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  1. I've finally gotten all the building item in the games and i have a large gripe with the roofing of the game. As it stands the roofs are not great as they simply sit in top, sometimes not even fully covering the roof. There are some ways around this with some building techniques but, even with said techniques there is still an open slit from the outside. I propose that there should be a "half" roofing tile, a tile that is half the length of a normal tile. this would allow you to extend roofs in more intricate designs and also extend the rooves down more to not only cover the tops of your building better but also have a slight overhang on your building that generally just looks amazing. If im to be honest i mainly just want an overhang on my building but the other stuff does still stand true and is slightly annoying.
  2. Hey! I'm going to start by saying this is a really nice and fun game to play, spent around 20h on the first days of the release, exploring, building and testing the mechanics. The setting is really cool, the "Pixaresque" art style goes really well here. The story is short (so far) but I'm eager to learn more! A Roadmap to show how the updates are gonna be laid out would help tremendously. Down below are my suggestions on gameplay improvements, what I personally would like to see added and a small or content update I came up with. Quality of Life Equipment such as armor and weapon should not take up an inventory slot. General idea, the thing you are wearing cant also be in the bag right? Hotbar crafting, e.g. if you have a torch on hotbar slot 1 and it breaks, pressing "1" again will fast craft it if one has the ingredients for it. Same for any consumable item like the bandages etc. Sorting options, both in chests and inventory. Also making it auto-stack with existing stacks. Drop all button for a stack, so u can share stacks of arrows quickly or food etc and not have to drop one at a time. Crafting "x" amount button is needed aswell same reason as above, that one could make a stack of arrows quickly. A system where crafting auto-detects ingredients in nearby storage containers. Cuts down on the inventory sim. Show time left on downed allies. Compass marker. Slime mold torch should work underwater? Content Character abilities / feats - 4 unique teens that stand out, adding abit of depth to the selection creating for unique gameplay with different setups for co-op and single player experiences. Wheelbarrows / Sleds - Something to bring with you to carry planks and stems. Weapons - More tiers. More weapon types, E.g. Crossbows, 1-handed / 2-handed varients of swords / maces / axes, Shields, Slings etc. Weapon abilities - Essentially a alternative fire option, e.g. Spear with a charge attack. Club with a overhead swing. Sword with a spin attack. to diversify the weapon types. Armor - More unique one-piece gear like the Aphid slippers, Eg. Mining helm made from fire flies. Rideable insects - Ant pets, ladybug jousting, wolf spider hunting parties so many options ran through my head here and this could be a really fun addition to the game. Decoy items - Consumable item to throw either away from you or on to the attacking creature to lure it or repel it away. Craftable bags - Increase inventory space by crafting. Crafting materials - Sand, Mud, Clay, Plastics(?), Mining ore etc. Base building - Different tiers of house building, creating for unique building options. More shapes for different materials. Fences, Pillars, Ladders, Trapdoors. Stair options, Ramps. 2nd tier of stockpiles which can carry more planks / Stems. Interior building - Beds, Chairs, Tables, Chandeliers, Tiers of storage containers - chest/cupboard etc, Carpets, Paintings, Display cases. Decoration - Painting, color chests, interiors etc. Boats - Make leaf boats to cross water areas. Weather system - Rain, terrifying water just crashing down. Fog, seasonal themed weather e.g. snow. Weather system 2.0 - Hard ask here - rain could fill up trenches and alter the yard experience after it rains. Bosses - Ant queens, Broodmother spider, Infected lady bug etc. Some progression bosses made to fit the story arc or as world bosses. Invasions - event where one has to defeat a swarm of ants, or other insect life. Creatures Generally more of everything but to name a few. Flying - Bees, dragonflies, fire flies, hornets. mosquitos, moths Ground - Worms, centipede, beetles, Aquatic - Fish (to make water dangerous and scary), Striders, tadpoles, water beetles DLC Idea / Event Idea Lost and found Where players can find lost toys that through time have been forgotten and found by insects that drag it home to their bases. Either like action figure weapons and armor that have unique stats on it, or more Lego's themed pieces both tools and weaponry.
