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Games that made you weep

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Personally, I don't get why controlling your whole party should even be plausible. OK, IE games did it. So? I'm not roleplaying my NPCs. I'm roleplaying the PC. That's so far from a dealbreaker to me as not to matter. Besides, use TonyK's AI hak and you can get a 'lot' more control over your henchmen. Most quality mods will let you control when they switch weapons, how they use potions and spells.


As for the content, the CEP adds so much material you could basically build an entire mod and never see anything from the OC if you didn't want to. And the "highly-regarded mods" of 3-4 years ago are mostly blown away by what's come out in the last 2 years. Even builders who were around then, like Savant, have polished their craft a great deal. And there's other builders who are involved now who are simply better writers than most of those. That said, there's Firestarter's Ravenloft series, which uses no haks and just base material, but you would rarely know unless you had screenshots out and looked at them at the same time.

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Personally, I don't get why controlling your whole party should even be plausible. OK, IE games did it. So? I'm not roleplaying my NPCs. I'm roleplaying the PC. That's so far from a dealbreaker to me as not to matter. Besides, use TonyK's AI hak and you can get a 'lot' more control over your henchmen. Most quality mods will let you control when they switch weapons, how they use potions and spells.


As for the content, the CEP adds so much material you could basically build an entire mod and never see anything from the OC if you didn't want to. And the "highly-regarded mods" of 3-4 years ago are mostly blown away by what's come out in the last 2 years. Even builders who were around then, like Savant, have polished their craft a great deal. And there's other builders who are involved now who are simply better writers than most of those. That said, there's Firestarter's Ravenloft series, which uses no haks and just base material, but you would rarely know unless you had screenshots out and looked at them at the same time.


It's not a question of plausibility, it's a question of fun and things to do in the game. In NWN single player you are playing nerfed PnP DnD alone with yourself, and a retarded DM running the proceedings. What DnD computer RPGs have always done is to add the control of several characters to make up for the lack of actual role playing and socializing that makes pen and paper DnD fun. In this sense, NWN single player is like the worst of two worlds.


Now, I imagine NWN is probably much better in multiplayer if you're playing with the right group of people, but I never actually tried, because at the time of NWN's release I was on dial up, and anyway, the right group of people wouldn't be caught dead playing NWN.


Finally, as for the stuff that has come out in the past 2 years, first you can't expect people who hated the original experience to wait around for 5 years for new mods to come out, and second, for obvious reasons, I haven't bought NWN's expansions which puts newer mods out of the picture. Even NWN2 was hard to get into due to all the NWN1 vibes it gave me.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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A game that kinda made me sad was Freelancer. I remember when Chris Roberts was in all the gamign mags in the late 90s talking up how awesome Freelancer was going to be, how to was going to combine single player and multiplayer with all these awesome features that sounded totally awesome. The Freelancer that was eventually released fell so short of what Roberts had wanted that it was really sad and disappointing.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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**** you, Civ 4 is easily best of the series

Firaxis only took the least interesting aspects of their best game, Alpha Centauri, and integrated them into Civ III and IV. They're tripe by comparison.


There are only two games that were ****ty enough to make me regret buying them in the 15 years I've been playing games. One is Dungeon Siege 2. The other is The Witcher. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Edited by Pop
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Temple of Elemental Evil and NWN1. Those two games were horrendous.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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"NWN1. Those two games were horrendous."


Yet... you played the OC 3+ times, bought both expansions, bought premium modules, played it years after release... L0L Your logic still sucks.






Positive Tears - NWN for being the BETS GAME EVAR!!!


Negative Tears - Pools of Radiance 2 was hopeless...


Roll My Eyes Tears - Overrated KOTORs, people's love of the crappy Spiderweb games, and those who have ruined my good memories of the BG series...

Edited by Volourn


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NWN - Dull characters, dull story outdated graphics.

PoR2 - Bought the expensive collectors edition. I could have put that money to better use.

PST - Boring. Not a mod friendly game.

RISK 2 - They went from the great game of RISK to this piece of crap?

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
Baldur's Gate modder/community leader
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition beta tester
Baldur's Gate 2 - Enhanced Edition beta tester

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PST - Boring. Not a mod friendly game.


:bat: :bat: :bat:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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"NWN1. Those two games were horrendous."


Yet... you played the OC 3+ times, bought both expansions, bought premium modules, played it years after release... L0L Your logic still sucks.






Positive Tears - NWN for being the BETS GAME EVAR!!!


Negative Tears - Pools of Radiance 2 was hopeless...


Roll My Eyes Tears - Overrated KOTORs, people's love of the crappy Spiderweb games, and those who have ruined my good memories of the BG series...

NWN still sucks no matter how many ways you slice it.

NWN series is the best ever! R00fles!

Edited by Dark_Raven


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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"NWN1. Those two games were horrendous."


Yet... you played the OC 3+ times, bought both expansions, bought premium modules, played it years after release... L0L Your logic still sucks.






Positive Tears - NWN for being the BETS GAME EVAR!!!


Negative Tears - Pools of Radiance 2 was hopeless...


Roll My Eyes Tears - Overrated KOTORs, people's love of the crappy Spiderweb games, and those who have ruined my good memories of the BG series...

NWN still sucks no matter how many ways you slice it.

NWN series is the best ever! R00fles!

Only the OC epically sucked.


HotU was the best NWN campaign (before MotB came out) but still holds it's own today and is probably better than KotOR.


