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Ukraine Conflict - "Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed"

Mamoulian War

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No, he did not mean that as a joke or as a reference to Eldar.

ComradeMage, sorry, SonicYellow, nope, wrong again, sorry, ComradeYellow and his predecessor SonicMage117 are is a manufactured personalities personality with a sometimes mildly amusing but usually fairly pointless and boring trolling shtick. Similar in style to a previous poster, but with a different focus, who dissapeared roughly around the same time ComradeYellow appeared (with perhaps an intermediate step in between).

Struck out parts are there because we're not really supposed to talk about who could be whose successor account. :yes:

Edit: It behooves me to explain further, ComradeYellow is 'convinced of' (read: trolling about) China's and Russia's superiority over the West. This is all that Bruce is basing this idea on.

Edited by majestic
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On 10/5/2022 at 9:35 AM, Mamoulian War said:

Well another recent findings, at Pisky-Radkovsky near the Oskil River, another torture chamber has been found and among other findings, there was a box full of torn dentures. The photo evidence I rather not post here, but it is possible to find amongst the threads at Special Kherson Cat twitter… so no, Bucha is definitelly not an isolated incident. The guy is happy, that Kherson Oblast is being liberated, and at the same time, he is afraid that they find similar evidence there as well.

On the other hand, at the begining of the war, the Russian soldiers in the Kherson Oblast were definitely the least brutal. They even allowed demonstrations. But with the rise of partizan activities, there has been a rise of FSB activity as well…

It needs to be said, that thankfully the box full of dentures is probably someone getting to conclusion to fast. So at least there are fewer hurt Ukrainians… 


According to this Ukrainian Pravda article, it is probable, that Russian soldiers has stolen it from some dentist ambulance, which owner had collected them over years. The dentures has been sent to DNA testing to identify, if the statement of the doctor is correct.





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1 hour ago, Mamoulian War said:

According to this Ukrainian Pravda article, it is probable, that Russian soldiers has stolen it from some dentist ambulance, which owner had collected them over years. The dentures has been sent to DNA testing to identify, if the statement of the doctor is correct.

Probably part of the Bad Moon clan:

The Bad Moons are a powerful and very wealthy Ork "klan." The Bad Moons are the richest of all the Ork klanz. This is because their teeth grow faster than anyone else's, meaning that even the lowliest Bad Moon Ork has a steady supply of the standard form of Ork wealth.

This is not regarded as an unfair advantage, as any Ork who is big and ferocious enough can simply smash the teeth out of a Bad Moons' head.


They are always continuously buying, selling, swapping, and conning to get teeth.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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A couple points for thought as things are emerging. 

1) Apparently UK and GER consume way too much energy and are in a material risk of running out of supplies unless serious cuts will start right now. 

Wonder what will that do to a political scene? 



NOT asking = be prepared to be asked. 




2) Seems Turkey is openly threathening Greeks with demilitirization of Aegean Greek Islands. What a hot engagement would do to the NATO relations? Who would US back? An EU member or 2nd largest NATO military and a power actor in the ME as well as a counterweight for Russia in the Black Sea region? 


Edited by Darkpriest
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4 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

A couple points for thought as things are emerging. 

1) Apparently UK and GER consume way too much energy and are in a material risk of running out of supplies unless serious cuts will start right now. 

Wonder what will that do to a political scene? 


2) Seems Turkey is openly threathening Greeks with demilitirization of Egean Greek Islands. What a hot engagement would do to the NATO relations? Who would US back? An EU member or 2nd largest NATO military and a power actor in the ME as well as a counterweight for Russia in the Black Sea region? 


