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-No new Romance in ME3


My god 8)


Galaxies are exploding! Skulls are being broken in half! Everything is getting twisted, it's the end of the world!

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Some of it's not that surprising.. I mean they said with ME2 that one of the key reasons they didn't give you the same team you had in ME1 was so there was no chance they'd be dead by the time ME3 came around.

- Although after making a point of saying that, they then put Tali and Garrus on the squad again.... So I guess they weren't overworried about their survival. 8)


I guess it made sense to throw Tali in so you could have the whole Quarrian connection and possibility of "woo-ing" the Quarrians to your side before ME3 kicks off.


Heh, and the thing about 70% of players did not remain faithful to their ME1 romances. I mean c'mon, Ashley or Kaidan (whoever survived) treat you like crap when you return without bothering to listen to your reasons.. it's pretty much written to cause you to feel as if that relationship breaks before you start flirting with ME2 squad-mates. Though you do get a rather toneless email semi-apology from them at a later date... But apparently if you "cheated" on whoever it was, there will be some form of consequences.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Some of it's not that surprising.. I mean they said with ME2 that one of the key reasons they didn't give you the same team you had in ME1 was so there was no chance they'd be dead by the time ME3 came around.

- Although after making a point of saying that, they then put Tali and Garrus on the squad again.... So I guess they weren't overworried about their survival. :shifty:


It was only the three romance characters they wanted to protect, and even them one of them would always be dead anyway.

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No mention of Miranda? Come on. That AZZ! has to make apart of my squad.


No new romances.. makes sense... they likely alreayd have enough romance stuff to deal with as is. The different reaperfied enemies sound interesting.


Overall good stuff.


Still, bring me MIRANDA'S AZZ!


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What's this supposed to mean?


I suppose structurally? Mass Effect 2 had a very barebones story with a couple of setpieces and relied mostly on the characters' individual arcs.

Mass Effect instead had a progression where every mission theoretically added something to the main story.

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-Why is Cerberus after Shepard?

They are working with the Reapers

"If your wondering why we were fighting Cerberus, having worked closely with this shadowy organisation in Mass Effect 2, the answer just raises further questions.

They are wokring with the Reapers



The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Apparently some comics

retconned the First Contact War as something about the Reapers, with humans and Turians calling themselves by their name and some other stuff like that. I think the Illusive Man also got his eyes huskified there, or at least, that's what I gather by the NeoGAF thread



Some info from a Bioware thread, gathered by GameBanshee:


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-Why is Cerberus after Shepard?

They are working with the Reapers

"If your wondering why we were fighting Cerberus, having worked closely with this shadowy organisation in Mass Effect 2, the answer just raises further questions.

They are wokring with the Reapers



Indeed, even the ever vigilant ME2 defenders on GAF are pissed.


That's Bioware's epic storytelling for you.

Edited by Purkake
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Wait, humans turned into huge reaper? That's like the next sep in evolution 'n' ****, would make us kings of the universe!

Is the best reason I can think of.


Also, "yay" at everyone berating you how you were stupid to trust them in 2. Even if you didn't. And it was forced.

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It could make some sense if it were unknown to Cerebus at large. Perhaps the Illusive man was changing, he knew he was changing, and knew eventually he'd fall under the Reaper's sway. Hence he needed someone that not only could fight the Reapers, but could give him the big FU if needed. Answer: Shephard.

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Umm.... The council gets replaced by ME2 already, never mind ME3. :verymad:



Besides, it's the Alliance.

They did? Never noticed that during ME2. :ermm:


Anyways, list of additional features sounds great, bar Cerberus (they just have no clue what to do with them each game, do they?) and "Reaperfied enemies". I mean, what? :x




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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"Reaperfied enemies". I mean, what? >_<

The fact that most opponents are going to be husk variants shouldn't exactly be a surprise at this stage, and I'm not sure what the problem even is.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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-Why is Cerberus after Shepard?

They are working with the Reapers



Best reasoning I can think of :

Cerberus thinks that nobody has a chance of standing up against the Reaper, so they set up a colony on a backwater planet, with all of their infrastructure hidden, all communications cut and no record anywhere of the settling. They think that they can trick the Reapers and keep a colony that could then be used as the beginning of a new era where the human race would be the dominant race in the galaxy. And they help the Reapers in order to make sure that every other sufficiently advanced race is wiped out.


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Crackpot theories about Cerberus intentions....this is starting to become BioBoard thread. :no:


Best reasoning; and in all likelihood the main cause, for Cerberus chasing Shepard is: the Reapers are too big to have a shootout with, they need some smaller enemy to fill the game before the grand finale. Collectors are all done for, BW decides ok let's make it Cerberus, because sentient life its stupid enough to fight each other in the face of complete annihilation, no matter if is someone that created the biggest Pro-Human group ever.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Best reasoning; and in all likelihood the main cause, for Cerberus chasing Shepard is: the Reapers are too big to have a shootout with, they need some smaller enemy to fill the game before the grand finale. Collectors are all done for, BW decides ok let's make it Cerberus, because sentient life its stupid enough to fight each other in the face of complete annihilation, no matter if is someone that created the biggest Pro-Human group ever.

On the other hand, there already seem to be huskified versions of all sentient life in the universe as cannon fodder.


Sannom's theory makes sense, and mirrors the actions of the Protheans on Ilos.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Good to know that the guys who did logistics for GI Joe found job after the show tanked.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I think they just wanted to appeal the "Cerberus sucks, why was I working for them in the first place when I wanted to kill them" crowd. To which I belong.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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