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  1. I'd love to use gyro control for a more precise aimming but its inverted control is just unusable. This can't be changed by flipping the camera controls or anyway so it seems to be a bug.. The game feels great otherwise but this bug is quite a bummer.. I hope it could ever be fixed :[
  2. Hi, so I just finished putting the ingredients into the Javamatic and as soon as the cinematic with the ants attacking was shown, the game is now stuck in an iffy slightly zoomed in view. I have an ultrawide (Samsung CHG90) and had no issues so far, with over 240 hours in-game. I've tried changing numerous graphics settings. Tried some stuff in-game i.e. sleeping, dying, saving then loading but nothing has fixed it. If I go to third person it's still zoomed in. One thing that has sort-of mitigated it is going to third-person view and ramping the FOV up to 120, however it's still a bit off and I really prefer to play the game first-person. I've attached images so you can see. (Somehow the site let me upload five pictures originally, but after having to redo the post it's now limiting me to two...) P.S thanks to the devs for such an amazing game! It's one of the best games I've played in recent years and I am still hooked on it. Despite the odd bug here-and-there nothing has really bothered me up until now (ok, maybe the broken Natural Explorer for a little while lol). Keep it up and really looking forward to future expansions!
  3. Hi all! Several days before I've encountered a new problem in PoE 2: I can't save the game anymore via Main menu -> Save game. The menu is displayed, I have a Save button, but when I pressing it nothing happens. I have searched this forum a bit, and did not found the issue like that. All my prevoius save games are present in the list, and I'm still ableto save game via hot keys for Quick Save - this is how I'm continuing to play. But today I decided that the issue is really annoying, so here I am. I have the last Steam version with pre-order bonus and gaun's pledge additional content, no mods, most of the steam cloud space for this game is free, the space on HDD-s is also OK.
  4. So I started the Javamatic, went down to make the repair for 'power' decided to go off and finish my collectables, kill the Dr. And a few in game days and a new version of the game passed. Then I went back and now I have no prompts at the calculator, or the machine itself where you insert the ingredients. The screen isn't on on the calculator and the zipline works backwards now. Taking me up instead of down. Any solutions or is anyone having similar problems? I'm pretty disappointed that I've put a good amount of time into this to get all the collectables bar no.6 Misc (currently bugged) to be stopped at the end of the game by a bug that blocks any progress. Hopefully theyll sort a patch out because I'm not feeling to run all this again!
  5. Hi, I acquired Pillars of Eternity recently through EPIC GAMES, and the game works fine, until I open the map. I can create the character, play a little, however, when I open the map the game crashes. Its not aways, but its frequently. The fartest I have gone in the game is in the following map just right after Calisca dies. I can open the map with no problems right at the start of the following map, but if I explore a little and open it, the game crashes. I have been searching a fix for it, updating drivers, making the game run as administrator, disabling fullscreen optimizations, changing resolutions, setting the affinity via task manager (specifying the number of cores and threads), reinstalling it, launching the game without Epic Games Laucher, repair it, etc. Here is a save-file (I hope I got the right one, its just after I trigger the event with the waterskin in the beginning), if I load it, and open the map, the game crashes with a unity error every time. Hopefully its something simple, heard a lot of good stuff about this game. Sorry for any grammar stuff, english is not my main language. d13d362c60f0457485b02fd130cc140d 7759791 Encampment.savegame Player.log DxDiag.txt
  6. Game doesnt start anymore after the Update. Already Reinstalled but I still have the same problem. I can try to start the game for one time after I restart my Pc. I will always tell me that the has been a problem after showing the loading screen for 2 minutes. After that I cant even start it again, cause nothing will happen if i try to. I have to restart my pc for another try, but the same problem whil show up again and again...
  7. Ok, so, bit of a long story.... On it's release day, I bought the Peril of Gorgon DLC. However, all my save files were after the point of no return - the final stages of the final mission. Therefore, I was unable to leave Tartaurus and start the DLC. I ended up having to get a refund for the DLC through the xbox website, which was accepted within an hour. I knew that the only way for me to get to play the DLC would be to start the game again and get to the start point for it. I left it a couple of days and then started a new game. Although I had been refunded for the game, I guess the game still thought I had the game, or that the DLC wasn't actually uninstalled yet, as it said on the main menu "Peril of Gorgon installed ✔" and in game, in the quest screen, there was a Peril of Gorgon tab. Peril of Gorgon must've been available for me and not been removed yet, I guess. Anyway... I started the new game and played for a few hours. The next day, I went to return to the game only to find that I was unable to load any save file, as it says "Peril of Gorgon missing". I am stuck. Although, it also says "Current version - Save version -" which should be ok for me to continue, I'd think. I then bought the DLC again, hoping it would fix the issue - it did not. I then got a refund for the DLC again. Would I now have to restart the game yet again!?
