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Found 2 results

  1. There is a HUGE flaw in whatever system keeps count of the total number of insects on the map. its now gotten to the point where anytime I go near a larvae pod, there’s at least 30-50 in the area and it works my GPU to its limits, which shouldn’t be happening seeing as I spent $2000 on this PC. It also causes both my friend on XBOX and me on PC to have a crazy amount of lag anytime we go near a cluster of larvae. Please introduce a more realistic food chain, have some of the bugs attack each other so my game doesn’t continue to get overloaded from the number of bugs on the map. It would even make more sense for the spiders to eat some of the bugs, like they do in real life! I really enjoy this game, but not at the cost of my PC.
  2. I've recently decided to re-install my old physical copy of TSL since I've heard of the new compatability between TSLRCM and M4-78 or whatever that new droid planet is called.So I start-up the game,make my guy,blah blah blah.Right after the opening cutscene of the Ebon Hawk docking into Peragus and awakening from the Kolto Tank,what starts happening?Massive amounts of lag to cause lag teleportation for my character. I'm running on lowest settings to the point of disabling shadows and grass and using Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 and I'm still getting massive lag.I have no mods whatsoever besides the mss32.dll fix,which I highly doubt would impact preformance,and I have everything running under compatability for XP2 and running said things as Admin.I have scoured the internet for answers,but I have found none.So I'm hoping one of you kind souls on here will help me out.Thank you in advance. :D Specs are as shown: OS: Windows 7 Home Preminum (64-bit) (Service Pack 1) Graphics Card: AMD Raedon HD 7640G Processor: AMD A8-4500M APU With Raedon HD Graphics (4 CPUS) ~1.9GHz RAM: 6GB VRAM: 512MB DirectX: 11
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