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FO: NV (General Discussion)

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I think that New Vegas has lengthened Alpha Protocol's legs so it may eventually do a bit better than its initial reception would suggest. I also think they made some design decisions (not having the option to play a female character, the emphasis on quick decision-making) that narrowed its audience. I'm not saying that those decisions weren't necessary in order to make the game they did--or that it wasn't a good game--but while my husband loved it, it wasn't a game for me. Rather, it was the first Obsidian game I didn't buy.


Hopefully, another Obsidian original would aim to be more inclusive. "Not going there" needn't mean second-hand IPs. It just needs to mean designing gameplay that appeals to a broader audience.

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Their original "games" is only one...

You're forgetting the much lamented Aliens RPG, which was cancelled. I didn't say released games.


It wasn't an original IP :ermm:

If you going to be strict about it. It wasn't based on any other game, that's what I meant, and the engine, story, everything would be brand new. Only the setting would have something in common with the movies, but that's a pretty weak connection.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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that's my ppoint. I have a ... "feeling", that Obsids' version of DS will look and play exactly like Gothic


And why? So far, the screenshots we saw from DS3 do look not at all like a Gothic game.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I would really love to see another World of Darkness videogame.

Isn't there a WoD MMO in production?

Yes. I thought there was also a single player game, but I can't find reference to it.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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To be honest, I don't care what they do as long as it has good writing and rpg elements just like AP and FONV.

Btw, in the latest Interview with C.Avellone, he mentions AP2 as something he would like to work on. I shall not lose my hope!


In the meantime, I will keep my eyes on DS3.

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Started another game as a melee/explosive/unarmed man with 1 INT. Is the 1 INT worth the funny dialogue? Because I'm making an LP of the game and I don't know if I'm just crewing myself over with skill points.


Also, the throw range on dynamite is pathetic. I know Heave, Ho! fixes this, but I really shouldn't have to take a perk so I can launch my explosives far enough that they don't blow off my leg. Same thing with Missiles - the area of effect is ridiculous.


"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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To be honest I'm just in the strip, I'm level 18 with 8 INT, and I have 75+ in Guns, Science, Sneak, Lockpick and Speech. Combine that with skill books and I think I haven't been stopped by a skill check the entire game except for a couple of barter/repair-only ones. Next game i think I'll go with 3 or 4 INT (3 gets you dummy talk right?), it's just too much.


Bethforums have a lot of complaints about nerfed explosives, I'm not sure - with 25 explosives I found the range bad, but not unuseable.

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NPD is more reliable because they HAVE the sales number, while VGChartz uses methods to estimate sales. Unfortunately, afaik, NPD doesn't show its numbers anymore, so we're stuck with VGChartz. And, I'm pretty sure that New Vegas' numbers were US only.


Nope, it's worldwide. Still wish Valve would release it's numbers, because if Valve really has 20 mil accounts, you would have to figure FO:NV would sell 500K+ on it.

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My first run was with explosives/ melee weapons specialist. Missiles, granade rifles and such were basically useless because all the more difficult mobs had unreal movement speed. Dynamites were useful at low levels because they one shot mobs but that power didn't scale well in later levels and with more powerful explosives. I had all the perks that would increase explosives damage but still usually it was better just melee mobs while letting Boone to do ranged damage. Bottlecap mines and C4 were still useful, but C4 was was too pricey for common mobs (1,4k caps per kill - ok, in late game money wasn't the issue but without metagaming I didn't know that) and limited supply and reseources for bottlecap mines were extremely difficult to find. I think I only found about 15 cherrybombs and those were only enough for 3 bottlecap mines. Holy hand granade (no bunny to be seen :thumbsup: ) was good, but only found 3 of those as well.

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How are people finding the leveling speed?


I though FO3's leveling rate was absurd and the game was unplayable without a mod to slow it down. Are people finding NV to be a bit more balanced in this regard?

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I purchased my copy on STEAM and something mkreku said makes me think he did two. Not that two of us here consitutes some sort of statistical significance or anything.


I like the good natured at start trait. The one that nerfs combat but adds to a host of noncombat stuff. You really only need one combat skill, which you can tag, and those noncombat skills really help throughout the entire game. Plus, with a high intelligence, you can seriously ramp up a good three or four skills really fast, which includes yoru combat pick and a few others. This game really rewards science builds for both practical and rpg purposes.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Slowtrain, FNV rate is equally absurd, though improved by getting a perk every other level. Luckily it's a quick adjustment on the GECK, sounds like, so am planning to knock it down a lot afte rmy first playthrough.

