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Found 22 results

  1. Hello everyone! Just registered to as this question. I have completed PoE2 as it came out. Then left it alone. Now decided to play it again with DLC this time. Unfortunately the game is completely unplayable when I have more than 2 NPCs on screen. If I scroll to the edge of the map where "the fog of war" is then it runs smooth. As soon as I scroll towards my character - fps drops to zero even on lowest settings and resolution. I have tried the -forced3d11 fix but it didnt work. Running as admin also does nothing. I have done benchmark tests, monitored activity with MSI afterburner and nothing points to any hardware issues. Tried removing GeForce experience but nothing helps. As soon as I enter Port Maje the game almost freezes at 2 fps. I am running an i7, GTX980, 32GB RAM. Please help. I am sorry if there is a thread about this but I haven't found it.
  2. If you're suffering from in game performance issues like stuttering or lag spike, please identify your platform you're playing on. This is only intended for a snapshot of information, and there is a limit for poll questions.
  3. Shared worlds is a great idea in concept, but a terrible idea for playing in a non-creative game mode. Constant ruber banding band disconnects, doors being "open" but launching you all the way back because it was actually closed, inability to interact with items or hot bar unless you quit the game, Not being able to find or join your friend's host world, instead you have to go to start it yourself for it to tell you a friend is already hosting the world so you can join. And the worst part is the huge Latency issues especially when it comes to fighting any tier 2 or higher enemy. Currently in its state, Antlions or spiders or pretty much a coin flip. You either get good latency and you are able to parry or the game registers your hit late or not at all and you die immediately. Now you pair this with the death damage you take to ALL of your armor and this game puts you loops of constantly dying and breaking your armor. So now you have to constantly reload the world to recover back packs and that reintroduces all the aforementioned issues. I appreciate shared world but in its current state it's NEARLY impossible to play because of lag and other issues. I hope you are coming with a patch to fix this because if I knew it would take a huge nosedive in quality I would have rather started on a normal multiplayer file rather than this laggy issue riddled mess.
  4. I've found that if you think your lagging. Can't open doors etc JUST JUMP and that seems to sort it for that moment!!!
  5. Hey, so I've been playing with my friends online and they live across the world from me. Usually this isn't a big issue when it comes to playing online games, but we've started to get a lot of lag and crash issues with standard worlds and the shared worlds no matter who hosts it. At this point, it's unplayable for us, so I was just hoping that someone would know how to fix this issue or if there will ever be a fix for this issue? We were hoping the shared worlds might fix something when it came out, but I think it just made it worse. Thanks
  6. Giving some feed back on my Co-op/Multiplayer experience in Grounded. I have 4 copies of the game across 4 Steam accounts. I have been attempting to play with my children, all in the same house on the same internet connection. I say attempting because we have not been able to have 4 people play for more than about 2-5 Minutes. The average is a disconnect for at least 1 player every 20-30 seconds. If we only do a 3 player game we can get connected for 10-15 minutes before one of the 3 players is dropped to the main menu. If only 2 players play, then it will usually be Ok for an hour or so at a time. When the game disconnects, you get a brief 1-2 second black screen and then are back at the GROUNDED Splash screen where it asks you to press any key to open the main menu. Even when players are able to be connected, we always have a "HIGH PING" icon in the upper right. We rubber band, and teleport around quite a bit. It seems that jumping will update your location to the host. Example: If you run a far distance,(No jumping) and try to interact with an item, it wont do anything. So if you jump, your location will get updated, and then you will teleport to where the host thinks you are/should be. Often quite far from where you thought you were. Upon being disconnected 5 or 6 times you are met with a message that your password for the game session is wrong and will not let you rejoin. Even if the host never had a password set. When this happens the host must close down the game and start a new session so that players can attempt to join. Another strange thing happens from time to time. When joining a session, players will sometimes be in a strange camera/photo/spectator mode. All the icons and UI messages are all over the screen and jumbled up. You can also see the location of all the BURG.L Chips. The player can only fly around the map. You are not able to interact with anything, or respawn. So you must quit and attempt to rejoin. Doing so often yields the message about an incorrect password, thus forcing the host to start a new session. Not sure if playing across the internet from separate locations is any better or not, as I have only tried playing with people at the same physical location. We are able to play other games online together just fine. Other games that we play without issues include: Halo MCC, Halo Infinite, The Cycle Frontier, Minecraft, Enlisted, Warthunder, Sea of Thieves, Battlefield 4, Easy Red2. So I don't think it has anything to do with our internet connection. I'm thinking its something to do with this game and how its updating from the guests to the host. All in all trying to play multiplayer has been a huge pain and large point of frustration. While single player is fun, we would really like to play together.
