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So... I love her!  Is there *any* chance that she can still be fleshed out to a full companion in a DLC?  I would happily pay.  My love for Aloth as a character was the primary reason I dropped +$200 on the kickstarter!

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Ydwin isinteresting since she has something to say about this whole soul thing and breaking up with gods.

Just need decide how much is enought, so she will definetly be remembered as indidual companion (#notahire) but OE will not go bacrupcy doing her.

Rather yes:

+ 10 min of tex

+ tell me history of your life on my ship

+ some input to the quests

+ some interaction with full companions

+ maybe some side quest, you need sidequests anyway

+ Some talk with pallegina that gods are worst


Maybe another time

- strong preferences over factions

- judging every move

- romance, she dont want to eat us out

- constant telling Eder that he will do it for everyone


It does not need tobe Companion or bust. Just hireling with bonus portrait is too litte.

Edited by evilcat
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Mirke > Ydwin




Mirke >> Ydwin

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Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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So... I love her!  Is there *any* chance that she can still be fleshed out to a full companion in a DLC?  I would happily pay.  My love for Aloth as a character was the primary reason I dropped +$200 on the kickstarter!


I kind of remember that the choice of Ydwin as the possible 8th companion (5M stretchgoal, never reached) induced quite a lot of bad reactions on this board. I'm not sure why but many things were assumed regarding the character, and many people did not really want her. I guess one complaint was that she felt, at first, unoriginal compared to the cast members and PoE1's. Correct me if i'm wrong (like always).


I read quite a lot of posts here and there asking for Ydwin lately. Well, i don't really need to bring any conclusion to my post. It's not about condemning people who trolled the character at the time, but well. The general change of opinions still kind of strikes me.


But... i want a cliched, grumpy dwarf, too (or 2, or 3 !). With a VA that does not sound like Mister Joe, Texas. Was a huge problem of the VA in original Pillars. Every NPC sounded like average Human Joe. Don't know how it is in Deadfire though.

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I kind of remember that the choice of Ydwin as the possible 8th companion (5M stretchgoal, never reached) induced quite a lot of bad reactions on this board. I'm not sure why but many things were assumed regarding the character, and many people did not really want her. I guess one complaint was that she felt, at first, unoriginal compared to the cast members and PoE1's. Correct me if i'm wrong (like always).


I recall that when first announced, some people immediately condemned Ydwin to be "a shallow pandering anime yandere waifubait, created to appeal to lowest common denominator" for commiting a capital offense of being a good-looking elven female - and that opinion kinda stuck with her for a LONG time. Despite, y'know, us not knowing anything about her and her story hook (rogue animancer from White that Wends) being quite cool and interesting.

Hey, I wasn't a big fan of Maia and Xoti when they were first announced, but I actually kept my mouth shut and my mind open. Ironic, given how Xoti herself actually turned out.

But I think Ydwin was always popular with the fans at large - her backstory was interesting, her paraphernalia were memorable (or at least striking) and, yes I won't lie - a lot of people actually wanted a good-looking elven female companion. Don't understand what's so wrong with that.

I have a feeling I accidentally opened a can of worms with that post. Apologies, if so.

Edited by aksrasjel
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I read quite a lot of posts here and there asking for Ydwin lately.

I don't think people ever stopped posting that they wanted Ydwin as a full companion.



Yep, thanks for the input. It's just that i try not to talk about things i don't have a clue about. I spent several months away from these forums, so i wouldn't know about this.




I recall that when first announced, some people immediately condemned Ydwin to be "a shallow pandering anime yandere waifubait, created to appeal to lowest common denominator" for commiting a capital offense of being a good-looking elven female - and that opinion kinda stuck with her for a LONG time.


This. My memories were not wrong after all ;)

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Perhaps the mod community will add her?


I always thought Companions were placeholders for BG-II style NPC mods.  Obsidian provides unique looks, voice sets, background, etc., but not relationship/interaction content.  Which is precisely the area where modders excel.

