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Random video game news... the critical eyes have it

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1 hour ago, uuuhhii said:

dragon in skyrim are terrible



Geez, no need for racism. Remember words can impact the dignity of people 🐲

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

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9 hours ago, BruceVC said:

Here is another Starfields interview, it discusses some real features and mechanics. For those that dont want to watch the video here is a summary of the main points the game will include ( these aren't my summary points because its a 40 minute video and I havent watched it ) As predicted it will be a modders paradise and Wormie we dont have to worry, there will be Romance options :wub:

  • Starfield direct took a lot of time to make
  • Was pleased to be able to highlight so many people on the team
  • There is a faction for being a space pirate
  • There is a large font option
  • Steam deck compatibility will be something they talk about later down the road
  • When players compare character builds they will be unique and varied
  • 10% of planets have life on them
  • If you start to add to many things to a planet it starts to feel gamey
  • The exploration is different than they than they have done before
  • There are a lot of biomes with different temperatures / radiation etc. The players suit helps with these
  • Some planets have multiple biomes some just have one
  • If you survey everything on a planet that information is worth a lot of credits
  • Will need to play the game to see if there are special creatures like how fallout has deathclaws and elder scrolls has dragons
  • There will not be land vehicles or the ability to ride wildlife.
  • Your boost pack will have skills
  • There will be low gravity planets
  • Companions are optional
  • You can spend traits and skills for a more solo centric character
  • Companions relationships can change
  • Four companions have full questlines and romance options
  • Music is one of the first things they start with along with concept art
  • Said the music Inon Zur made for Starfield could be his favourite
  • Music gives the feeling of what the world is like
  • There is one small radio station for a certain location
  • Has never had plans to be an in game radio host
  • All ships are upgradeable wether you buy or steal it
  • If you do steal a ship you have to spend credits to register it
  • You dont start the game being able to afford ship building as it is more of a long term thing in the game
  • The modules you attach to the ship effect the internal area of the ship as you walk around inside of it
  • There is lore in the game to explain how travel works
  • Very happy with current version of the creation engine. Loves the lighting model, volumetric fog, physics, happy with quest system
  • Never looked at taking features, graphics away for frame rate sake as they want consistency over a performance mod
  • Best feeling game to control they have had
  • There will be one-off type sidequests and thats ok
  • Will be a modders paradise
  • Outpost is a deep system like ship building that requires a lot of resources. Going to need to develop character skills. Like ship building it is meant for longer term playing
  • Outposts can be connected between planets.
  • Outposts can be an income generator
  • Worked really hard on Starfield. They put everything they learned from previous games into it. They love it and hope everyone else feels the same
  • Xbox has been very supportive
  • Will not answer if there are black holes
  • Vosco (the robot) cant wear a hat like codsworth / mr handy
  • Asked about why they don't make smaller projects and he pointed to fallout shelter and some unannounced mobile game but said as a player he likes big worlds

Thanks for the summary!

I'm actually really happy that the 1,000 planets will not all be teaming with life and full of stuff to do. That would be entirely unrealistic and kill my immersion. I want to land on planets that are barren/desolate. I want to land on planets that only hold resources I can extract and pretty much nothing else. That's not boring for me at all. To the contrary, that's what would be interesting to me.

Sooooo excited for this game!!

I wonder if I can still run it and play it even though my computer doesn't quite meet all the minimum requirements, especially not having an SSD?

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^ I think the folks who think FF16 is the bees knees are more likely action/combat fans vs lengthy rpg fans. By that I mean, the Devil May Cry side, so to speak. You're a solo, move-busting badarse. Main story/cutscenes are "great" (and probably much better than XV's piecemeal story, haha!) but sidequests are mostly stupid (MMO sort).

They were clear they were making an action game and that's what they delivered. eg, if you want more depth to your mainline FF and were hoping 16 might at least bring at little of that back in some way, I don't think so. Fully modern era.

But remember - you can pet the dog! That makes it 10/10 right there. 😛 

...honestly, the more I see/watch of it (asmongold has been running thru it), the less I want to play it myself. The combat may be fun and sure the story bits are visually astounding, but the rest seems kinda boring.