  7. For me the coal biome is super laggy like laggy to the point where it takes 5 seconds to do a 180 turn. I have a base halfway in the biome, and the half that's not in the biome it runs perfectly smooth(kinda) but right as I step foot into the base that's in the biome it's immediate lag. My friend that joins my game also just has extreme lag problems and tends to fall off our zipline hub and die quite often. I don't know how you would fix this but I guess if their was a graphic slider bar that could decrease the graphical requirements, that could help, or maybe having less of the map loaded while you aren't in it or something.
  8. I am report this issue so this can be fixed because it is really annoying. When me and my friends are playing (usually 4 of us) we tend to lag (most of the time near our base). I believe it is something on the server side as the game runs smoothly. When I sometimes am walking around I see it as just normal me walking around and killing stuff. But my friends just see me walking into a wall breaking it then all of a sudden when I jump I teleport to the place where I lagged out. I'm pretty sure this is related to the high ping issue. Thanks. -ClassyBear
  9. So earlier today while playing the new hot and hazy update I realized I needed to go and get ant mandibles so that I could fix my ant club but when I looked around for soldier ants there were none to be found, but lucky for me I remembered that there was a ant hill not too far west of the baseball. So I head over to this ant hill and at first I get hit by a small amount of lag but I didn't think anything of it knowing that its probably just spawning things in but the second I took perch on top of the hill to find some soldier ants I started lagging so bad I couldn't even input actions and I ended up dying to the ant which is not a major problem but if this were to happen while I am in the middle of the labs or worse it would be awful. I play on The Xbox one and have not had any lag issues like this since day one I hope this helps!
  10. When playing I'm getting issues with sound lagging out. The music will stop for a period, then come back after a few seconds. Also when approaching npcs that talk or opening a dialogue, the subtitles come up early but then there is a huge delay until the characters start to speak. Any known fix or suggestions?
  11. It seems that the plant lamps make the game lag terribly. The sconces seem to be fine however. Its definitely not my machine either.
  12. There is a HUGE flaw in whatever system keeps count of the total number of insects on the map. its now gotten to the point where anytime I go near a larvae pod, thereā€™s at least 30-50 in the area and it works my GPU to its limits, which shouldnā€™t be happening seeing as I spent $2000 on this PC. It also causes both my friend on XBOX and me on PC to have a crazy amount of lag anytime we go near a cluster of larvae. Please introduce a more realistic food chain, have some of the bugs attack each other so my game doesnā€™t continue to get overloaded from the number of bugs on the map. It would even make more sense for the spiders to eat some of the bugs, like they do in real life! I really enjoy this game, but not at the cost of my PC.
  13. Hello, First of all, thanks for designing such a good game. It is great! If I were playing it on PC or Mac probably I would love it. I wish I could say the same thing for its PS4 version. It is horrible. I bet you are already aware of it. So my question is simple, are you planning to improve it? (BTW, I am playing it on PS4. Not PS4 Pro. Not PS4 Pro + SSD upgrade. Simple, Vanilla, PS4.) If you are not aware of the problems, these are the major pain points I am experiencing: Slow, very slow, loading times: It gets even worse in Neketaka. I saw some other entries about it but I don't see any comment on when (or if) it will be fixed. Lags, frequently lags: Just cast an Essential Phantom spell and see it yourself. Or at midnight wait until morning. Or go to a water side with some reflections. Or ... Crashes: It crashes regularly. Sometimes it semi-crashes (exits to main screen) and sometimes it crashes completely. Semi-crashes are happening because it cannot load a map which is a transient issue and when I start the game again it will be able to load. the game. I don't have any idea why It crashes completely. I am trying to send a feedback from PS4 but I am not sure if you are getting it or not. Bugs, bugs everywhere: Even in a simple team management screen. Sometimes it doesn't get my team selection. Sometimes it does get my team selection, removes a character from the team but same character stuck to same location on every map. Fun, isn't it! I am not even expecting you to go into detailed bugs like certain scripted interactions keeps playing same sound file over and over again until you restart your game. No. I am just expecting most used features to be worked as expected. At this level, game is almost not playable. I like this kind of games but if I knew it was this state I wouldn't buy it in the first place. When I realise its state after I played it couple of hours, I considered returning it but PS4 store didn't accept returns for digital copies. Before I bought it, I read it was slow but I wasn't expecting this slow to be honest. I wish you had spent same amount of time for PC version and deliver in similar qualities. So my question is simple, are you planning to improve it? If yes, when? If no, why? As I said, it is very nice game! I wish to be able to play it (ideally multiple times) without getting annoyed by the loading screens, lags, bugs or crashes.
