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  1. Dergano Ploi was born in Aedyr - his parents are elven Aedyrean Ambassador Laxon Ploi and deceased human Aerdyrean fleet officer Lt. Leanna Andra Ploi. Although Dergano Ploi had little exposure to the military world of his mother, he attended the fleet academy as well as university and earned an advanced degree in "philosophy of mind". He then served as the captain's counselor aboard the Aedyrian flagship "Venture" before joining the Shieldbearers of St. Elcga and leaving active military service. He is also trained in diplomacy, beguiling, languages and linguistics, often making him a valued first contact team member. Again, it's his skills in interpersonal contact which can help to turn the tides in difficult encounters. He's also able to give valuabe advices which will protect his team members as well as using tactical positioning, confusing and marking the enemy so that his fellow team members can deliver the killing blow. Dessert is his favorite part of a meal, and one of his greatest favorites and weaknesses is cookies and cakes. Paraphrasing famous Aedyrian philosopher-humorist Wirt Hogas, he always says "I never met a pastry I didn't like" - Rauatai Sweet Pie is his very favorite. He also likes to trow the dices and once beat some cretin smug in a celler in Stalwart at "Dozens". "If you're looking for my professional opinion as counselor: he's nuts." - Dergan Troi to his comrades when meeting Lord Raedric - =================================== Counselor Ploi =================================== Difficulty: PotD v. 3.03 -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Paladin (Shieldbearer) -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Wood Elf (alternative: Island Aumaua) -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Aedyr - Colonist -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats (char creation): MIG: 15 CON: 08 DEX: 08 PER: 15 INT: 17 RES: 15 -------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: Stealth 0, Athl. 2, Lore 6, Mech. 0, Surv. 14 -------------------------------------------------------------- Talents (a=auto, r=recommended, !=important) Intense Flames ® Shielding Flames (!) Scion of Flame ® Shielding Touch ® Weapon Focus: Soldier Weapon & Shield Style Deep Faith Arms Bearer (!) Abilities Flames of Devotion Coordinated Attacks(!) Distant Advantage (a) Faith and Conviction (a) Inspiring Triumph ® Lay on Hands ® Sacred Immolation ® Reinforcing Exhortation (or Aegis of Loyality if no priest) Sworn Enemy (!) Zealous Focus ® --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (*=additional echantments by me; !=important, r=recommended): Weapon set 1: Cladhaliath (*durgan refined, *marking, *coordinating, *burning lash) & Outworn Buckler (*legendary, *durgan reinforced) Weapon set 2: arquebus Weapon set 3: arquebus Boots: Boot of Zealous Command Head: Munacra Arret Armor: Osric's Family Breastplate, then Ryona's Breastplate Neck: Cloak of Protection Belt: Coil of Resourcefulness Rings: Ring of Changing Heart, Ring of Deflection Hands: Spirit Spiral Quick slots: scrolls & figurines ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! Another colaboration of Jojobobo and me. This time I evolved a char concept around Jojobobo's idea of having a Shieldbearer who is kind of a diplomat and using Sworn Enemy + Zealous Focus + charm to generate a lot of charm-crits (because Sworn Enemy's ACC bonus works with everything). With this a paladin could somewhat substitute a cipher (when it comes to mind control) and add even more usefulness to his class. Since it only takes two abilities (that you can always make use of with a paladin) I tried to spin this idea of a diplomat/supporter/mind controller further and make this paladin a jack of all trades when it comes to support besides the usual Lay on Hands and stuff. So I threw together some of the nice build ideas that are already out, namely the Darcozzi Forward Obrserver (buff ACC) by Torm51, Sh!t's on Fire (high FoD damage) by limaxophobiacq and the Rauatai Captain (buff deflection) by SImpleEnigma - kudos to the authors of those builds. Check out their stuff, too. Then I shook the whole thing and out came this whizkid: 1. Boosting party's deflection (and other defenses): 1.a. Shielding Touch (+12 single ally) The Shieldbearer can use several abilites and items to raise his comrades' deflection. First of all there's Shielding Touch. To my surprise, despit being a passive addition to Lay on Hands, it works like Reinforcing Exhortation - this means it doesn't stack with other non-passive deflection buffs like Cautious Attack, Shields for the Faithful and also not with Reinf. Exhortation. But it's still good because team members that need healing from Lay on Hands usually are under attack - and that deflection comes in handy then. It's also good that it works on yourself (Reinf. Exh. doesn't). 