  3. Platform: PC - Steam S or M?: Multiplayer Issues: Game is crashing when it tries to display Saves available to host. Shared saves will not display. Shared save will be missing our player constructed items. Description: The game may lead to crashes when trying to load saves to host. After restarting, the game may not show shared saves. After restarting, the game may crash when trying to load saves. After restarting, the shared save may disappear. After restarting, the shared save will lack all in-game progress forcing us to restart and try again. When functional, game will load save and all will be normal. Began: Issue began after Homestretch update went live. It might be placebo but there was no noticeable issue during the public beta. Troubleshooting - No updates or changes to Windows. Already attempted to both verify and reinstall the game with no improvement. Attempted to log out of Live and log back in. Created New Shared Save post-update. This has been occurring for two days consecutively for both my friend and I on the Steam copy. If we are lucky, the game will load available saves and we can host without it crashing. This means multiple attempts to load and play the game hoping it does not crash prior to selecting and loading a save. If the save is missing our constructed assets, we will attempt to load the save again to solve it. Video of the Crash (30 sec - Uploaded via Windows tool): https://clipchamp.com/watch/GOzY5d11lIL System Details (Dxdiag.txt): Windows 11 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 22000) MS-7D32 MSI 1.70 BIOS Intel Core i9-12900k, ~3.2GHz 131072 RAM - (Page File) 16952MB used, 133392MB available DirectX 12 - RTX 3090 Ti - 89780 MB - Driver Version DxDiag.txt
  4. So after much deliberation over the course of the weekend, my friends and I (more commonly known as the Cheesebags) love the game to bits so far and have come up with some cool ideas for things we'd love to maybe see in future updates. I will sort the lists into categories for convenience. Possible new Creatures: We decided to ballpark some new ideas for possible future creatures to add to the garden. Due to the wasps in the banner image on the steam page we assume you already intend to add them into the game. So we have left them out of this list, but below we have some of our other suggestions. Bees Mosquitoes Butterflies Moths Dragonflies Caterpillars Centipedes Fleas Earthworms Silverfish Snails Frogs/Tadpoles Utilities: Ladders We reckoned that ladders would be a useful way to ascend a built wall that might take up less floor space than stairs. Zip-Lines These could be a great method of travel between two fixed points, they could work either in a traditional sense and you'd slide from one higher point down to the lower. Or maybe they could work with some kind of pulley system from two points of equal height. Rope Swing For this we figure like in lots of games you could either have a fixed anchor point built and you could jump to grab it and swing back and forth to clear some kind of gap. Or maybe it works on a portable sense somewhat akin to Indies Whip but functionally works the same, maybe with a sticky tip of some kind to attach to surfaces. Elevators/Dumbwaiters These could be excellent for those that built raised bases. Perhaps using some sort of pulley system one might be able to raise/lower a platform with chests on or a grass pallet. This would for sure help for more convenient item hauling in a vertical sense. Rowboats We assume that the pond is going to have more to it, but we figure that a boat of some kind would be fantastic in traversing across the water. They would possibly be made from acorns leaves or lily pads. Rain Catcher This Item is dependent on a weather topic that will follow below. But if rain was ever implemented a receptacle of some kind to catch the rain would be brilliant. Stationary Slingshot Turret This idea came about thinking about a kids slingshot, and maybe moving forward with that in mind maybe there could be some kind of stationary slingshot style item to launch the players over a great distance for easy travel with the gliders. This could be a really high demand recipe as it is a rather strong item to have. Quality of Life: Inventory sorting function This was one of the first things we came to yearn for in game, we fell that the ability to auto sort a storage container, your own backpack & and easier way to merge you personal inventory with that of the contained would be a much welcome addition. Inventory stack increase Due to the limited amount of storage space in the backpack and the containers, we really feel that the stack size of items could be increased to some degree. It feels like 10 is far too low as the inventory in your backpack alone fills up too quick and maybe increasing up to at least 20 would be great. Craft 'X' quantity of item function This comes about due to the fact we feel crafting larger quantities of items takes too long when doing them one at a time. For example, being able to adjust the number of how many woven fibres you want to make based on the amount of planet fibres in your backpack and craft all at once would be a huge time saver. Pallet