  14. As soon as I enter Port Maje and trigger the first event, my game becomes unplayable, like 3-4 fps. If I move my camera away from the people it stops stuttering, so it must be the NPCs. Any fixes? It was okay until this happened. I've tried every fix I could find. I have a GTX 960 and a i5 4670.
  15. So I started up the game with happiness in mind and ran into a snag in character creation. It took 20 seconds to load the portrait. It wasn't just one portrait, cycling through ANY portrait was met with a 20 second lag between every click. Eventually I picked a picture and figured it'd be no problem once character creation was done except this problem followed me into the game. Dialogue takes about 3-5 seconds to start in every little thing, every little input, character select, even movement is met with awkward pauses and dialogue confirmation seconds later and opening up the inventory takes 20+ SECONDS TO LOAD! Someone help! I'm dying here, my excitement for the game has suffered in the last 4 hours.
  16. This seems to get progressively worse until it takes about a minute to disarm traps. The game stutters more and more when disarming traps until eventually it freezes for 10-20 seconds. This only happens when disarming traps, and the only issue I'm experiencing. The rest of my computer seems to continue normally (ie: a video, or audio continues playing while this stalling happens).
  17. Dear obsidian support, I don't know if you are aware of this issue but many users have problems with non-performance related constant stuttering in game. I have a strong rig (i7-4790K, GTX980, 16GB RAM) but I experience framedrops to 6FPS every couple of seconds - even the game is paused! I observed that the time interval between spikes depends on actual refresh rate. For example if I turn off v-sync the game is running at 150FPS and I have 160ms spikes every 5 second (look at the attachment). If I turn on v-sync the game is running 75FPS and those spikes are there every 20s. Capped at 30FPS the time between spikes is around 50 seconds. This is very strange and I would like if someone from developers can look at this issue as it completely ruin the game experience. Otherwise the game runs pretty smooth but this is not acceptable and very annoying. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need further assistance. Thanks!
  18. Hello everyone, So in the middle of my second play-through (thief on PoD) my game suddenly hits a huge amount of lag and runs choppy from there on out. No amount of reloading other saves or the game helps, but waiting a few days seems to. Except it ran smoothly for about 20 minutes before returning to THE SUCK. From what I've seen online it's either blamed on the system or the 3D characters, but these don't make sense to me because I ran a entire play-through without a single graphics incident. Is it just a matter of waiting for a patch, or can I do anything? Specs: Running the game on low graphics Mac OS X Yosemite 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB Thanks guys and gals, Kyle
  19. I haven't included a saved game with this as there isn't any one point in the game where this issue occurs, it happens constantly. The issue is that whenever I try to equip a weapon while in the inventory screen, or switch characters while in the inventory screen I have to sit through about a 15 second wait. This issue was happening to me even before the 1.03 patch, so I doubt it's something that was caused recently. When trying to level up my characters (by clicking on the + button at the top left corner of the character's portrait) the game goes through the same pause for about 30 seconds for each character I try. I'm not sure if this is something that is a problem on my end, but I know that this particular freeze (when leveling up) did NOT occur before the 1.03 patch. I looked through the forum and through the current bugs list and it wasn't on there, so hopefully it's something easy for me to fix. I'm using the Steam Version: 1.03 My system specs are: -------------------------------------------- OS: Windows 7 Professional x64 RAM: 32 GB Processor: IntelĀ® Core i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.2GHz DirectX Version: DirectX 11 Graphics Card:[SLI x 2] Nvidia Geforce GTX 780 Ti | Mem: 2680MB (x2) ---------------------------------------------------- Graphics Card 1: ---------------------------------------------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 780 Ti DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Display Memory: 2680 MB Dedicated Memory: 2966 MB Shared Memory: 3809 MB Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz) Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor Monitor Model: ASUS VK278 Monitor Id: ACI27F7 Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz) Output Type: DVI ---------------------------------------------------- Graphics Card 2: ---------------------------------------------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 780 Ti DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Display Memory: 2680 MB Dedicated Memory: 2966 MB Shared Memory: 3809 MB Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz) Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor Monitor Model: ASUS VK278 Monitor Id: ACI27F7 Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz) Output Type: DVI Here is some info from the log file. It seems to be some kind of issue with it not being able to find the bone transform for the primary weapon/secondary weapon: (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) UnloadTime: 133.102478 ms Checking to instantiate global... (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Checking to instantiate in game global... (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 15 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 7 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 4604 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 85011. Total: 153.006622 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.347139 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.205181 ms MarkObjects: 87.988556 ms DeleteObjects: 54.447174 ms) Asset not found at path: Art/Character/Male/Textures/Body/CL/CL03/m_M_Skin_V02 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 8 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 3143 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 89655. Total: 177.098984 ms (FindLiveObjects: 5.397386 ms CreateObjectMapping: 6.066102 ms MarkObjects: 161.263428 ms DeleteObjects: 3.574804 ms) Tier1Backer cannot be loaded because the asset bundle type is not supported! (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Tier2Backer cannot be loaded because the asset bundle type is not supported! (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Tier1Preorder cannot be loaded because the asset bundle type is not supported! (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Client Size: L 0, R 1920, T 0, B 1080 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Window Size: L 0, R 1920, T 0, B 1080 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Client Screen Origin: X 0, Y 0 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Clip On. Range: L 0, R 1920, T 0, B 1080 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) GildedVale reputation changed on the Positive axis (Major). (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Paperdoll Character doesn't have the specified bone (primaryWeapon) for Weapon Attachment. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 8 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 26653 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 89643. Total: 216.801132 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.228884 ms CreateObjectMapping: 8.004454 ms MarkObjects: 166.026306 ms DeleteObjects: 35.715427 ms) Paperdoll Character doesn't have the specified bone (secondaryWeapon) for Weapon Attachment. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Paperdoll Character doesn't have the specified bone (primaryWeapon) for Weapon Attachment. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 8 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 32899 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 89688. Total: 240.280090 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.530782 ms CreateObjectMapping: 12.164825 ms MarkObjects: 161.240067 ms DeleteObjects: 59.555775 ms)
  20. Defiance bay area lags a lot. is that normal? Am I the only one that seems to find the VA a bit delayed to the text? it's not that serious, but a bit distressing.
  21. I've recently decided to re-install my old physical copy of TSL since I've heard of the new compatability between TSLRCM and M4-78 or whatever that new droid planet is called.So I start-up the game,make my guy,blah blah blah.Right after the opening cutscene of the Ebon Hawk docking into Peragus and awakening from the Kolto Tank,what starts happening?Massive amounts of lag to cause lag teleportation for my character. I'm running on lowest settings to the point of disabling shadows and grass and using Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 and I'm still getting massive lag.I have no mods whatsoever besides the mss32.dll fix,which I highly doubt would impact preformance,and I have everything running under compatability for XP2 and running said things as Admin.I have scoured the internet for answers,but I have found none.So I'm hoping one of you kind souls on here will help me out.Thank you in advance. :D Specs are as shown: OS: Windows 7 Home Preminum (64-bit) (Service Pack 1) Graphics Card: AMD Raedon HD 7640G Processor: AMD A8-4500M APU With Raedon HD Graphics (4 CPUS) ~1.9GHz RAM: 6GB VRAM: 512MB DirectX: 11
  22. Hi first time here, So I'm a huge fan of KOTOR and KOTOR2. I recently decided to reinstall them. I reinstalled KOTOR and it worked like a charm, KOTOR 2, not so much. I'm running vista x64 and I have an intel i7, two nvidea 9800 gt's, and 6gb RAM . I installed KOTOR2 and patched it up and did the fix to get it to run by replacing the securom and changing CPU affinity and all, the same I did with KOTOR. The problem is, I'm getting massive lag in KOTOR2. No matter my settings, when I move around the ge lags like crazy. Not only that, cutscenes take ages to load. Amy help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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