1.b. Shielding Flames (+10 AoE): This is even better. When using FoD you will provide +10 deflection for nearly all party members (with high INT the AoE is realy big). +10 doesn't sound like too much - but it stacks with everything, and that's great. 1.c. Outworn Buckler (+5 to all defenses AoE) Everybody knows it's one of the best shields in the game. The herald bonus stucks with everything - with high INT you'll cover the whole party - awesome 1.d. Inspiring Triumph (+7 to all defenses AoE) Another AoE deflection buff. On kill you will raise deflection by +7 in the same AoE as Shielding Flames and it also stacks with everything! So when you shoot somebody with intense FoD + Scion of Flame + Sworn Enemy and he dies the whole party will instantly get +17 deflection - nice. Later, with Sacred Immolation, it will be triggeres all the time. It's an awesome synergy. 1.e. Reinforcing Exhortation It seems to be better than Shielding Touch since both don't stack, but seriously you can't have enough deflections boosts because they don't last forever. Once a shielding touch expires or if you want to give deflection only without healing, this is good. If you feel it's too much redundance with Shielding Toch, use Aegis of Loyality instead - it beautifully fits the theme and is very useful if you don't have a priest (which I had). All in all you can pile up +47 deflection on a single target, +22 in a big AoE and +12 to all other defenses in the same AoE. This guy turns even squishy party members into (tiny) tanks. 2. Providing ACC for an ally 2.a. Coordinated Attacks (+10 single ally) It's like marking - if you attack an enemy and one of your party members does this as well, he will get +10 ACC which will stack with everything else. 2.b. Marking Weapon (+10 single ally) Like above. It's like Coordinated Attacks on a weapon. Stacks with everything 2.c. Zealous Focus (+6 AoE) What can I say - you know it. You will boost the ACC of a single ally by 26 points if you attack thge same target. If you flank, you will provide the equivalent of 36 points of ACC. This is extremely helpful against tough enemies which are difficult ot hit or to disable. With this guy, annoying dragons and such with affliction like prone, stun etc. is easy. 3.: Crit-charming or -dominating 3.a. Whisper of Treason With Munacra Arret you can get an early item with 3 uses per rest which has fast cast. It also has +10 ACC which is nice. I took Enigma's Charm first but retrained because it has this annoying 5 sec delay and is an average cast. I seldomly used it, so I took something else instead. Later you can buy Spirit SPiral which will give you 3 more per rest. 3.b. Sworn Enemy +15 ACC for your charms, fast cast, no hit roll, lasts for the whole encounter, has an awesome range and also will give you +20% damage when the time comes that your charms wear off - nice! 3.c. Zealous Focus: +6 ACC for your charms 3.d. Ring of Changing Heart: the dominate effect has no ACC bonus and it's only 2/rest, BUT it can be cast outside of combat, and that can be a big plus. 3.e. Distant Advantage: the main reason (besides the background) I took Wood Elf. +5 ACC for your charms. SInce Sworn Enemy has such a long range, most of the time the enemy you want to charm is far away so this works. And what most people forget: it also works with the edges of your Sacred Immolation if the AoE is big enough and also gives you +5 deflection and reflex against distant enemies. This is good against spells and arrows as well as wing slams or breath attacks. You can pile up +36 ACC for your Whispers and +26 for your Dominations. It nearly always crits. A crit with Whisper oT with high INT leads to a charm that lasts longer than 20 sec. By the way I insta-crit-charmed all dragons (which were not immune) right at the start of the encounter which makes those fights a lot easier. 4.: Killing Stuff 4.a. Distant Advantage: with your arquebus shots you will have +5 ACC as well as for enemies which are at the edges of your Sacred Immolation. 4.b. Zealous Focus +6 ACC for everything, including FoD and Sacred Immolation. 4.c. FoD +50% burning lash and +20 ACC with that two arquebuseses. 4.d. Intense Flames +25% lash for your FoD arquebuses 4.e. Burning lashes on all your weapons 4.f. Scion of Flame Boosts the cumulated burning lashes from 100% to 120% - most of the time your additional burn damage will be higher than the original damage from the arquebus. With this, killing a weak foe and triggering Shielding Flames as well as Inp. Triumph is easy. It also boosts yout Immolation of course. 