capacity increase Similar to the inventory stack quantity feeling too low, we feel the same issue extends to the pallets. Considering how many grass planks in particular you need to build larger structures it would be very handy if the amount of planks you can get onto each pallet could be increased to maybe 30. This would prevent having to stop building and gathering planks almost every living second of the game as you burn through them so fast and building. Storage Chest Naming This one isn't nearly as major as the custom markers on the chests a already pretty cool. But maybe being able to add a name to a storage container just to further mark it with a specific kind of item would be neat, Equipped items not taking up an inventory slot So far we feel that we dislike that the tools and certainly the armour take up a backpack slots while equipped. I'm not sure and the best way to go around dealing with this in the game in the cleanest way for the UI. But its definitely a thought we'd like to put out there to discuss with everyone. Ability to move built structures For far it's been a bit of a pain placing a structure or utility item down in the wrong place and having to recycle it (receiving less materials) to move to another spot. Only to then to not have enough materials now and having to stop and go harvest more. Maybe having just the ability to move a completed base piece would be handy but obviously could be avoided currently by being very careful with where you but down blueprints. It would still however be a very handy feature to have. Custom Blueprint Group This one is inspired by other building games, namely Planet Zoo. In this game you have the ability to create a 'group' blueprint based on a structure you've made so that you could save it to a library and the whole blueprint of the structure could be placed in one motion to make it easier to make duplicate structures. This would be a fantastic feature to add as I would like to repeat a few structures we have made within the garden. Filter Specific Trail Markers This one is another minor one, but even though there is already a way to hide the trail markers from the UI. We feel that being able to isolate certain ones, namely the quest ones while keeping all the other ones could be great. Because in our game at least, we know where to go for each of the major landmarks now but still use a lot of our own custom trail markers. But having our own in addition to the quest ones can be quite overwhelming and would like the ability to filter certain ones away. Additional 'Major' Features: Different weather variations This one I'm sure has been brought up by others, but a weather feature with some of the usual classics, rain, drought, snow, overcast, humid could be neat and effect the game play in various ways based on each individual weather. I wont go through all of them as this paragraph would be gigantic but maybe a few examples might be that some of the games creatures might act differently or perhaps the rain might be very dangerous to travel through but would obviously be a plentiful source of water. Season Variations This one is similar to the weather note prior where maybe just some of the games features, game play mechanics and of course visuals might change up to complement the passage through the different seasons throughout the year in the garden. Understandable this one is a giant effort to bring to life but would be awesome on the less. Base Building: Below are just some off the cuff ideas we had for other base building items that could be added to spice things up. Bunk Beds Slime Mold Ceiling Light Flower Petal Roof Pieces Support Pillars/Columns Bug Cage Trap Equipment: This is the same as the above category but for general equipment. Thistle Armour (returns damage back to attacker) Wing suits (possibly made from insect wings wasps/dragonflies etc) At this moment in time these are all the suggestions for game play changes and possible future content that we the Cheesbags have come up with. We hope that future readers of this like some of our ideas and would be open to discussing their opinion on what we have brought up below, or even add their own ideas! And lastly to the team over at Obsidian, we hope this might be useful information to all of those working on the game. Keep up the great work, even in early access we are having a blast and cant wait to see the next content update from you guys. Stay Fresh! - Corey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just under here I'm going to keep the ideas from everyone in the thread so that in the event of crazy amounts of ideas flooding in we can keep most of the coverage from the topic up near the top for easy reading. I will credit everyone accordingly for their ideas Tamable creatures This is one that I reckon comes up a lot for many players. But I do really like the idea of being able to tame certain insects to maybe just have around player bases in order to defend them from threats. Then also down that same vein even have some mounts to ride around on much like in honey I shrunk the kids. Being able to ride an Ant or a Ladybug would be terribly fun and a great addition to the game.
