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HBO's Game of Thrones


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I guess no one else found the first episode boring?

There was almost no fantasy elements to catch attention and it mostly consisted of the introduction to the (typically pop-culture-distorted) characters and politics.


would you prefer the typical fantasy approach?


"zomg you the Chosen One!"

"no wai! i'm just a farmer/street urchin/irrelevant peasant!"

"is troofs! you are destined to defeat Epic Big Bad Guy!"

"okay now all of a sudden i have awesome fighting/magic skills. i'm ready for my destiny!"


If done in sufficiently corny way?



But when you try to go for a serious approach and have little original ideas to present please don't hit me over the head with exposition.

I can catch things on the fly and it's unlikely I will bond with cast this large anyway.

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I guess no one else found the first episode boring?

There was almost no fantasy elements to catch attention and it mostly consisted of the introduction to the (typically pop-culture-distorted) characters and politics.


would you prefer the typical fantasy approach?


"zomg you the Chosen One!"

"no wai! i'm just a farmer/street urchin/irrelevant peasant!"

"is troofs! you are destined to defeat Epic Big Bad Guy!"

"okay now all of a sudden i have awesome fighting/magic skills. i'm ready for my destiny!"


When Bio tried to do that in a game (and I'm talking very tentatively tried, your character is still referred to as THE CHAMPION in the bloody opening cinematic, even if the rest is more... low-key), the 2nd most common complaint after the "whinemoan, recycled areas, this has never happened befores!" was "dudebro, dis not epic enuff!". S'yeah, safer to stick to volcanic destruction of magical artifacts.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Well duh, if I want mundane Ill go look out my window.


Well sure, if you can see boobs, political plots, sword fights and boobs from your window.

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There will be more fantasy elements as it goes on, but in the 4 books so far, nothing even close to the level of your usual fantasy RPG.


The drive of the story is the characters and the roles they play in the overall plot and setting. If you can't get into that stuff, you won't like it. Fighter is right though; it has a book's pacing, and all the characters will probably feel really hollow at this point (they certainly did for me with the book!).



Oh, and the series has a really high death count. Don't expect anyone to survive forever.

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At least writers like Erikson & Cook manage to deliver both the "epic" and soap opera in copious amounts. Feast for Crows was Danielle Steel with swords.


When Bio tried to do that in a game (and I'm talking very tentatively tried, your character is still referred to as THE CHAMPION in the bloody opening cinematic, even if the rest is more... low-key), the 2nd most common complaint after the "whinemoan, recycled areas, this has never happened befores!" was "dudebro, dis not epic enuff!". S'yeah, safer to stick to volcanic destruction of magical artifacts.

Not bad, until you mentioned LOTR.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Once again, good but not great. Is it just me or does it feel hollow? The Catlyn's animosity for Jon Snow, they touched on it but it just doesn't feel like it's there. In the book it felt real. In the book Cersei was using the incident with Sansa Joffrey and Arya to drive a wedge between Ned and Robert. In the book she is terrified of Stark. But the show is really soft selling it. Peter Dinkledge is doing a hell of a job with Tyrion though. That is a very difficult and complex character and right now he owns it. That girl that plays Sansa is the weak link in the cast so far.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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yeah but bear in mind Sansa is a very weak character early on


haven't seen the second episode yet, but i noticed in the first there was no sign of Rickon, nor of any of the wolves other than Ghost and Summer

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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I liked the 2nd one better than the first. It still feels a bit choppy in places but even 10 episodes is a bit short for this book, I think, so it's kind of unavoidable. But they're getting past the "here be these characters" intros so it's starting to feel more engaging. I don't have many "they got it wrong" feelings since I'm not a huge fan/that knowledgeable of the books themselves (read only 1, and years ago). As a series, I suspect by the end of the 3rd or 4th episode it's going to become something really good.


Agree about Sasha...so far I only find her gratingly annoying. Sean Bean's ability to convey subtle emotions without saying a word is great, and Peter Dinklage is still awesome. Daenerys is a chr. that I found rather dull & drawn out in the book but I like her arc more in the series, not sure why. Maybe the story-compression works better on her chr.


The scene/compression that annoyed me the most tonight was Caetyln's discovery of treachery. Like EW's recap humorously said, "and suddenly Game of Thrones becomes CSI: Winterfell." :mellow: If you haven't read EW's episode recap, it's all-in-good-fun fandom hilarious. It's all about spoilers tho, so ppl who haven't seen the episode/s or read the books should steer clear.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm really liking it so far. As always, one must be a fool to expect a series to go into the same depth as the books do. It's just not going to happen, the mediums are too different and the books can take their time in a completely different way. Subtleties will be missed. This is not exactly news.

I mean, of course one can argue on what should be in or not but you're simply not going to capture it all. It's an impossibility. Plus, the story-telling will have to work differently because the books are constantly switching sides between characters and showing off different sides. You can't work the subtleties in the same way in a TV-show with limited time to offer.


I think Sansa so far is ok, hard to say. But I think it's a tough character to play as well because in the books, I found it pretty painful to read her chapters as first. I found the whole "innocent, wide-eyed young girl" theme to be really overdone with her. One of my main complaints about the earlier parts of the books actually.


So far, I think Eddard, Robert, Tyrion and Danerys are the strongest members of the cast.

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I liked the 2nd one better than the first. It still feels a bit choppy in places but even 10 episodes is a bit short for this book, I think, so it's kind of unavoidable. But they're getting past the "here be these characters" intros so it's starting to feel more engaging. I don't have many "they got it wrong" feelings since I'm not a huge fan/that knowledgeable of the books themselves (read only 1, and years ago). As a series, I suspect by the end of the 3rd or 4th episode it's going to become something really good.

Heathen, book 3 is gold, GOLD, I tell you.



No really, it is.


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I'm enjoying The Borgias a lot more. Jeremy Irons is great as the Capo di tutti Catholics.

I love that one too, specially since it began right after I finished my AC2:B run.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Might as well post this here.


A Dance With Dragons is done, apparently. For those that don't know, GRRM referred to ADWD on his blog as Kong, hence the picture.


And here it is, confirmed by his publisher. Supposedly it's longer than A Storm of Swords. :thumbsup:



We should probably get a separate thread for ASoIaF, spoilers for the TV series and whatnot.


That said, yay!

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