizon. I had Thane stop Leng, but Miranda died, while a friend had Kirrahe stop Leng and Miranda lived.


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There is some notable reactivity in the third game to choices made in the first two. Not as much as in The Witcher or AP, of course, but it's there. The thing is that it almost exclusively relates not to different situations that the player is put in but in which characters are involved in scenes. For example


The character of Kai Leng will always attempt, and always fail, to kill the Salarian councilor during Cerberus' siege on the Citadel midway through the game. However, there are different ways that scene can play out.


Someone has to die, but who dies depends on Shepard's actions in previous games. "First priority" of sorts is Thane Krios, the Drell assassin from ME2. If he's alive at the end of ME2 and you make contact with him early in ME3, when Kai Leng shows up Thane will intervene and prevent the assassination before being killed. If Thane is dead or (as in my case) alive but contact has not been made, it goes to "second priority" which is Major Kirrahe, the Salarian Commando who assists Shepard in the siege of Saren's base near the end of ME1 (if you do a few things during the fight through the base, he'll survive, otherwise he'll die). If Kirrahe is alive, he serves as a decoy and is killed in the Salarian councilor's stead. If both Thane and Kirrahe are dead, then apparently whichever team member you saved at the end of ME1 - Kaidan or Ashley - dies to protect the councilor.


There are other things as well - for example, if you persuaded Jack from ME2 to be more renegade-like in ME2, or you chose the serial killer Asari Morinth over her mother Samara, both will appear in ME3 but will be indoctrinated and turned into monsters by the Reapers. In my ending, Miranda appeared and was killed by Kai Leng, but that apparently doesn't always happen - I think having Thane stop Leng earlier in the game makes a difference.




Does Jack actually get reaperfied? I know that if you don't save Grissom Academy she will turn up as a special named phantom in the Cerberus base in the end game, but it's not even a special model, it's a standard phantom enemy with a different name. The same thing happens with Morinth. She'll send you a few e-mails, then appear as a special named Banshee in London.


As for Miranda I think whether she lives or dies has to do with whether you contact her between Thessia and Horizon. I had Thane stop Leng, but Miranda died, while a friend had Kirrahe stop Leng and Miranda lived.





Define Reaperfied.


You remember that guy you first discover on Mars and say...what happened to him...what is Cerberus doing?


Do you consider that Reaperfied or not?





Oh, and why I came here...Did Casey Hudson just give all the raving fans (~90% of them) the big middle finger in a recent interview that came out today....



What are your thoughts on the reaction to the game

Edited by greylord
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You couldn't actually chose Samara's daugther over Samara in Me2. I tired, Samara won anyway and didn't seem bothered by the experience.

I think you just misclicked.


Her bonus power is domination. Like AI Hacking, but for people. Which was pretty awesome.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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There is some notable reactivity in the third game to choices made in the first two. Not as much as in The Witcher or AP, of course, but it's there. The thing is that it almost exclusively relates not to different situations that the player is put in but in which characters are involved in scenes. For example


The character of Kai Leng will always attempt, and always fail, to kill the Salarian councilor during Cerberus' siege on the Citadel midway through the game. However, there are different ways that scene can play out.


Someone has to die, but who dies depends on Shepard's actions in previous games. "First priority" of sorts is Thane Krios, the Drell assassin from ME2. If he's alive at the end of ME2 and you make contact with him early in ME3, when Kai Leng shows up Thane will intervene and prevent the assassination before being killed. If Thane is dead or (as in my case) alive but contact has not been made, it goes to "second priority" which is Major Kirrahe, the Salarian Commando who assists Shepard in the siege of Saren's base near the end of ME1 (if you do a few things during the fight through the base, he'll survive, otherwise he'll die). If Kirrahe is alive, he serves as a decoy and is killed in the Salarian councilor's stead. If both Thane and Kirrahe are dead, then apparently whichever team member you saved at the end of ME1 - Kaidan or Ashley - dies to protect the councilor.


There are other things as well - for example, if you persuaded Jack from ME2 to be more renegade-like in ME2, or you chose the serial killer Asari Morinth over her mother Samara, both will appear in ME3 but will be indoctrinated and turned into monsters by the Reapers. In my ending, Miranda appeared and was killed by Kai Leng, but that apparently doesn't always happen - I think having Thane stop Leng earlier in the game makes a difference.