4.g. Coordinating on your Cladhaliath Since you always want to attack a foes that another team member attacks in order to trigger marking and stuff (see above), coordinating is one of the best enchantaments for you. Sure, your spear is not a dps tool and you are fairly slow without any big dmg mods, but the high ACC and the +25% bonus damage are nice nonetheless. 4.h. Mob Justice or The Mercyless Hand or Second Skin (optional) Mob Justice not only adds to the ACC of spear and coordinating, but also lets you get Cladhaliath a lot earlier. Tkis also counts if the paladin is not the MC. The Merciless Hand can balance out the lower crit damage of arquebuses. Since your high ACC with FoD often leads to crits, this talent would be a good pick. Second Skin is not so superuseful here, but if you don't want to use Cladhaliath (or want if for a different char) then Shame & Glory is your only single handed melee alternative. This also works of course if the paladin is not the MC, like with Mob Justice/Dozens. 4.i. Runner's Wounding Shot (optional) When using an Island Aumua, you can take Runner's Wounding Shot and an additional arquebus. Skip Deep Faith then. This will deal similar damage than an FoD shot - instead of 90% burniung lash you will have 80% raw DoT. With the Coil of Resourcefulness your switching works well without any talent. 5.: Tanking Defenses are great (as always with paladins). With Ryona's Breastplate and Outworn Buckler as well as Weapon & Shield Style you can take over the role of the main tank or a second tank or play an offtank role, it doesn't matter much. Your defenses are good enough to tank dragons for a short time (until the charms or the disabling works). Alltogether you will have a very sturdy frontliner who can - boost deflection/all defenses up to +47(single), +27/+12 (AoE) - raise the ACC up to 36 (flank+single) and +16 (flank+AoE) - charm up to 6 times per rest and dominate 2 times rest - most of them crits - tank & kill Enjoy!
  2. been playing the new release and was having a great time, we all got off very late eager to play again the next day. Come day time our best gear despawned at launch such as bee gear as well as the pinch whacker. im not upset about most of the gear however the pinch whacker was a one of a kind weapon to my knowledge and was wondering if its can respawn again or if it will be gone for the entirety of this playthrough.
  3. Currectly there is no support between Vortex and Steam Grounded Early Access users. Would be wonderful to have that corrected/added. Nothing that is already there on vortex or the work arounds do not work. Would love to see this done in the next update/patch. Do like Skyrim - make it moddable and the game will literally never die. Being a 3D artist and creative myself, this would be amazing! I grew up with Honey, I shrunk the kids! I want nothing more than for this game to thrive and survive!
  4. I am not sure where to go but with the last update (0.13) my base has been covered with wood! I can see all of my chests icons through the wood, but I can't access any of chest or storage containers directly! As well it has covered up a bunch of spinning wheels, ovens, and other workstations! How do I get them out!! I have hundreds of supplies, shards, globs, jewels, twinkling shells and more. I play on Xbox Series X, is there's some sort of debug command I can use?
  5. Following this topic.. My chanter is bugged Since two days ago I only can get 4/4 phases when I have a 5 phase spell with my chanter. I have tried to retraining it but nothing... any help?
  6. Just a Suggestion me and my friend love this game, I use the bow and arrows while he's up close with melee and shield. The issue is the arrow system. What if you can craft a quiver that takes an armor slot for throwables or something? Have it start out at 50 or 100 instead of 20, can be upgradeable to hold more. This would be a cool feature and very useful, as I'm always low on inventory space due to holding so many arrows. I also would like to see if there was an auto arrow retrieval system, where you walk over it and it picks them up. Having to pick every single one up by its self is annoying and tedious and sometimes i cant even pick them up because if something or someone walks over it some times they go flying, or get stuck under the map. What if after after shooting them the ones that are stuck in the enemy can be collected into a group to where you can pick up most of them with one click. Overall this game is awesome and I cant wait for what's to come next. Great job and thank you for giving me something new and fun to play that's NOT a Battle Royale!!!!