  5. I wish I could sit around the table my friends and I built together! Furniture with purpose
  6. Two things I have noticed we need on the main game screen/interface (NOT menus). We need the in-game time displayed as we are moving around, and a compass. I know what is to the north, what is to the south, etc. But I don't know which way I'm traveling unless I open the map. And every piece of grass looks similar, so it's hard to use the terrain to tell which way I'm going as I am actually moving. If I make a wrong turn because of terrain or something in the way, I have to open the map to look up my position and direction again. But if I know that I'm supposed to be heading straight north, I can adjust myself in the game after avoiding the obstacle, and then head north again. This would be especially important when I realize there's a spider nearby (which I can not kill) and I start running away from it. I'd like to be running in the direction I'm trying to go, instead of the opposite, or far off to the side! The in-game time display would help me figure out how far away "sleep time" is, how far into sleep time I have stayed awake, etc. I know certain things from the SCA.B turn green when it's sleep time, but I just traveled all the way to the eastern edge of the map, only to realize it was sleep time when I got there. My shelter was on the far WEST side! So instead, I chose to work through sleep time and finish my task (gathering LOTS of clay for a new and upgraded shelter). Then I was wanting to know how far in to the "sleep time" I had gone, and whether or not it was worthwhile to travel back across the map to sleep, or just keep going in to the next day. A clock that is always visible would have helped me figure that out before I did all of that running. I feel like both of these things are necessary to keep from getting purely frustrated over tiny things in the game.
  7. List of Bugs identified (following recent patch) Dew Collector - Spawns water once but then never again. Insect Spawning inside Solid Objects - The longer I play, the more bugs I notice are 'stuck' inside objects, such as rocks, or tree branches, it's starting to become an issue.. A bug respawn upon sleeping would be good to resolve this? Insects Teleporting through Walls (Note: I have not noticed this since the Larvae spawning on base fix, but I suspect it is still an issue just now less frequent) Spiders and the Lab - Frequent for spiders to get stuck in the entrance to the lab, or just sit and wait outside the lab, making it impossible for newer players to get out. Think this should be made a safe zone somehow. Plant Fibre is Obtrusive - When I've been cutting grass, and there's a lot of plant fibre rolls on the floor, my character struggles to walk because they block your path and you find yourself fighting against them all. Plank Huck sometimes hurts the thrower - Not sure why this happens, but when you huck you sometimes take a lot of damage from it. (Base Building) Walls are... Unpredictable - I can spend almost an hour setting down blueprints, to then find where I wanted to put a wall is impossible, ruining my entire plan. Sometimes the walls can be 50% under the ground, which is good, other times, they can't be 1% under the ground - this is particularly noticeable on rocks. (Base Building) Wall Height - Sometimes my walls will look fine, then I'll come back to my base, and the wall behind my stair case has the jagged top, meaning it comes through the floor, blocking the path to get up. UI Improvement Suggestions (Xbox Controller) 'Back' (change view) button does WAY too much - It takes way too long to scroll through all the menus just to get to my inventory, to then have to move through my items, and then enter the RT menu to do something with an item. Allow option for left and right on d-pad to scroll through select items, rather than just being able to assign each button to 1 item. Add a quick button for 'drop', for example Press X, inside the inventory screen, especially useful for multiplayer when sharing items quickly with friends. Add a "hold button", for example Hold X, for destroy item inside the inventory screen (then a pop up asking to how many to destroy in the stack, or all). Make it so that we need to Hold 'Back' button (change view button) to access the crafting screens, and just Tap 'Back' button (change view button) to open the inventory which is by far the most used. Save Menu Layout - Separate screen for auto saves, and ability to name manual saves. Equipped Gear - Please please please, make it so that equipped gear does not stay in inventory, and introduce the normal RPG gear screen! Balance Improvements Multiplayer Balancing - On 4 player multiplayer, water is extremely difficult to manage - spawn rates should be balanced depending on number of players. Dehydration and Starvation isn't punishing