Does Jack actually get reaperfied? I know that if you don't save Grissom Academy she will turn up as a special named phantom in the Cerberus base in the end game, but it's not even a special model, it's a standard phantom enemy with a different name. The same thing happens with Morinth. She'll send you a few e-mails, then appear as a special named Banshee in London.


As for Miranda I think whether she lives or dies has to do with whether you contact her between Thessia and Horizon. I had Thane stop Leng, but Miranda died, while a friend had Kirrahe stop Leng and Miranda lived.





Define Reaperfied.


You remember that guy you first discover on Mars and say...what happened to him...what is Cerberus doing?


Do you consider that Reaperfied or not?





Good point. I wouldn't consider that the same thing, but I guess some might.


You couldn't actually chose Samara's daugther over Samara in Me2. I tired, Samara won anyway and didn't seem bothered by the experience.


Yes, you could.

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You couldn't actually chose Samara's daugther over Samara in Me2. I tired, Samara won anyway and didn't seem bothered by the experience.


Yes, you could.

You just needed a truck load of renegade points to pull it off.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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You could not only choose Morinth over Samara, you could let her talk you into sex later on your ship with her claiming that you were so powerful you'd survive.


Yeah. Right.


Hm, one thing that has me curious, The Rachni Queen issue, and Grunt. Is it possible for him to actually die on that mission or is he always going to survive? Or is there some weird decision/choice you made earlier that effects that?


I mean, apparently Mirando only survives the Sanctuary if you mention KL to her during one of the earlier conversations with her.. (Although I haven't tried not mentioning him as an experiment yet...).


Thane is dead regardless of your choices, I mean, either quietly off screen or in the process of saving the Salarian Council member..


Mordin pretty much pulls a Spock (or..well, other things).


Kasumi fakes her death, but Shep realises it. Has anyone managed a different result there?


I don't think its possible for Zaeed to die off in his short encounter... And even with everything going on, it seems pretty clear that Jacob is an automatically survive his extraction as well..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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You could not only choose Morinth over Samara, you could let her talk you into sex later on your ship with her claiming that you were so powerful you'd survive.


Yeah. Right.


Hm, one thing that has me curious, The Rachni Queen issue, and Grunt. Is it possible for him to actually die on that mission or is he always going to survive? Or is there some weird decision/choice you made earlier that effects that?


I mean, apparently Mirando only survives the Sanctuary if you mention KL to her during one of the earlier conversations with her.. (Although I haven't tried not mentioning him as an experiment yet...).


Thane is dead regardless of your choices, I mean, either quietly off screen or in the process of saving the Salarian Council member..


Mordin pretty much pulls a Spock (or..well, other things).


Kasumi fakes her death, but Shep realises it. Has anyone managed a different result there?


I don't think its possible for Zaeed to die off in his short encounter... And even with everything going on, it seems pretty clear that Jacob is an automatically survive his extraction as well..


You have it right on Miranda. Thane and Mordin always die. Kasmui, Zaeed and Grunt will die if you didn't have their loyalty in ME2.

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You could not only choose Morinth over Samara, you could let her talk you into sex later on your ship with her claiming that you were so powerful you'd survive.


Yeah. Right.


Hm, one thing that has me curious, The Rachni Queen issue, and Grunt. Is it possible for him to actually die on that mission or is he always going to survive? Or is there some weird decision/choice you made earlier that effects that?


I mean, apparently Mirando only survives the Sanctuary if you mention KL to her during one of the earlier conversations with her.. (Although I haven't tried not mentioning him as an experiment yet...).


Thane is dead regardless of your choices, I mean, either quietly off screen or in the process of saving the Salarian Council member..


Mordin pretty much pulls a Spock (or..well, other things).


Kasumi fakes her death, but Shep realises it. Has anyone managed a different result there?


I don't think its possible for Zaeed to die off in his short encounter... And even with everything going on, it seems pretty clear that Jacob is an automatically survive his extraction as well..


Explains why Zaeed died in my first playthrough. It was with my character which I basically said...screw you Zaeed, I'm helping the workers!

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I bought none of the ME2 DLC. Plot-critical things should be in the actual game.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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There is lots of C&C in the ME series and it shows in ME3. heck, on this very page is example of C&C with people claiming x can never happen then others come in and say no that can happen.


Casey Hudson is awesome in the interview. the so callled 'fans' are pieces of crap morans. the endings are fine. the beginning not so much.


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