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You're not playing Tutu? If not, why?

pain in the arse to set up. it did not add enough for me to get excited about it.




There's a new version out called easytutu thats really easy to set up, you just choose where you have BG2 and BG1 and where you want to intall tutu and it does the rest. Also you can uninstall BG1 after you've installed Tutu. IMO the higher resolutions alone are worth it, but getting highlight, better weapon proficiences and with mods ammo and potion cases and gem bags it really makes BG1 a better experience. Also there's a mod called Sword Coast Stratagems that makes the game a bit more challenging, but unlike Tactics it doesn't cheat, it's just scripting and moving some encounters around. It's almost like a new game.

Edited by Lare Kikkeli
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I'm playing Vanguard a bit, it's free for 60 days for former players. It's easily the deepest MMO on the market. The world is huge, there are about a billion different types of items, and the crafting could only be more intricate if you were doing it in real life. That being said, it's built on old school grinding, and I'm not sure I can handle that. On one hand I like that you need to work hard to get rewarded with a boat or a house, but on the other hand I don't need a second job.

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I stick with regular BG. Every time I try and use TuTu it always crashes when entering certain areas in the game.


You probably used an old version, the latest one is as stable as BG1. I know your type, you experience one bug or crash and you vow never to use the program ever again. You and Sand both.

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Yeah, that's right, blame me. It's all my fault, using my PLAY BG AGAIN! mind ray.

so thaaaat's how you do it. i always wondered. :shifty:


I've got a new computer and I've yet to properly tweak my optimally modded BG2 for yet another game.

if there is anyone in the world that has played through these games as many times as i have, it would be you, that's for sure.


Shadowkeeper is my friend. I shamelessly add a point to emulate the BG1 tomes and give myself excellent scores. Then again, I will only take what I consider to be 'core' NPCs (maximum four character party) and play all the uber-silly tactical challenge mods (I've yet to beat improved Firkraag, for example, because I eschew lots of magic users).

i generally play through bg1 first, so i already have the tomes represented in my stats. my guy started with 94 this time, so it's almost irrelevant. i also bumped up poor imoen (only 78!) so she doesn't break her back under the weight of a few potions and actually has at least one 18 in a stat (INT). i dualled her to a weezard immediately, however, and gave her the ring 'o wizardry to make her usable early on. amazingly, it is still rather easy to take a dirt nap in BG1 depending upon how you approach things, even if you have a POWERGAMER! game going. i decided to take on borda (guy trying to sell cursed stuff at entrance to gnoll stronghold) and went down quickly. my f/m/t main dude is still first level, however, so he doesn't have much of a chance facing 3 magic missiles upside the head.



comrade taks... just because.

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I finished Bloodlines. I cheated through the last part mostly 'cause I find it too boring to bother playing normally. Still nice ending.


EDIT: I'll probably continue my BG2 game now.

Edited by Istima Loke

I think therefore I am?

Could be!

Or is it really someone else

Who only thinks he's me?

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oh, i have 5 in my party, but i intend to kill of the coward and utilize minsc instead. i'm on my way to get dynaheir, but i may kill her off, too. spreading XP points across a party of 6 when you have a f/m/t main dude is, well, painful. minsc may get a boost to something shortly, too.



comrade taks... just because.

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You're not playing Tutu? If not, why?

pain in the arse to set up. it did not add enough for me to get excited about it.




There's a new version out called easytutu thats really easy to set up, you just choose where you have BG2 and BG1 and where you want to intall tutu and it does the rest. Also you can uninstall BG1 after you've installed Tutu. IMO the higher resolutions alone are worth it, but getting highlight, better weapon proficiences and with mods ammo and potion cases and gem bags it really makes BG1 a better experience. Also there's a mod called Sword Coast Stratagems that makes the game a bit more challenging, but unlike Tactics it doesn't cheat, it's just scripting and moving some encounters around. It's almost like a new game.




Gromnir tried sword coast strategems a while back and had problems... probably dowloaded into wrong file or something. still have the file, but not loaded and the readme is kinda wonky. you know if this thing should be extracted to tutu file or override? might try bg in future.


should probably simply download new version o' strategems...




HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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You're not playing Tutu? If not, why?

pain in the arse to set up. it did not add enough for me to get excited about it.




There's a new version out called easytutu thats really easy to set up, you just choose where you have BG2 and BG1 and where you want to intall tutu and it does the rest. Also you can uninstall BG1 after you've installed Tutu. IMO the higher resolutions alone are worth it, but getting highlight, better weapon proficiences and with mods ammo and potion cases and gem bags it really makes BG1 a better experience. Also there's a mod called Sword Coast Stratagems that makes the game a bit more challenging, but unlike Tactics it doesn't cheat, it's just scripting and moving some encounters around. It's almost like a new game.