enough - As a survival game, and these being the only 2 resources that need managing, I'd expect the game to punish you more for not maintaining them properly. A good example is Fallout 4 Survival mode, whereby, the more dehydrated or hungry you get, the more punishing the effects become. (I understand this would be bad to introduce as of now due to balancing issues and water spawning issues, but something for the future?) Sleeping (Hunger and Thirst Bars) - Hunger and Thirst when sleeping makes no sense, they always go to a fixed value and can even increase over night? The fall should be dependant on number of hours and starting levels of the hunger and thirst metres before bed. As of now, I find myself letting my characters bar just drop to zero because eating or drinking before bed is completely pointless. Sleeping Need - This should be introduced imo. As well as more sleeping furniture which reap better results, i.e. well rested. Additional Content Suggestions A Weather System Rain Water easier to find on grass Water collector fills up if unsheltered Different insects appear (e.g. worms as they do irl) Potential movement penalty inside puddles? A clover leaf 'floating boat' to compensate for the increase height of water in areas of the garden? (and to avoid water insects from below). Raindrops can hurt if gets very heavy - clover umbrella for protection? Sun Water need falls quicker Water more scarce (Evaporation) Different insects appear (or more frequently, i.e. bees, wasps, mosquitoes) Damp areas of the map start to dry out somewhat Map Expansions More dungeons to explore (like the hedge branch system and also underground), with puzzles and unique rewards at the centre (Not just raw science, it's a great idea and all, but it's not that exciting after a while). Hidden entrances around the map with mysteries/clues inside (and more unique enemies). Quests Not just 'collect this' or 'kill that', but something meaningful... e.g. we need to build this device, collect these parts so we can construct this or further out research etc. similar tasks but with more purpose and have it lead somewhere. BURGL Rewards Selection is currently limited, feel like this could be fleshed out a lot more. As of now, Raw Science feels extremely pointless and I have very little motivation to try and find more. Backpack Upgrades - A rare upgrade, potentially obtained via BURGL after a series of quests? (following research mentioned in my 'quests' section?) - Adding additional inventory slots. Level Up! Some form of levelling system, even if just for combat... Rewards for higher levels such as for Archery, increased bow draw speed, or arrow recovery chance. And for Melee, less weapon degrading, critical hit chance, stun change, evasion chance or damage reduction chance. etc. Would make it more worthwhile taking on more bugs in combat rather than purely for gathering purposes. (Base Building) Wall Height Options - Options to remove the jagged top from walls would be nice, it causes big problems as they tops come through floors a lot of the time when the bottom floor of a structure doesn't have the same skeleton as the floor above. The same can also be said for doors - the top of which peeks through the floor above. (Base Building) Use Furniture - The ability to use chairs etc. in the future would be nice. (Base Building) Colour Options - The ability to use items from around the garden to dye walls etc. or add painted décor to them. New Insects (I know, obviously! - But here's my ideas) Ant Queen (ant nest boss) Flying Ants *Shudders* Wasps Worms Water Skeeters Diving Beetles
  8. I think that algae is a great way to add another harvestable resource. I would make a great alternating to mushrooms and maybe it could harvest power like a solar panel. I thing that the knifes being added in the next big patch (I believe) would harvest this resource. Thanks for you time and your thoughts would be appreciated.
  9. My buddies and I have been playing this game non stop and are having a ton of fun. I can’t wait for more updates to come out. I just wanted to make a couple of suggestions: 1. New creature -Stickbugs: These would be a new neutral mob that would sit on the grass. They would become aggressive to you if you hit them or if you cut down the grass they are sitting on. This could add a bit of danger to unsuspecting people cutting down grass. -Jumping spiders: These could be a new neutral spider that is about the size of a ladybug. When you attack them and when they become aggressive they could jump great distances to try and catch up to you. 2. Bosses: Bosses could be a great addition to the game and would give a good challenge for people that have better gear. Bosses could drop unique gear that can only be attained from that boss. Some bosses could be queen ant, praying mantis, tarantula, and some sort of water creature. Thanks!