  7. As the title states, I am no longer gaining any XP in the DLC once I completed A Clockwork Mock Apple. I got quite a bit further into the game before I realized this was happening. Once I did, I loaded an older save and played through again in the hopes that I would not experience the same thing again. But I was paying attention to the XP, and noticed as soon as I talked to the Dr and leveled up to lvl 33, that I was no longer gaining XP for any actions. Is anyone else experiencing this? Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it? This is the very first bug I have encountered in this otherwise excellent game. I run it on Windows 10 ver. 2004, 2 x RTX 2080s, 32 GB DDR4 3733 MHz, Ryzen 9 3900X. Everything up to date. I am playing the EGS version. I have verified 2 times to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. I accidentally used the wrong microsoft email and now it wont let me change which account im using for my xbox login for multiplayer. I've tried uninstalling restarting and verifing the files. Please help!
  9. Anyone knows of support channels the game (Outer world) has become unplayable after level 10 because of extreme lag / frame rate ?
  10. Dear Obsidian, I'm playing addon Beast of Winter on my Mac and got a crash when fight with Soul Collector (when he beat my character). Even if I kill him without touching me next Soul Collector wil touch and game crash. Path to reproduce: Go to teleport on top from the character Start fight When Soul Collector beat character the game will crash I add save game and crash dump for you (save is large, add it by url) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zQSVntZgoH09ya4SyeQyxCdl3Jrh-cII/view?usp=sharing I would be glad if you help me to resolve or give me any suggestion how to fix. P.s. I spent 70 hours for the game. This is the best RPG I have ever played after Fallout 2. Hope you will create 3 part crash_dump_pillars.txt
  11. Greetings, I've been trying to get this mod to work for a very long time but I can't for the life of me figure out why it wont work. What I'm trying to do is to give my Rogue +1 guile every time he kills an enemy. Setup: When the rogue reaches level 1 he's given a new passive ability called "Endless Loop" (see #1). The new passive ability is created using the GenericAbilityGameData tag (see #2). Scoring a kill triggers a status effect (see #3) that rewards 1 guile (see #4). Code: #1 Progression Table Entry for the New Ability: Rogue_Mod.gamedatabundle #2 Generic Ability Table: Rogue_Endless.gamedatabundle #3 Status Effect (Apply On Event) Table: Rogue_Endless_SE_ApplyOnEvent.gamedatabundle #4 Status Effect Table: Rogue_Endless_SE_AddGuile.gamedatabundle Anyone knows why this isn't working? Do I need to fulfill some kind of prerequisite (i.e. the mob has to die from a normal auto attack or similar) in order to get the +1 Guile? I'm at my wits end so any help would be greatly appreciated. Please note! All mod files can be found at my GitHub: https://github.com/Spherikal/PoE2-GameplayMods/tree/master/PoE2-RogueTweaks
  12. Hi, I have multiple crash after arriving to Neketaka for the first time, some of them are in the start of the cinematic, sometimes before start the dialogue with the guardians of the shipyards, sometimes when I end that dialog. So far the game was playing fine with medium graphics but in that part of the game I put the game in low and mute all sounds effects and the game still crash after the dialogue end. I don't know if my computer have low spect or is a issue in that zone. I'm playing in the beta patch and using a game importing a game from PoE1 Here is a link with the logs, dxdiag and last save of my game https://www.dropbox.com/s/6969ftb1mhqe5wk/Crash_in_Neketaka.zip?dl=0 Thanks for reading.
  13. I've been playing PoE in any little spare time I have, and I love it. However I experience a minor annoyance sometimes during dialogue where when I left click it registers as 2 clicks, resulting in skipped dialogue. I fear that it'll result in accidently choosing the wrong dialogue options at some point. I'm 100 % sure I'm not double clicking, and I don't have this issue in any other games/software. One of my friends has the same issue, but I haven't seen anyone else posting about it.