You've really got to try Darkness over Daggerford though. With the exception of HotU, I'd say it's better (and bigger) than any NwN1 expansion/module out there, and most of all it has the BG1 random-world-map-exploration feel to it. :)

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POR2, TOEE, NWN and expansions - Not living up to my expectations


MVP 2005 - The end of competition (at least on the PC)

NFL 2K5 - The end of competition



HotU was the best NWN campaign (before MotB came out) but still holds it's own today and is probably better than KotOR.

Please HotU sucked and deserves nothing but condemnation. Turned Undermountain into a joke, boring NPC's, and boring story. Reached the underdark, hit the Isle of the Maker

died of boredom :)

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NWN - Dull characters, dull story outdated graphics.



and Tombraider Anniversary. Bad, bad attempt at... something?


I installed the original TR and ran it with a GLide emulator after giving up. It really made TR:A look bad (gameplay wise) by comparison :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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and Tombraider Anniversary. Bad, bad attempt at... something?


I installed the original TR and ran it with a GLide emulator after giving up. It really made TR:A look bad (gameplay wise) by comparison

thanks dude. i have fond memories of the original TR & was thinking of buying TR:A.


none of the TR games that followed it ever managed to capture what was good about the original: great atmosphere and fun gameplay. looks like TR:A didn't either.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager


It was a sequel to the excellent Dark Sun: Shattered Lands and was a good game in and of itself, but had so many bugs and technical problems that in order for me to complete/pass the game, it required more ingenuity on my part to surmount these issues than to pass the challenges that were actually meant to be a part of the game.

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... Its hard to ever be disappointed when you never buy into any hype.


I never buy the hype so I never feel disappointment.


As for the whole worst games ever played thing *shruggs* it's kinda hard for me to place a finger on anything.


NWN's 1 was shocking on release it really did have everything that makes a game a complete turd... That said, once they fixed it, I didn't hate it as much.


Kingdom of Fire: Circle of Doom is pretty pants, but even that was entertaining enough to warrent the time I spent playing it, plus I find the utter lack of interaction between gameplay and somewhat story there is hillarious... What can I say past it shows the extents of idiotic design.


Everything is useful to me, even the really really bad stuff demonstrates useful lessons in how not to do something... Infact I've been known to hunt out the worst of the worst just to see how bad a game can be.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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My biggest disappointment was Europa Universalis III, I can't play the game for more than 3 minutes before I give up.. Normally graphics don't bother me, but they are so bad in EU3 that I really wish they'd just reused the original engine instead.. I seriously feel disgusted when I see the game..

I almost want to slap you for such a silly comment... almost. Have you tried the graphics mod that overhauls quite a lot of the graphics? Supposedly it is quite good. I personally can't stand it but judging from your post you might just be crazy enough to like it.


I would definitely recommend that you try it as it's easily the best of the series unless you're some kind of crazy flaming grognard who prefer to have crappy set-pieces to actual fun.


I feel really bad about it - because the graphics aren't really that great in EU2 either - but I'm playing Rome by Paradox, where the graphics are ok and I really like it - it's just EU3, I really can't stand it. It's somehow insulting to my aesthetic sense. I like the gameplay (what little I've experienced) and it's seems so much deeper than it's predecessors. But still...

Fortune favors the bald.

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Interesting setting, cool music, acceptably intriguing inciting event... But then the gameplay and the character systems sucked so hard I was embarrassed for the designers just playing it. (Seriously, did Troika hire a team of retarded rhesus monkeys to design their character and XP systems? Because if they didn't, they should have tried it-- it couldn't have turned out much worse.) I stuck around long enough to see if the story and characters would redeem it, but they fell well short of expectations, too.

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I tried playing the Daikatana demo....not fun - the controls and the guns weren't working properly.


Pool of Radiance 2, I also played the demo; horrible, horrible...slow combat system...


Lionheart, a game that was being made by Black Isle or Interplay (or so I thought at that time). The infinity engine was going to be the game's engine, Fallout's SPECIAL system was going to be used for stats, abilities etc. All should be well. However, it wasn't. It was a (very) poor attempt (at least going by the demo I played) at making a Diablo clone paired with Baldur's Gate. Trouble was that as I, and other people, heard the word 'infinity engine' we immediately thought 'Baldur's Gate' which it sort of wasn't - and yet, still was. The game was being made by a company that mostly made arcade action games; it shows in the gameplay which you can pause, but only to drink potions. Very disappointing game...at least in meeting my expectations....

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Interesting setting, cool music, acceptably intriguing inciting event... But then the gameplay and the character systems sucked so hard I was embarrassed for the designers just playing it. (Seriously, did Troika hire a team of retarded rhesus monkeys to design their character and XP systems? Because if they didn't, they should have tried it-- it couldn't have turned out much worse.) I stuck around long enough to see if the story and characters would redeem it, but they fell well short of expectations, too.



I hear you. Arcanum is one of those games that I really understand all the bad things people say about it (additionally it was insanely buggy despite being "finished" 3 months or so prior to release and the tech vs melee weapon balance was way off as well) but for me the world was so robust and interesting that it made up for all the bad stuff. The combat especially was hideous, but it didn't matter; I spent hundreds of hours on that game.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Arcanum atmosphere has a special place in my heart.


I feel really bad about it - because the graphics aren't really that great in EU2 either - but I'm playing Rome by Paradox, where the graphics are ok and I really like it - it's just EU3, I really can't stand it. It's somehow insulting to my aesthetic sense. I like the gameplay (what little I've experienced) and it's seems so much deeper than it's predecessors. But still...

If it'll make the wound bigger I can also tell you that the newest expansion pack has the, as of yet, best Paradox AI so you're totally missing out.


Did you check out the mod I linked? It doesn't change as much as Rome does but it could help.


I do remember that other people reacted in a similar fashion so it could be that Paradox hit some kind of thing in some people.

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