  10. Hey guys, after logging about 14 hours into the game I have some ideas that I feel would be cool to see in the game :). 1. Boss Battles - I think having boss battles in the game would be an awesome feature and a cool way to get boss exclusive resources, items, etc. Some ideas I have are a black widow boss possibly under the deck of the house, a queen ant located in the ant hill to the west side of the map, and maybe some kind of a Koi fish or something in the pond? 2. Insect Types - Here are some insects that I think would be cool to see in the game: Praying Mantis, Fruit Flies, Fire Flies at night, and earth worms :). 3. Buildings - I think it would be cool to have more types of building that can only be built in high up branches and foliage, like rope bridges made from spider silk and weed stems, housing and balconies that can wrap around branches of the berry bushes and stuff like that. Also a pully system to pull up large amounts of planks and weed stems from the ground to your base in the branches, and a zipline also made from spider silk. 4. MAKE INSECTS AND ARACHNIDS CLIMB MORE - That's all I have about that. Lets make it so spiders can climb up to the top of rocks rather than sit and watch you from below. That's it! I hope everyone who sees this likes my ideas and let's see if any of them actually end up coming into the game
  11. I feel like this game lacks content. I have played through the hole game and give back to see whether or not I had missed any potential quests and could not find a thing to do. I did not expect this game to be fallout but I expected it to at least have some measure of fallouts scale when it comes to questing, exploration, and encounters. The game lacks content of all kinds whether its weapons, weapon modifications, quests, enemies, and environments. The game had a good storyline, some good factions, and good npc's but content centered around all these elements was seriously limited. I hope that dlcs will help make up for the lack of content of they ever decide to come out. Even fallout 1 and especially 2, which obsidian made in the late 90s, had more content. This game's universe is great but it is severely lacking heft.
  12. - OUTER WORLDS - First off I would like to thank and congratulate the Outer Worlds Team from Obsidian and its affiliates, this game is wonderful and I havent enjoyed a game like this in awhile. THANK YOU! A few Subjects that I thought I would share with the team and fellow Captains. I use (need) loosely, more of agreeable additions. • Companions: Companions need a story buff, I would personally like to see more immersive content regarding companions, I think an expansion on content related to certain members of your crew would definitely bring some extra life and backstory to them while providing wholesome content for players that are here for the story. • Factions: More Immersive Faction quests and more faction content with varying Ranks and missions, allowing allegiances, a fluid Story based off your decisions on what Factions to bring together and what Factions you outcast from the fold. (Your endgame cutscene gave me the idea) •Factions & Reputation: There should be a way to increase your reputation based on actions displayed, a Kill on Sight Faction is basically done for the game, there should be a way to continue to obtain missions and content from KOS Factions via on-ship comms. Possibly an Emissary alerting you that “[Faction] has heard of your [ _] and is willing to come to an agreement if you help us on this task. Varying difficulty for increased or decreased amounts of Faction respect gained. This just provides a resolution to “accidental” situations. • Homesteading In regards with rallying behind a particular Faction, able to build your faction headquarters and bases (included with this is internal ship customization.) Something parallel to what Fallout 76 and The Elder Scrolls series have. This was a nice option to have when you want a break from shooting and blowing up NPC’s. • Relationships I understand this is considered not exactly a key aspect, but developing character relationships with NPCs in game heavily increase your sense of story immersion. Whether it be friends or romance, which can lead to additionally unlocked quests adding additional content. • Ammunition I found it difficult to keep up with my heavy ammunition consumption. Eventually as I progressed I gained enough bits to always buy what I needed, but increasing world spawns of ammo and increasing the amount sold per vending machine may resolve that. • Wild creatures As of currently, looting wild creatures is near useless as they drop an item worth <10 bits, maybe adding in random items on occasion could fix that. • Free Roam One thing that irked me is upon finishing your final mission(trying not to spoil) is that I am now unable to play until a DLC is dropped. Unless I want to start a fresh character. It would be wonderful to see this resolved after the DLC drop(hoping there is plenty of DLC to come.) I greatly appreciate your time and I hope the Development team checks some of this out, it would be a treat to have some of my ideas used to better this game! [XBOX]