  8. Been playing since launch a few hours in with friends managed to farm out tier 2 weapons/tools and find labs before videos were thrown out revealing location. Here are some problems, chest will bug out and make items disappear from all players view and they won't fill properly, another problem is bugs will spawn inside bases destroying it if aggressive, ants will steal through walls, building is starting to become weird as some things won't click to one another, more structures are needed such as foundations/triangular foundations not floors. My friend lost all of their stuff after d/cing after dying, they also have their armor unequip itself when they get hit(May be due to it being ant armor or a bug with hauling seams/planks). I like the game so far but its slacking on alot where it counts not much to interact with. Wolf spiders do massive damage even with tier 2 everything and strategically killing them they tend to 1-3 hit if not the poison will top you off not giving much time to using a healing smoothie. The Wolf spider dagger does little to no damage its poison hardly procs if ever in combat on bugs and its durability runs out within a matter of a minute in a battle making it kind of worthless yet the hardest weapon to obtain as of this moment, it needs a buff with poison proc and increased durability to be worth grinding for. There is also a glitch where berry's will not show in the right place on one person's screen but will on the other person's screen. There was a instance on a moment where super armor glue was somehow managed to dupe itself twice upon use (used it on spider helm and another one fell on floor infront of me happened twice but none after). And another instance where a friend used 1 super glue and it fixed all 3 pieces of armor. Would recommend a way to dispose of planks and seams so they dont break the map which may be the cause of most of these problems. Love the game so far looking forward to more content.
  9. Just installed the game and started playing. And everything seemed fine until the first night, when I noticed a rather big visual problem (visible more at night because of the contrast, and also that's when I came out into a more open space). Head bobbing weirdly affects the sky and horizon, causing every layer to bob kind of separately. It's only visible while walking/jogging. Doesn't happen at all while sprinting. I can link a video if anyone wants to see exactly what I mean, but it can really make one dizzy. Anyway, did anyone else notice this particular problem?
  10. End-game spoilers ahead, but nonetheless important for the developers to see I think. I'm in Byzantium at the moment, and for whatever reason the Early Retirement quest dipped my reputation with the Board over the edge. Now everyone guard in Byzantium wants to kill me and every citizen runs from me. This is unacceptable, as the end-game necessitates that you be in Byzantium. My enjoyment is almost ruined by this, since I couldn't take my way in or out of situations as I've done the entire game. The impact of being hated by a reputation you are forced to interact with shouldn't be shoot on sight - quite frankly, it's nearly game-breaking. Obsidian, I hope you find some way to fix this, because I don't want to experience, say, DLC, where everyone hates me. It would be really unfortunate.
  11. When I launch the game from steam or from the folder its in, it starts out as a white full screen then it turns into a small screen on the top left corner. The sound works and picture works but its not showing the whole screen, all i see is something about a dlc but it wont go full screen and it doesnt respond to my commands.
  12. I can't play Pillars of Eternity for a reason I've never seen before. When I start it up in Steam, where I bought it, the game cycles then brings up an error message about how it has tried to switch resolutions and can't. This accompanies a crash. Help?
  13. Hello. I can't seem to be able to use Ingredients and Quest Items in Stash. I can't drag or transfer them anywhere. For other items in stash, like food and weapons, works absolutely fine. I was at level 4 when I learn that I can enchant my weapons. Too bad before that I had put every single items in the Stash. Now I can't enchant my weapons, because the ingredients needed for enchanting are in the Stash. It's so frustrating. I tried going back to my Stronghold in Caed Nua (because I read somewhere, you can access the items when in the stronghold) but I still can't do anything. Is it a bug? Please help.
  14. hi I've installed poe recently and i have annoying problems with my fps... the game is working at 20 -30 fps :/ but my cpu is loaded in 10-15% i try to fix it but nothing works ..help me plz it is very annoying , how can i level up rate of fps ? here is my config : i5 2500k(4,5ghz) gtx970 and 8 Gb ddr3 ..i don t have idea why itsn t working well :/ windows 7 64bit
  15. there have been several glitches or problems since i purchased The White March one of which i think allowed me to cheat: 1. My druid is permanently hobbled whenever he goes into spiritshift. 2. Characters will walk around the entire battlefield to reach an enemy when it is just an inch away (program fails to understand shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line). 3. The alpine dragon stopped fighting when near death and let me basic attack it to death with my wizards wand by himself. The dragon just stood in the corner and punked out till it was dead. 4. the reason i had to kill the glitched dragon with my wand is beacause my wizards 5th level spells stopped working 5. Characters will just stop casting spells for no reason immediately after unpausing not from any hostile effect. 5. Whenever you pause to issue a command it wont bring up the icons until after you unpause the game leaving you to wonder if you clicked on it right or not.
