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going to go see Transformers with a girl from work sometime this week :)


Except doesn't that open next week? :)


I finally got out to see Oceans Thirteen yesterday afternoon. Ended up in the theatre with just my parents and my little brother and an elderly couple that walked in just as the previews were starting. Overall a very enjoyable movie. I haven't seen the second one so I can't compare to that. The plans didn't seem as neat as the heist they pulled in the first movie, but I can live with that. :)

I just watched Ocean's Twelve. The narrative wasn't as focused as the first film, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, and they introduced Catherine Zeta-Jones as a new (presumably continuing) character. The bits that weren't explained (like why the old guy doesn't participate and then does) were odd, considering the film bends over backwards to explain the "big heist". The bit with Julia Roberts was pulled off quite successfully, too. I didn't think the film was as enjoyable as the first, though.


The Sting is a much better film, all in all.




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That sucks, although I'm wondering just how much better Venom could have been with a little more thought. Come to think of it, that kinda makes sense since during the whole thing Venom just seemed tacked on while Sandman felt much more natural to the film.


I think why most people hate the movie Venom is becayse they changed his role significantly. One thing the Spider-man series had been mostly faithful about was the characters roles. Doc Ock was changed completely, but he was still a mad scientist. Spider-man's role is that of the hero. Despite changes, there was astill a sense of familiarity to the character. However, I don't see where Sam Raimi gets off complaining about Venom's "lack of humanity" as a character when he takes all the humanity out by making this anti-hero into a full villain. Venom is this popular because he's a conflicted monster who struggles with his nature as well as his human desires and compassion. But in the movie? "I like being bad. It makes me feel good."

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I thought it was a good movie, I was entertained the whole time. I do wonder how much of it was historically accurate, I've heard controversy about it awhile back. What was the extent in which they sacrifices people?


I also rented Smokin Aces and Ghost Rider, i heard it was bad, but i use to read the comics so im curious!

Most of the movie seems to be based on Mayan culture:




Except, as GreasyDogMeat pointed out, they were all dead and gone when the Europeans showed up.


The Aztecs were the ones doing sacrifices when Cortez reached their capital. Estimates varies from 20000 to 250000 humans sacrified per year.

:) Speechless.


I've also read that Apocalypto is related to what many Christians believe as Armageddon. In 2012 December 21 there calender ends and It appears that the date (December 21, 2012) coincides with a conjunction of the Winter solstice sun and the crossing point of the galactic equator and the ecliptic. This occurs every 13,000 years. But i suppose there has been many of these dates. Y2K, during WW2, black plague era. Not that I believe in this stuff, but i can see how this could motivate Gibson.

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What I found fascinating is that, because of the wobble in the Earth's axis of rotation (called precession), which has an 22,000 year circular cycle, the seasons move about the calendar, so that Winter would be six months away from where it is now in about 11,000 years' time. In other words, back in classical Greek times, the seasons were about a month or so away from where they are now. :)




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Catherine Zeta-Jones as a new (presumably continuing) character

Her and Julia Roberts's character are only referenced in 13, never seen or otherwise involved in the plot.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Ghost Rider.


If this movie was made 20 years ago i bet it would be pretty cool. With that said, it sucked.


Lines, acting, plot, style. Wasn't my cup of tea.


Come on man, guy with a flaming skull whipping flaming chains around. How is that not cool? Agree with the plot, acting, script, etc though.


Just saw Fantastic Four 2. It was not bad. A fun watch. Doom needed more green in his costume and more ruling of Latveria. Also, Galactus as a storm cloud, not cool.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Ghost Rider.


If this movie was made 20 years ago i bet it would be pretty cool. With that said, it sucked.


Lines, acting, plot, style. Wasn't my cup of tea.


Come on man, guy with a flaming skull whipping flaming chains around. How is that not cool? Agree with the plot, acting, script, etc though.


Just saw Fantastic Four 2. It was not bad. A fun watch. Doom needed more green in his costume and more ruling of Latveria. Also, Galactus as a storm cloud, not cool.

am I the only one who thought F42 could have been made VERY EASILY into two movies?


Ghost rider was 4 boss fights with filler... kinda like lost planet.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I love this movie, but then I love most Eastwood movies.


Hackman: "You just shot an unarmed man!"


Eastwood: "Well he shoulda armed himself, if he's gonna decorate his saloon with my friend."

Classic. :yes: One of Clint's finest.

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The original Ghost Rider was an evil demon who possessed a man. I don't think there was any "Devil's Bounty Hunter" thing going on. Then the Johnny Cage one seemed less evil, but was never explained the origin of the demon aspect by the time I stopped reading. If they ever retconned it to like the movie, then it's reasonable that Mephistopheles doesn't take the power back because Ghost Rider is actually doing his job.


That's probably the main reason I don't read comics anymore. Too much retcon going on. Everytime a writer, new or old, decides he has a neat idea he takes a character and pounds the square peg in the round hole, bastardizing sometimes decades of history for a dramatic shock of "everything has built to this moment!" That ultimately does nothing and only makes the history confusing and awkward.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Just watched Ocean's Thirteen. I wasn't expecting much (I was hoping to catch a different film), and I thought it was better than the last one (there was less "let's trick the audience by not telling them stuff so we can go 'look at how clever we are' at the end").


I'm not sure if others would get anything out of it; I was enjoying the minutiae (the croupiers' procedures etc). It still struck me as more of a television film, though.


Also watched For a Few Dollars More, too.




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Saw Live Free or Die Hard today. I really enjoyed it. It was probably the most over the top of the series, but it was good fun.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I'd give my left eye tooth for a few more seasons of this show.


I'd give your entire jaw for a few more seasons of this show.


I saw Transformers todays, good summer blockbuster fun. I like that Witwicky kid, and his mum.


I couldn't help but wonder how horrendous the Transformers would have looked had they resembled their cartoon selves.

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The way

Unicron showed up at the end of Transformers

was awesome. Sure, it's a definite cliffhanger, but after what happens it begs Galvatron to be in the sequal. I don't know how they'll work that, though.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Watched Deja Vu. Beginning was somewhat slow but once it got going it was definitely a nice movie. The hummer chase scene thing was a bit cheezy and the ending was a bit anticlimactic but all in all I liked the movie, plus I'm a sucker for Denzel Washington since he's a bad ass. 8/10

i thought the same. i made mention of the movie a few posts before you. they really screwed up the entire time travel thing, but overall, that's not really what i cared about with the movie. ultimately, it was very entertaining.



comrade taks... just because.

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Watched Deja Vu. Beginning was somewhat slow but once it got going it was definitely a nice movie. The hummer chase scene thing was a bit cheezy and the ending was a bit anticlimactic but all in all I liked the movie, plus I'm a sucker for Denzel Washington since he's a bad ass. 8/10

i thought the same. i made mention of the movie a few posts before you. they really screwed up the entire time travel thing, but overall, that's not really what i cared about with the movie. ultimately, it was very entertaining.



yeah when he gets in the "time machine" thing that was kind of like a low point but the whole concept of watching video back in time and trying to send clues was pretty cool imo.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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