  14. I'm playing a Wizard and I've set it up so she'll cast spells while I manage the other characters. However I've recently encountered a bug where the game will not save the changes I make to her custom AI behavior. Since I've encountered this bug the same is now true for all party members. I cannot add, remove or switch out spells, neither can i change can i change the priority of the spells already in the Behavior list. Does anyone have a fix to this issue?
  15. Hi all, I enjoy playing rogues, and with new multiclass system introduced in Deadfire I decided to put together something a bit different. I'm sure someone here already done it in the beta, but I'll give it a go anyways; It's a support/riposte tank build that uses Paladin passives (Darcozzi for RP reasons) to stack defenses, and Rogue for Persistent Distract/Riposte combo with nice damage boost via Streetfighter. Skill/attribute wise the character is built for wide range of dialogue options for a richer gaming experience, not just utility/effectiveness in combat. Specifics: Darcozzi Paladini/Streetfighter Human Aedyr Merchant MIG: 15 CON: 12 DEX: 10 PER: 9 INT: 15 RES: 17 Take note that I'm not a min-maxer at heart, nor is riposte the main source of damage since it's a bit lackluster atm, as I hear. Skills points should focus on Mechanics (secondary Athletics) as active, and Insight/Diplomacy (some Streetwise points) as passive. Avoid taking +engagement slots (except Distraction) to get flanked more easily for damage bonus (dagger modal will nullify the penalty). Aura of choice is +acc/crit, let Pallegina handle the armor boosting one Weapon setup is dagger for modal + X (either sword or any other slow 1H for stronger ripostes/full attacks). I'll expand on the talents a bit later because I'm at work Let me know what you think about this concept. Thx in advance
  16. Bought the game today, and installed. failed to even boot the game with screen dump of "oops, game crashed" Have tried checking integrity, have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and all of the fixes i've found on official and non official sites/forums attached is the error file asked for. this forum wont let me attach a file either.... please help. not even sure who or how i can contact anyone about this, have wasted 8 hours trying to get this damn game working.
  17. https://www.polygon.com/2017/8/19/16174510/mass-effect-andromeda-no-dlc-last-update https://twitter.com/masseffect/status/899030727089569792 Sad day in the Milky Way, This looks like a little death for the Franchise. The critical disappointment at launch, regarding the Game's Issues, seems to have led to this. I wonder what can we expect for the Future of this IP. I personaly don't want the so-called "highly awaited" Anthem to replace this Franchise. Maybe it's time for Obsidian to save another IP ! (I know this will probably never happen but... Never Say Never) Seriously though, it's really sad for Mass Effect to end like this...
  18. There's a lot of bugs in the game. 1. Completing daily quests doesn't register. I just cleared the required quest with only Lem and nothing. It's happened with the clear on Legendary as well. 2.Whenever I open chests I get 50% of items from the B deck and the rest from the first 2 decks. I only care about getting more deck 6 items and I get one every 7 chests, if I'm lucky... Am I supposed to do something to improve the odds? 3. Teleport sometimes moves characters from different zones as well. It happened to me in the battle for the dam when I cast it with Seoni, Lini was moved as well. 4. Acquiring allies with spells or cards, even when it's from the deck doesn't trigger the close location option. 5. (The worst one) whenever I use the "move at the end of your turn" location power the game gets stuck and I can't do anything. Relaunching the game multiple times can randomly "fix" it, but it's still annoying. 6. Allies often have the ! as if they had something they can do despite not being the case. 7. The treasure book that you can reveal at the end of the turn to draw a new spell doesn't work correctly, it doesn't ask to banish another spell. I'm probably forgetting a lot of them..
  19. I purchased the early access edition 4 days ago on the backer portal. I received an emailed receipt form support at obsidian but no other information. The pledge does not show on my managed products, butt does for previous orders. I have attempted to contact obsidian through both their email and facebook. Does anyone know what the usual turn around time is for processing pledges from the backer portal?