  16. I got 4 BUGS/PROBLEMS: 1.- Can start the White March missions, cause I can't talk with the steward Like: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81328-cannot-speak-to-the-steward-to-begin-durgans-batter/?hl=steward 2.- Eder keeps wait for talking, but already chosed all options in our conversation 3.- If I respec my character, Savage Attack, keeps available without any need to pick it. And if i choose it during lvl up, i got 2 savage attack available. 4.- The loads time are hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrible.... Here are the files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/275k5smif9tnpxc/AADj1vH1AErQUMLlozRIlTSJa?dl=0
  17. When i use force sprint my screen turns dark it's really annoying!!! Does anyone know how to solve this??????
  18. Ok, so I FINALLY got a chance to play SoT. I was loving it until my game came to a skretching halt due to a bug or something. I'm playing on a PS3. When I first enter the wall after the two fights with the underpants gnomes, I'm able to kill the rat and walk into the hole on the otherside of the rat that should lead to a cut scene in which Douchebag watches his parents talk through the vent cover (I only know that's what the cutscene is because I looked it up on YouTube to see if I was doing something wrong). HOWEVER... When I enter that area after the rat, my screen never loads and while I can hear the music bed that's supposed to play on that cutscene, I get absolutely no visual and no voices. What the hell is going on? I've reloaded the autosave and other (older) save files, restarted, turned off and on my machine, unplugged the machine entirely, and all sorts of other things, all to no avail. I'm not willing to go back and replay the whole damn game on the off chance that I wont have the exact same problem, but it's a damn shame as the game is ASTOUNDING otherwise.
  19. When I start the game in steam, I can only click in "New Game". Options two and three stay loading and, during the game, I cannot save game. Please help. O.S: Windows 8.1 Intel i7 4700MQ 2,40 ghz Graphics: Nvidia 740M 1 ghz RAM 4 gb I have tried even updating to new beta 1.04, but still nothing. I have verified cache, unchecked Steam Cloud, but nothing, I cannot save games.
  20. Hi everyone! I have a huge problem with in KotOR 2. I'm DS male (5 lvl Sith Lord), I've already trained Bao-Dur and Atton for Dark Jedi, and now I have a problem with Handmaiden. When I start conversation and ask her about her mother, then becoming a Dark Jedi, she agrees. Kreia says "Betrayal"... And here we go... After this, there is a cutscene in Telos Academy where Atris says Handmaiden betrayed her and her sisters. Then she goes to meditate and my screen goes full black, I still hear Telos Academy theme playing and noises of surroundings but only thing I see is cursor. I can check my equipment, stats etc but only for my character and map says I'm in Telos Academy. When I save and then reload game I am really in Telos Academy but it's almost empty. Almost. I go in direction of chamber where are Sith Holocrons and before that room stays Atris. There is NOBODY else in whole Academy, I can't go back to Ebon Hawk. So when I talk to Atris she starts why have you returned or sth like that. Basically, it's the same conversation as the one you have when you're first time in Academy. The angle of camera is different, I can't see everything, especially when she draws 'my' lightsaber. I know that after Atris' speech about betrayal I should be back to Ebon Hawk but nothing like that happens. Does anybody know how to fix this huge bug?
  21. Not sure if I am supposed to post this here. I just feel like this kind of spell(and any other spells that do something like a confusion effect) are simply not as good as they should be because they make enemies literally friendlies during the duration of the spell. If you cast heal, you heal them. If you cast a "Enemy Only" spell, it doesn't affect them. Not sure if this was intended. A very small gripe. However, it was one of my favorite spells in BG.
  22. It seems like sending camping supplies to your stash just makes them permanently disappear. This is not good behavior, since it unintuitively deprives the player of something they'd want without warning or reason. The player should either be able to stash camping supplies, or be prevented from taking them.
  23. I have no problem using the bow in and out of battle, but the problem is that everytime i use the bow outside the battle and hit someone/something the screen goes black for few seconds which is very annoying . This happens when using DragonShout too but the black screen goes away quicker. I have no idea what causes that and there's not much to change in the options too. Also i have everything: drivers , directx etc. up to date.
  24. I downloaded the Content Restoration Mod,I am on the Ebon hawk, And I see most other features such as the Plasteel Cylinders, but what I cannot find is the cylindrical container that I see almost everyone else use. Can somebody help me? Including images. Thanks! http://gyazo.com/47e145323d9503107f8e62ff408d68c7 http://gyazo.com/6f4bde3d58ba9965427ce16de2719db1 -T
  25. So, as of the latest update (I think?) it's been a pain in the ass to move my character around (w/ mouse+keyboard). He doesn't move at all (or just barely) unless I hold down the sprint-button, and even then I can almost only move him left and right. Up and down is still a major issue. So I decided to try out my Xbox 360 gamepad instead. You'd think that this'd work better since the game was designed for use with gamepads. Nope. Wrong. No cigar there. I can't even move him an inch now. He's just tapdancing on the spot. And even when I do manage to move him, it's like trying to run through thick mud or something. Snail pace. I'm not using any emulation software, the gamepad is a wired one and I'm using the latest drivers (1.20 something). Somehow, I need to enter the options menu in the game's Main Menu, change something and then change it back (and confirm it) to be able to control the game with the gamepad. I couldn't select any choices in the menu without doing that first. Help?
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