  13. I'm putting together an article over on the wiki (https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_backer_created_content) which aims to list all of the backer-created (or at least backer-inspired) content that was added to the game as a result of the Fig campaign. While I have some of this already - since they can be inferred by their debug names, a lot of it I have no clue about and could really use some help on. If you backed one of the below tiers, or know any information regarding (perhaps the devs have a list?), please leave a reply below, it would be much appreciated! If you would like your name/handle attributed to the item alongside the listing on the wiki (knowing well that it is a public site), feel free to add this information too. The categories which I need input on are as follows: Items in the "Create an Item" and "Create an Item II" rewards tiers, should be at least 35. Portraits in the "Portrait In-Game" tiers I through IV, should be at least 18. (see https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Category:Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_portraits) Spells in the "Create a Spell" tier, should be at least 3. Inns in the "Create an Inn" tier, should be at least 3. Islands in the "Own an Island" tier, should be at least 2. The soulbound item that was created by backer in the "Top Backer" tier. Additionally, there are some discrepancies between the amount of claimed rewards, and the actual content in-game. For example there seems to be only 8 backer NPCs, while there have been 10 rewards claimed. Is there any particular reason for this? Since I don't want to force people over to another site, here is what I've got so far: Pets (complete): Super Pets (complete): Items (incomplete): NPCs (complete?): Portraits (incomplete): I got nothing, see https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Category:Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_portraits Spells (incomplete): Also nothing Pirates: Inns: Nothing Islands: Nothing Soulbound items: Nothing
  14. iPad Version 10.2.1. iPad Pro. The pop up greets me for Game Center and is correct. Its been about 3 months since I have logged in to play and all the content that I unlocked. I unlocked the "Burnt Offerings" adventure and all the extra characters that were available at the time. My story party still shows that I am in Burnt Offerings > Thistletop Delve > 1.5 And when I go into Quest party manager shows all the other characters but are grayed out and they all still show there experience gained. Does anyone know of a fix? Thanks in advance.
  15. Additional content from the Champion Edition still unavailable So approximately after one year after the game was released, I decided to play it. But when I installed it I have the same problem as I had last time. I do not see the bonus content in my game steam folder. I tryed different instructions from this forum including changes in my regional settings for downloads and the guide when i first need to uncheck all my dlc's reload client and then again to check all content and verify the cache files. So far I can't see any bonus content in my local game files and folders however in my game library steam shows that all installed. I even wrote to the devs long time ago, 17 of April 2015 but nothing changed. Here is the issue I wroute about the first time: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID=19362. Screenshot of my steam library with the problem in attachment, so as you can see when I click the DLC option from the game properties it shows that everything is OK and installed, but down the screen you can see that only Champ Edition Content installed without any digital maps, soundtracks e.t.c... My game folder also without any additional content. I even tryed to reinstall steam client and the game but it did not help me. Maybe somebody knows how to fix the problem?
  16. Hey, I have this problem where no matter what I do, Kelborn won't contact me to tell me that I can return to Onderon. A extensive Google search revealed a few details as to why this is: I'm using The Restored Content Mod, which *may* be contributing to the issue and I chose to go to Onderon as my last planet. The quest "Master Of The Palace" and "Lost Jedi" both say that Master Kavar was forced to flee when we met in the Onderon Cantina, telling me to "bide my time" until he contacts me. As most people don't do Onderon first, this is usually when they do the other planets and he contacts them later on. I made a fresh save and messed around with the both of the quests using KSE (KoTOR Save Editor) in an attempt to artificially move them forward, with no luck. The quests would move forward in my Journal, but Kelborn still wouldn't contact me. He just kept saying that he'd let me know if there was "any change planet side" which would allow me to return to Onderon. I have since reverted to the save where both quests are where they were to begin with. Here are a few other forum posts which also show the problem: http://steamcommunity.com/app/208580/discussions/0/620713633846218888/ This post here suggested I use KSE: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66151-master-kavar-wont-contact-me/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/31136-master-kavar-said-to-contact-me-later-when/ One guy says that he saw a walk-through where if you chose Onderon as your last planet, you just have to wait a few hours in-game for the message from Kelborn to trigger. Another guy said that wasn't true, but I'm going to give it a shot none-the-less. If anyone has ANYTHING which they think may be causing the issue, or a way to trigger the message I would be extremely thankful, I'm getting pretty desperate now. I'm coming to the end of the game and don't want all these hours to go to waste and force me to start over. Thanks in advance