Gromnir tried sword coast strategems a while back and had problems... probably dowloaded into wrong file or something. still have the file, but not loaded and the readme is kinda wonky. you know if this thing should be extracted to tutu file or override? might try bg in future.


should probably simply download new version o' strategems...




HA! Good Fun!



It's a weidu mod, so you just have to put it in the root of your tutu folder. And you def should get the latest version.

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I've just bought The Witcher and I'm pleasently suprised - it's a little wierd getting used to the combat and the voice acting is somewhat lacking most of the time.. but the setting is cool, the story is interesting and those two make up for the shortcomings of the other aspects imo.


it also runs really smooth on my computer - I could only play Mass Effect in 1024*768 with the settings on medium - but the Witcher is able to play on max settings and full resolution.


I'm amazed I didn't find it sooner.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Got to the whole Nosferatu sewers thing again in Bloodlines, this time with a Malkavian with high Dementation. Had forgotten how hilarious and clever some of the Malkavian dialogue choices are, and it's nice that there is actually quite a bit of unique dialogue for the Malkavians as well.


Still, this segment of the game really sucks. Can't even remember if it gets better again after, but my interest in the game just wanes at this point.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Got to the whole Nosferatu sewers thing again in Bloodlines, this time with a Malkavian with high Dementation. Had forgotten how hilarious and clever some of the Malkavian dialogue choices are, and it's nice that there is actually quite a bit of unique dialogue for the Malkavians as well.


Still, this segment of the game really sucks. Can't even remember if it gets better again after, but my interest in the game just wanes at this point.

I think most parts of Hollywood and Chinatown are Ok, but once you get to the point of deciding for or against Ming, it goes downhill (imo).


My favourite playthrough is still as a Nosferatu though. Not only the dialogue is different but also how to accomplish some of the smaller sidequests.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Assassins Creed. God damn, this game could have been so much more! The scifi plot is stupid, but I think I could let it slide if we get Assassins Creed 2 in a Minority Report/Children of Men type world. That would kick some serious ass. Too bad the combat is way too easy, and the camera kind of sucks.

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Assassins Creed. God damn, this game could have been so much more! The scifi plot is stupid, but I think I could let it slide if we get Assassins Creed 2 in a Minority Report/Children of Men type world. That would kick some serious ass. Too bad the combat is way too easy, and the camera kind of sucks.


I don't get the dumb scifi element either. They could have just made it a game set during the Crusades in the Middle East.

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I'm playing Bloodlines for the first time ever :lol:


How long before the famed bugs blow my computer up? Feel I should probably prepare myself for that particular magical event.

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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Assassins Creed. God damn, this game could have been so much more! The scifi plot is stupid, but I think I could let it slide if we get Assassins Creed 2 in a Minority Report/Children of Men type world. That would kick some serious ass. Too bad the combat is way too easy, and the camera kind of sucks.


I don't get the dumb scifi element either. They could have just made it a game set during the Crusades in the Middle East.


They have plans for a trilogy.


Maybe we'll get to play an assassin in another time period.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I've just bought The Witcher and I'm pleasently suprised - it's a little wierd getting used to the combat and the voice acting is somewhat lacking most of the time.. but the setting is cool, the story is interesting and those two make up for the shortcomings of the other aspects imo.


it also runs really smooth on my computer - I could only play Mass Effect in 1024*768 with the settings on medium - but the Witcher is able to play on max settings and full resolution.


I'm amazed I didn't find it sooner.

You should have waited for the enchanced edition, Rosb. It's supposed to have completely revamped voice acting amongst other things. Yes pixellated b00bies - I'm talking about you (technically two).

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Ninja Gaiden 2 ends today, hopefully(second form of Archfiend without healing items is a bitch) then it's on to Warrior difficulty.

Stop the press, I completed all the end parts using only 1 Grains.


I'm glad Acolyte is over, that was so simple I nearly cried.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I've just bought The Witcher and I'm pleasently suprised - it's a little wierd getting used to the combat and the voice acting is somewhat lacking most of the time.. but the setting is cool, the story is interesting and those two make up for the shortcomings of the other aspects imo.


it also runs really smooth on my computer - I could only play Mass Effect in 1024*768 with the settings on medium - but the Witcher is able to play on max settings and full resolution.


I'm amazed I didn't find it sooner.

You should have waited for the enchanced edition, Rosb. It's supposed to have completely revamped voice acting amongst other things. Yes pixellated b00bies - I'm talking about you (technically two).


I thought only the German version got a voice revamp? and the English just had updated text, animations, reduced loads times and some new missions..

Fortune favors the bald.

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