Energy load shedding is normal in SA, you get use to it. At the moment we have had 2-4 hours a day for the last 2 months 

Businesses invest in generators or inverters so your business continues during load shedding 

And if it happens in the EU\UK its because of  Putin using energy blackmail and the gas slowdown, so  you blame him. I dont see  it leading to political change because what political change would you expect, a UK\EU political party  that supports Russia and not the EU? Thats highly unlikely, even the new " fascist " Italian party still supports Ukraine 



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19 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

2) Seems Turkey is openly threathening Greeks with demilitirization of Aegean Greek Islands. What a hot engagement would do to the NATO relations? Who would US back? An EU member or 2nd largest NATO military and a power actor in the ME as well as a counterweight for Russia in the Black Sea region? 


Turkey might decide they want Crimea back from the Russians...

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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31 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

A couple points for thought as things are emerging. 

1) Apparently UK and GER consume way too much energy and are in a material risk of running out of supplies unless serious cuts will start right now. 

Wonder what will that do to a political scene? 



NOT asking = be prepared to be asked. 




2) Seems Turkey is openly threathening Greeks with demilitirization of Aegean Greek Islands. What a hot engagement would do to the NATO relations? Who would US back? An EU member or 2nd largest NATO military and a power actor in the ME as well as a counterweight for Russia in the Black Sea region? 


I'm a bit out of the loop with this one, but why does Turkey want those islands? Anything of value on them except for military bases?

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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12 minutes ago, Lexx said:

I'm a bit out of the loop with this one, but why does Turkey want those islands? Anything of value on them except for military bases?

Turkey is aggresively expanding its 'economic zone' due to various resources ubnder the sea. There has been a lot of political clashes around Cyprus as well

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It's a bit more than that.

Erdogan is a big fan of neo Ottoman irredentism/ revanchism and its antecedents/ precedents (eg Misaki Milli). That's a claim on big chunks of Iraq including Kirkuk and Mosul, big chunks of Syria including Aleppo, a lot of Greek islands, a big chunk of Armenia and Georgia and Bulgarian Thrace that he sees as perfectly legitimate. Turkey has already invaded Syria (twice, and outright annexed Iskanderun after a bogus referendum predicated on Misaki Milli), Iraq and Cyprus; two off those under Erdogan's leadership. It's very unlikely any of them are getting the Turks out any time soon.

Turkey is always threatening Greece though, and nothing ever comes of it. Erdogan is a lot more shouty than normal because his economy is imploding as he counters runaway inflation (a mere 83%) by, uh, continually cutting interest rates. That has also resulted in the Lira losing 80% of its value vs the USD in the past 4 years. He's lost control of the three largest cities in Turkey and needs to appeal to nationalism to not lose the upcoming general election.

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At one of our news, I have found an article, that Chinese media are slowly starting to criticize Russian war in Ukraine.

I tried to find some other source, but with no luck. Have any of you found anything, which might support this statement? 

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Nice to see a bit of discussion come in on Turkey and Greece. Been very closely following that side of things for some months now. Obviously the Russians would love nothing more than a Turkey-Greece war that divides and paralyzes NATO. But would Turkey and Russia actually end up on the same side?


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If true, that would be first two down. 


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2 hours ago, Lexx said:

Everyone talking about those planes and I'm here like, what does that even mean.

These are long range bombers. They can hit Ukraine even from Caspian Sea. They never fly into Ukrainian air space. They were also bombing Azovstal in Mariupol with these bombers.

Edited by Mamoulian War
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3 hours ago, Lexx said:

Everyone talking about those planes and I'm here like, what does that even mean.

It means Ukraine needs more free stuff.

At least they didn't blow up any White Swans, too beautiful to blow up those.

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Kerch bridge had a fire that damaged it, big squeeze on logistics for sure. Although they are setting up ferries.

Probably is just an accident I think

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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It looks like Part of road bridge has collapsed. Those Russians, and their smoking habits, tsk, tsk, tsk…

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Russian media says truck bomb, apparently. 6 week repair job.

So guess it was the god like Ukrainians.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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How big must have been the truck, that it was able to collapse the bridge... Antonovsky near Kherson is HIMARSed weekly for few months, and it still stands. And 6 week repair job in Russia might be 6 months 😄

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