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Ydwin would have been cool, but I will be eternally booty blasted about the lack of sea monsters and that should make it into a DLC before sidekick to companion or any non-dwarf companion.


Perhaps the mod community will add her?


I always thought Companions were placeholders for BG-II style NPC mods.  Obsidian provides unique looks, voice sets, background, etc., but not relationship/interaction content.  Which is precisely the area where modders excel.

Companions were supposed to be like BG NPCs, low content characters you have to go out of your way to find. A lot of BG2 npc mods have signifigantly more interaction and content than that, sometimes more content than vanilla BG2 npcs. I'm under the impression PoE is relatively easy to mod, but I don't know how inserting a new companion ranks on difficulty and assume that multiple companion mods may need a merger of some sort.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Well considering making her a full companion was a stretch goal we missed, she was only of the first characters to get a character reveal, there have been tons of threads about her, and she was the winner of the "which sidekick would you like to make a full companion in the expansions?" poll.....


Yeah I feel like they may do it.  Honestly, there is no reason for them to add new characters with the expansions. Just flesh out the best sidekicks instead.  AKA: Ydwin, Rekke, and probably Mirke but I really like Fessina.

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It's been requested by many, and acknowledged by devs that they heard it. Whenever anything of that kind will happen is unknown.


When Josh read that people want Ydwin to become a companion he said something like "We are well aware of that."


My guess is that she would be their first choice for a new companion, unless it's an entirely new one related to one of the dlcs.


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So, i was just wondering. Do sidekicks have anything to say after you recruit them? Cause i never used them, but i wonder how people can "fall in love" with them since they literally have just 1 line of dialogue to recruit them (except from fassina i guess)

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So, i was just wondering. Do sidekicks have anything to say after you recruit them? Cause i never used them, but i wonder how people can "fall in love" with them since they literally have just 1 line of dialogue to recruit them (except from fassina i guess)

Never heard of 'love at first sight'?


Seriously, it's such a commonly used trope, it's become a cliché

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Sadly, no - apart from very limited number of interjections (Rekke has most of them - 11, Ydwin has 8, Fassina has 3, by comparison, Aloth has about 250 and Pallegina about 300) they are completely silent throughout the whole game. I think only Rekke has some limited dialogue options after 30 days of playtime.
In Ydwin's case, she does have a quite extensive recruitment dialogue, that paints an interesting picture. She's a great character idea that goes absolutely nowhere. It's a no-spoiler forum, so forgive me for not going into more detail. She has a lot of character quirks (there is a reason she looks and dresses the way she does), she's very mysterious and her backstory is ripe for story possibilites. There is a huge amount of story hooks and forshadowing that she throws at you, to the point that you can easily be fooled that she's supposed to be a full companion. So no wonder, that people want to know what is going on with her, and feel cheated when she's revealed to be a mere sidekick with no content. Or at very least I was.

Edited by aksrasjel
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Mirke > Ydwin






Mirke is the most fun, cheerful and cute sidekick obsidian has ever created. I really like that she fleshed out as a full companion in expansion. And she's a pirate and seems suited very well with Deadfire's piratey theme :)

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Mirke or Ydwin? Pirates or Necromancers? Some question may remain unansweared.


Mirke is also good, she fits the sea theme, and is always in party fun stance. But the companion roaster need to be versalite including yandere and tsundare, party girl and bookwurm.

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But the companion roaster need to be versalite including yandere and tsundare, party girl and bookwurm.

As for female companions, we already have yandere and tsundere covered (Xoti and Pallegina respectively), Maia can actually be assumed to be a party girl (she sleeps with everything that moves no strings attached, so I'd say she fits). We are very much lacking in a kuudere bookworm departement. (And for those a bit too open-minded - no, Aloth does not count).


Seriously though, Obsidian really played into their own net with this whole sidekicks idea. No matter what they do, *someone* will be really salty. Either the fans of a sidekick that was not picked to be expanded, or the fanbase as a whole, if they decide not to expand them at all.

Edited by aksrasjel
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