Edited by LadyCrimson
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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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1 hour ago, LadyCrimson said:

But remember - you can pet the dog! That makes it 10/10 right there. 😛 

I feel like pet the dog is pretty much industry standard now, I'm no longer giving a game points for letting me pet the dog, however I will subtract points for not allowing me to pet the dog. My new standard for 10/10 is scratch the kitty under the chin. I'm not giving points for standard running your hand along the top of the cat, that's same as the dog petting, in fact they could probably repurpose the dog petting animation into cat petting. However, if the dev takes the time to put in an animation to scratch the cat under the chin that's instant 10/10. Put a capybara in the game and let me scratch it under the chin and that's Game of the Year.

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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To be fair, it does look like a good game overall for the kind of game it's trying to be. I'm not trying to bash it or anything. Just doesn't really look that interesting for my gameplay wants these days. And maybe I'm finding the actual player-character (Clive?) rather annoying - well-voiced, but annoying chr - at least in the early-ish sections, which doesn't help.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I really liked the ATB system that Final Fantasy used from V to IX and again in X-2 (though I didn't particularly like X-2), so the constant march toward more and more action-oriented combat is not something I'm a fan of. That said, I'm not particularly broken up about it because Squeenix has 2 venerable JRPG franchises: Final Fantasy that they keep changing and Dragon Quest that has remained mostly the same. Squeenix can tinker with Final Fantasy to their heart's content, turn it into a live service looter shooter, whatever. I can just play Dragon Quest, and I have, and I will again whenever DQ12 comes out.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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3 hours ago, LadyCrimson said:

^ I think the folks who think FF16 is the bees knees are more likely action/combat fans vs lengthy rpg fans. By that I mean, the Devil May Cry side, so to speak.

DMC is amazing though - Relative lack of gameplay is what would worry me more. FF were always story heavy, but if the story is as dry as Skillup claims it might not be the greatest of times. 
I also doubt that FF16 combat has a depth of DMC. I am not terribly fond of jRPG combat, so I would be all for FF but with different combat system - it seems while they were at it they carved out more than just the combat. 

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you used to be able to CARRY cats and dogs back in 2006 (Twilight Princess), we've only gone backwards really




Edited by Bartimaeus
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How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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I have two FF games on my drives, that I bought on some ridiculously cheap steam sales (less than $10 iirc). But I never played either of them. I think the FF8 demo was such a traumatic experience I never felt like touching the franchise again, despite the blurb and screenshots looking interesting for the two I purchased (in the naive hope I might get into it some day). That was before I picked of Guild Wars 2, so there is some stiff competition for my game time.

Edit: Checking my steam account, the ones I bought were FFXV and FFX/X-2

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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16 minutes ago, Gorth said:

Edit: Checking my steam account, the ones I bought were FFXV and FFX/X-2

I'm so sorry. :shifty:


Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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FF franchise died with SE merger. Unfortunately.

For me the best is and always will be FFIX. That game is pretty much exactly what I imagined at that time as the game about fantasy should look like and play. Despite some flaws, for me, up to this day, only very few games have beaten or get on par with the presentation of "real" fantasy world.

I have played and finished every single FF game, with the exception of FFIII, which I never finished due to circumstances, and up until i played FFXV, I was sure, nothing can beat FFII in terms of haw bad that game was. Unfortunately I was wrong. FFXV is pretty much 100+ GB of mediocrity on a HDD, with pres X button to win "action" mechanics and sub-par story-line. The only exceptions are last few Chapters and the DLC challenges. In all honesty, the only reason, why I have played the game so long and wanted stubbornly, to get all of the trophies was, that I was so stupid, and spent more than 170EUR on collector's and royal editions,  before I knew, how bad this game turned out. Yes I had my share of fun, while finishing it. Was it worth the money? Definitely not. Especially, when I started to feel the joy of playing the game for the first time somewhere around the 50 hours mark, when I arrived at Chapter 9 or 10 🤷‍♂️ After finishing it, and seeing that it took SE 10 years to make this game, I am 100% convinced, that SE is unable to make a good FF game anymore, and I'll be skipping FFXVI unless they start selling it under 10EUR and release it for PS4 as well. For me new FF game, was always the reason to buy next-gen console. Not anymore.


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16 minutes ago, uuuhhii said:

never understand why so many player like dragon quest or final fantasy so much

those setting just seems horrible in standard jrpg way

FF seems like they created the 'standard jrpg'. They certainly popularized it. FFIV was my favorite, I think. Which is the one where you take part in an opera?

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