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A few dollars more.


The spaghetti westerns with Eastwood, Van Cleef, and ensemble rocks the pants off anything else, even Jhon Ford. Morricone as usual takes it up the final notch.


My all time favorites are probably Once upon a time, A Fistful of Dynamite, and the Good the Bad and the Ugly

Once upon a time in the West > every other western ever made.

Just watched it again last night. Perfection.

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Enough about how much of a fool Bush is, leave that to a separate thread.


Aww, but I was enjoying reading a bunch of forum goers using big words to hide the fact that all they're saying is "NO YOU". :ermm:


I watched Jurassic Park and it's first sequel. As a dino nerd, these movies always interest me.

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Watched W which I bought on DVD. Decent movie, portrayed Bush pretty accurately as the bumbling fool that he was, who surrounded himself with corrupted people.

ah, yes, given that you obviously have such intimate knowledge of the man. what's more idiotic, your statement, or his behavior, i wonder?



What are you babbling about?


I think I'll watch that great movie Fahrenheit 9/11 about Bush and his friends in the Middle East made by Michael Moore next.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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Hey, Michael Moore is a great American patriot, don't you know? Ugh, I'm just not good at sarcasm. I haven't seen W, but I've heard that it's actually pretty balanced and insightful. It doesn't just pile on things indiscriminantly.


Honest to goodness, though, Michael Moore can be a great entertainer. He's a bald faced liar, but, what the hell, it's not like he's the only one.

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Hey, Michael Moore is a great American patriot, don't you know? Ugh, I'm just not good at sarcasm. I haven't seen W, but I've heard that it's actually pretty balanced and insightful. It doesn't just pile on things indiscriminantly.



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Hey, Michael Moore is a great American patriot, don't you know? Ugh, I'm just not good at sarcasm. I haven't seen W, but I've heard that it's actually pretty balanced and insightful. It doesn't just pile on things indiscriminantly.


Honest to goodness, though, Michael Moore can be a great entertainer. He's a bald faced liar, but, what the hell, it's not like he's the only one.




Why did my mind just pop up with Star Wars:The Michael Moore Cut?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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The series that he did in the 90's was the best thing about Moore (I haven't seen Roger and Me though).


I remember one episode when guy was denied payment from his insurance company, for reasons that i now have forgot, to treat his disease. This disease, if left untreated would certainly be fatal for the patient. Of course this guy didn't have the money either to pay out of his own pocket. Anyhoo, at first Mr. Moore tried to talk to the insurance company and actually got an interview where the PR-guy from the company, who kindly said that they weren't denying treatment to their client, just payment, due to reasons that he didn't want to answer directly. Even after trying to convince that client didn't have the several hundreds of thousands, or up to a million dollars of spare cash, the company didn't budge. The comment was "The decision, as it stands now, is not revokable". Ok, swell then, the guy was more or less dead within a year anyway.


The next day, the guy returned to the insurance companys HQ and started to give invitations to his own funeral to anyone he met, with Moore in the asking sarcastic questions about what kind of flowers they are going to give and what speeches they were going to have. Promptly, the insurance company changed their decision and the guy could have his operation and corresponding rehabilitation.



I think that Moore started to get head over heels when he tried to investigate matters that were more abstract that the usual avarage guy being screwed by the government or the corporations.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Recently, we watched Australia. It wasn't bad. I was cooking, and so I didn't see the whole thing. It was a bit more campy than I'd expected, but it wasn't a bad film The social commentary centered on the treatment of mixed European/aborigine children in Australian society. I think it was meant to an epic film in the manner of Giant, but it was a little too campy. I enjoyed it well enough.


The wife and I started Underworld, which she didn't like. I finished it. It wasn't bad. I'm getting some serious vampire fatigue right now, but it was okay. It wasn't really a scary film, but I think it would have been better if we'd stopped doing anything else, sat on the couch with the lights off, and watched it. The lighting would have had more effect, I think. Anyhow, I don't regret watching it, but I didn't rush out to buy it, either.