  20. This is just so bizarre. I know that I pledged $287 at the $199 level, but I can't find any record of it. When I log into Fig, it does not show up under my pledges. I got no confirmation in my email from either Fig or Stripe or Obsidian. But, yesterday, when I navigated to Fig from my phone, it showed that I backed it at $287. But I was not logged in! After I logged into Fig, that pledge disappeared and there was no more record of it. I cannot get back to that page, even after logging out of Fig. I wish I had taken a screenshot. What the heck is going on? Can anyone point me in the right direction on this? I will re-pledge if need be, but I don't want to accidentally get charged twice.
  21. iPad Version 10.2.1. iPad Pro. The pop up greets me for Game Center and is correct. Its been about 3 months since I have logged in to play and all the content that I unlocked. I unlocked the "Burnt Offerings" adventure and all the extra characters that were available at the time. My story party still shows that I am in Burnt Offerings > Thistletop Delve > 1.5 And when I go into Quest party manager shows all the other characters but are grayed out and they all still show there experience gained. Does anyone know of a fix? Thanks in advance.
  22. The title say everything, sorry for my english. See ya.
  23. Pathfinder isn't recognizing a logged in Game Center account. I've used steps from general workaround post regarding this issue: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88500-updated-103-trouble-logging-in-here-is-a-workaround/?do=findComment&comment=1832697 I've logged out while game was running and not running. Logged in while game was running and not running. Logged in from the settings page and from within the app. The Game Center "welcome back" message always appears within the app when logged in. The first time I ever ran the app, the login was successful, but never since then (+dozen times). I have removed the app and reinstalled. I have tried restarting app/logging out or Game Center and restarting app/logging in after a device soft reboot. My Game Center username formerly contained a special character, but I've changed it to only contain letters. My game version is 704-20161116 OS is 10.1.1 (14b100) Device is IPhone 6 (model mg5w2ll/a)
  24. Hey there fairly new to the game, been looking around at builds and such and playing a little on my own getting up to Kana. I've been abit on the fence about builds and such though seeing what will be viable in the long run, I own both White Marches so I cap at 16 I think. I'm adamant about playing on Path of the damned and it doesn't seem all that bad for me at the minute, a few wipes but once I had Eder in there things picked up. I was running this before Human - Shieldbearer - Living Lands Might 20 Constitution 3 (This really hurt for a while but got past it eventually) Dexterity 3 (Slooooooow) Perception 18 Intellect 15 Resolve 19 Looking at what's around none of this synergies well at all. I've heard about the Wayfarer's though I think Shieldbearer's were just what I was attracted to RP wise. Basically I want to run a Greatsword with backup Arquebus etc. Who basically buffs his teamates slightly with heals and auras, doesn't have to be over the top. Hence just leaving intellect at 15 for dialogue and abit of AOE. Abilities wise Im open to suggestions I know about Strange Mercy and Lay on hands and that's about it aswell as some proficiency talents. I'm fine with a bit of squishiness if I can get the healing off or just back off and become a gunner etc. This doesn't have to be min/maxy but just wondering what will get me through to the end. At the minute Constitution and Dexterity are a hard sell on me but I'm worried about dumping resolve since I think it might have been the only reason along with the outworn buckler that I even reached Kana. Any help is appreciated, Cheers.
  25. So, I haven't had the Stick of Truth for very long (Steam says I've only put in 7 hours, bought it the first day of the Summer Sale). When I was doing Jimmy's quest to get the flute (I forget the mission's name, sorry), the new kid began flashing on/off the screen, while Jimmy stayed there. Toward the end, the new kid never came on screen, and Jimmy was gesturing to a phantom. It's worsened now, I just began the mission to infiltrate the "Taco Bell" (immediately after learning the Sneaky Squeaker from Randy), and the entire cutscene you have before the first Nazi Zombie you find (where he takes out the two SWAT units), everything was flashing besides the background. Even the dimmed lights flashed to make a brighter room. I've tried the "Validate integrity of game cache" button already. GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M 2GB memory CPU: Intel® Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.6GHz DirectX Version 12 OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit I.. don't think there's any more info you'd need to help me diagnose, but feel free to ask.
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