  17. Good day everyone! This topic will be about the console and mods. Everyone here have most likely played a game where they have encountered a problem. The npc didn't give you the item, the door is did not get unlocked, the npc actor did not spawn, the trigger for the quest did not activate, you did not get moved to whatever zone and so on. So what i hope is that Obsidian will sit down and make a console that allow people to use commands to get around problems in case they happen. List of commands that should be in the game (with a few tweaks) Spawn NPC actor Spawn item Increase / decrease reputation Move all party members to zone + x,y Trigger script's -Quests -Start actor conversation -Traps -Unlock/lock -Specific events within quests and other encounters Experience, stats,skills, spells, god mode. Features: *If you have the console on then you can mouse over ANY object within the game to get information including the quest journal and get a list of the "important" triggers for it and the quests command line itself, if you mouse over the terrain you will see the zones name and x,y location. If you mouse over a npc you will see its script name also and so on (traps, chests) *Easy to use scrolling and smart function. If you start to write a command: /Spawnactor E Then if you scroll you should have a list of all the "actors" that start on the letter E Same with items and the commands themself you should be able to see and scroll to find the ones you want. Comments? Flames? More commands that might be important? Trolling? Cookies? Lets move on to "mods" We know that we will most likely not get any tools to help us make mods / content for the game. But i still have a thing that i hope Obsidian will think about when they make the game. What is that you might ask? Well most people here have most likely at some point used a "fanpatch" of some kind. What i hope that Obsidian will do is to make it "easier" for people to change, mod and fix problems within the game. They should have a good file structure that is easy to poke around with. It should be easy to "add" things to the game itself by having the game check a folder for any changes to the game (for example a place where you can add a fan patch). Comments? Flames? Anything else that should be added to make it easier? Trolling Cookies? So what do everyone think? Good? Bad? I do hope that Obsidian keep these things in mind as they work on the game to make it easier to fix, easier to make fan patches for and the ability to get around bugs that might happen. Thanks for taking your time to read!
  18. Hello Everyone who playing this great RPG, First of all thank you very much for the great old-school game! I have problem with my DLC content, i mean Champion Edition content. I can't see this content in my Steam game folder. I did all steps from the manuals you have mentioned here to enable it but nothing happened:http://forums.obsidi...-extra-content/ In my system: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity (my steam folder), but I have only such stack of folders and files in: _CommonRedist (folder) Docs (folder) Links (folder) PillarsOfEternity_Data (folder) PillarsOfEternity.exe steam_api.dll steam_appid.txt SteamworksNative.dll None of the 4 folders i have mentioned above has Champion content. I also attached a couple of images to this message, so you can see that on steam library it shows that everything installed, but in game folder i have nothing... 1. http://imgur.com/TaTgE6G (my steam library) 2. http://imgur.com/4tkXxNQ (my game folder) Many thanks and sorry for my non-perfect english, I'm from Ukraine. So could anyone from dev team, or may be any person from this forum be so kind to explain me, how can i get my DLC content?
  19. The Endless Paths of Od Nua As development on Pillars of Eternity continues, what would you like to see featured in the Endless Paths of Od Nua right now? Dungeon levels based on different climates, dragons, references to other games, irrational and irritating planar traveling gnomes? You choose. What we know: 15 levels deep Can be accessed early Increasing difficulty curve Located in Dyrwood Starts in Od Nua's Castle Progresses underground Infinity Engine game dungeons with a similar concept, albeit shorter: Durlag's Tower (BG: Tales of the Sword Coast) Watcher's Keep (BG II: Throne of Bhaal) Severed Hand (IWD) Dorn's Deep (IWD) Castle Maluradek (IWD: Trials of the Luremaster) Personally I'd really like to see vastly different levels in the Paths, because I like the constrast of walking from an ice cave-esque level to a desert... underground. You could have really wacky and odd level changes like that, especially if you wanted to play with the whole outdoors-is-now-indoors concept, what with almost the whole dungeon being underground and all that. Something else I'd like to see is your fellow (AI) adventurers once you progress deep enough. This is something I grew to like when delving through the Watcher's Keep - you'd just have adventurers who made it in, but then got stuck at one level or another, and then you could either help them or help yourself to their stuff. Or sometimes just fight them. There was even a dragon that got trapped in there, and you could actually just have a conversation with it.
  20. http://www.fortressofdoors.com/2012/07/freeloadable-content-alternative-to.html So, what do you think? I personally believe, that this is a much better option than the newschool DLC's that we are swarmed with. Posted it here, because I think it would be a great idea to make expansions for Project Eternity
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