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I never understood the big deal about fast leveling. I mean, yeah, you level fairly fast, but why does it stick in folks' craw so much? Serious question. Maybe someone could make me understand.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I never understood the big deal about fast leveling. I mean, yeah, you level fairly fast, but why does it stick in folks' craw so much? Serious question. Maybe someone could make me understand.

Without serious self-gimping, it makes you too powerful too fast?


I don't mind being a killing machine in games like Diablo (in fact I kinda like it) where items and the hunt for very rare ones is what keeps me going, but games like NV have me wanting combat scenarios to have a little adrenaline & satisfaction kick to them. Otherwise I get little bored of doing 100's of 'go here do this' quests to finish the plotline. It becomes "ho hum, another location, another Vault" instead of "ooo another scary/tough Vault." And no, for me the plot isn't enough. Tho I do really enjoy torturing Boone and other non-essential silly things for hours, a whole lot, too.


...hence why I'll restart over and over...the early levels are the hardest/present the most challenge. Or I'll try beating a game while staying lvl 1 or reload a tough battle repeatedly. :)


I've been having great fun trying to take on a lot of Freeside & its surrounding areas whilst lvl 3. My low skill scores (speech is 20, Barter is 14, etc), however, are starting to be an impediment to doing quests they way I want. :lol:

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Yes, leveling speed is bit too fast but I think it's hard to balance in game where main quest can be done really fast. Then again, if you choose to do side quests and generally just explore around, levels go by before you even notice it. Same with gathering money. During my first run when I finally found my way to Vegas, I had over 50k caps and other 25k in various zero weight valuables (with zero points put into barter). Then quests in Freeside suggest that it's somewhat difficult to get into the heart of the city (yeah, that 1k caps sure is hard to come by... maybe at level 1 :lol: ). Rewards are pocket change in Freeside. I wonder if developers at some point meant Freeside to be the newbie area and only later on chose it to be Goodsprings. Freeside really feel like it's balanced for levels 1-5 (not including speech / barter checks).

Let's play Alpha Protocol

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Yes, leveling speed is bit too fast but I think it's hard to balance in game where main quest can be done really fast.

I completely agree. Open games such as this one, trying to balance for all possible ways someone might wish to play it out, it's always a problem.

Which is why earlier I was saying I wasn't complaining....because I can change things myself via the editor, while others who think it's fine the way it is can leave it alone. It's all good. :lol:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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But why are developers so afraid of presenting a challenge to the player? I would have been perfectly fine with finishing the game before I reached level 30. As it was now, I spent 75% of the game being level 30 and not increasing my character one iota, except for the occasional skill book and unique weapon. It got boring fast.


I used a rebar club with my melee character last night. I went from level 6 to level 10 in a couple of minutes, massacring hordes of cazadores with ease (50 xp each, even though I am one-shotting them). It makes me miss the five minute battles with one orc in Gothic 2.

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Isnt the game quite hard if you play on the hardest difficulty with hardcore enabled?

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Isnt the game quite hard if you play on the hardest difficulty with hardcore enabled?


More challenging? Sure. But if you built your character decently and don't self-gimp, it's still pretty easy. Not that the game needs to be quite as hardcore as Gothic, but I too would have preferred a little bit of challenge.


Oh well, there are still mods for that. Heck, actually, I should learn to use the GECK and build one myself. :lol:

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I think there's a good chance that the majority of players don't even finish the game. I took the time to get all the achievements on Portal and then looked through the list. Just shy of 60% of the people had earned the Fratricide achievement, which is necessary to finish the game. Just shy of 47% of the people had earned Heartbreaker, which the player receives after finishing the game. Now, I suppose that some of the achievements might not record for one reason or another, but there's still a discrepancy between earning a midway achievement and the endgame achievement. A lot of folks must never have made it midway through and even more must have failed to reach the end.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Yeah, I'm having similar experience as mkreku, only I'm still lvl 3 (enforced by my quickie modding). Each 'next better' weapon seems to increase dmg exponentially even with skills only at lvl 30 or 40. I can't initiate any dialogue skill-checks at all, and I'm certainly not getting "all critical kills" but I'm still punching through most things because of the weapons that drop from relatively easy enemies early on (like Legion & cowboy repeaters). I know where the risk-free sniper rifle is but I'm leaving it alone for now. heh


For kicks, I'm considering letting myself level naturally until about 8 and then activating a mod where I'd need a billion xp to reach lvl9, so I'd have to plan skill use very carefully...and see if I can beat the game at that level. If I don't quite make it, that's ok...I just find it really fun trying. :lol:


Edit: @ cant - It's odd because I wouldn't normally think of myself as 'hardcore' but games like this I guess I am. What I find entertaining/challenging can get a bit quirky! heheh

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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