With me, it's easy for a film to get a passing grade. It's a lot harder either to get rave reviews or to flunk entirely.

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With me, it's easy for a film to get a passing grade. It's a lot harder either to get rave reviews or to flunk entirely.

apparently you haven't seen greaser's palace.



comrade taks... just because.

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oh god. it's actually a biopic on jesus' life, as i recall, and scores rather well at IMDB. it is, to put it plainly, retarded. even moreso when you consider the actual story, not the metaphorical one.


the "palace" btw, is an outhouse.



comrade taks... just because.

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Hey, Michael Moore is a great American patriot, don't you know? Ugh, I'm just not good at sarcasm. I haven't seen W, but I've heard that it's actually pretty balanced and insightful. It doesn't just pile on things indiscriminantly.



Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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The series that he did in the 90's was the best thing about Moore (I haven't seen Roger and Me though).


I remember one episode when guy was denied payment from his insurance company, for reasons that i now have forgot, to treat his disease. This disease, if left untreated would certainly be fatal for the patient. Of course this guy didn't have the money either to pay out of his own pocket. Anyhoo, at first Mr. Moore tried to talk to the insurance company and actually got an interview where the PR-guy from the company, who kindly said that they weren't denying treatment to their client, just payment, due to reasons that he didn't want to answer directly. Even after trying to convince that client didn't have the several hundreds of thousands, or up to a million dollars of spare cash, the company didn't budge. The comment was "The decision, as it stands now, is not revokable". Ok, swell then, the guy was more or less dead within a year anyway.


The next day, the guy returned to the insurance companys HQ and started to give invitations to his own funeral to anyone he met, with Moore in the asking sarcastic questions about what kind of flowers they are going to give and what speeches they were going to have. Promptly, the insurance company changed their decision and the guy could have his operation and corresponding rehabilitation.



I think that Moore started to get head over heels when he tried to investigate matters that were more abstract that the usual avarage guy being screwed by the government or the corporations.


Something similar happened in Sicko, a guy was denied treatment so he contacted his insurance company and said he was going to tell his story to Michael Moore who was doing a documentary on the US medical system. Within days his treatment was approved.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Terminator Salvation. Pretty decent, better than the last one. Seems strange not having Arnold in a Terminator movie. But he's too old to be an action hero.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
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Terminator Salvation. Pretty decent, better than the last one. Seems strange not having Arnold in a Terminator movie. But he's too old to be an action hero.


yeah, but that's not hard is it...? :thumbsup:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Rise of the Foot Soldier


To be honest I didn't understand what the hell was going on for about 3/4's of the film. It's amazing how we both speak the same language but I cannot decipher Walsingham's people's dialect with any confidence whatsoever. That wasn't even my main gripe though, the story was convoluted, had low production value, and the pacing and structure was wacky as hell. The hollow and excessive violence didn't help either. There was a fair amount of bewbies present, however, it just wasn't enough to save this one.



There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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Just watched Terminator, rise of the latest franchise movie. It was a good flick. Nothing for the diaries, but I enjoyed it.


Arnold was in the movie, in a sense. I almost laughed. If you liked the previous films, you'll probably like this one. Personally, I enjoyed all three of the predecessors.

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Just watched Terminator, rise of the latest franchise movie. It was a good flick. Nothing for the diaries, but I enjoyed it.


Arnold was in the movie, in a sense. I almost laughed. If you liked the previous films, you'll probably like this one. Personally, I enjoyed all three of the predecessors.


The Arnold appearance got a couple cheers from some of the people in the back of our theatre when I went to see it earlier. I'm disappointed that Space hasn't been airing Terminator 2 non-stop again like the did when T3 came out. I might have to actually go buy it.

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Terminator has been getting trashed by critics. I'm a fan of Christian Bale, so I'll definitely try and see it.


I liked 3, but really just for the ending. I just didn't expect them to actually blow up the world. I figured they'd try to drag it out more.

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