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  1. オンラインゲームをホストできません。オンラインゲームに参加できません。 ホストしようとすると、次のようになります 。1.ロビーを作成しています... 2。数秒後、次のエラーメッセージが表示されます  。エラーメッセージ:ホスト中に問題が発生しました。接続を確認して、再試行してください。 オンラインゲームに参加すると、次のようになります 。1.参加したいゲームを選択します。 2.次のテキストを含む  エラーメッセージエラーメッセージ:参加しようとしているゲームは存在しません。  *ゲームが機能していることのもう1つの確認。 そのような場合、私は何ができますか? マルチプレイヤーゲームをしたいです。 XBOXマルチプレイヤーのNATタイプは中程度です。私もつながっています。
  2. My friend and I were talking about an idea for Grounded. Specifically an elevator. An elevator would help with moving large amounts of items to high places. The elevator can be operated by a crank made of Quartzsite while the elevator itself can be made of stem/grass planks and crude rope. It'd save a lot of time moving stuff to higher places.
  3. I’ve got a few propositions as for new additions to the game that I think would add a great touch to the survival aspects as well as adventure portion of Grounded! ————————————————— Here are a few of my ideas: Hostile Creatures: Trapdoor Spider. (This would be a stealthy spiders that has hides in the ground, it is camouflaged but the player should be able to see it a bit considering maybe a change of color or texture on the ground that is subtle but affective enough to hide the spider inside. It should be able to hunt and catch any prey by popping out as a real trapdoor spider would. As for items maybe the player should be able to gain some type of supplies to make a digging tool. This maybe could be used to make underground burrows of a players own. Or create burrows to stalk and hunt other prey for valuable resources. If not that then maybe used to make drills that go into the ground and bring up underground resources for collecting.) Mantis. (A creature with great sense of sight that is also very large almost as big as a wolf spider in game. It’s sharp like arms swipe at the player and stun them. They also use their mouth as another attack against the player. The player can use the armor and items given to make a mantis claw weapon with good attack speed and mid range damage.) Neutral Creatures: Crickets. (Crickets will alert and sense danger by using the sounds they make, they should be fairly loud enough for a player to hear in the distance. They could also be a possible land terrain mount. Saddle them up maybe using a saddle made of Berry Leather or some other type of material with possibly the use of crude rope. This cricket should be able to ride and hop and go a bit faster than a player would walking. As for its attacks I think a jumping mechanism would suffice or perhaps it could swing its strong legs in some way. Or use their jaws to bite the player if the player were to hit them, otherwise they should be neutral and not harm the player without aggro.) Butterflies. (This elegant creature could make for a new type of flying insect that can also make cocoons using new materials the player could have new crafting abilities if they were to harvest the cocoon. It is also possible that you can mount a butterfly and perhaps I’d the butterfly is killed and collected its parts could make wings and allow the player to have another way of perhaps gliding. However, it is not like the dandelion tuffs as it is more like a wing suit instead and using to glide much farther and faster instead. The player will not be able to actively fly up but more descend down slowly but be able to turn quite fast and go farther. Now of course this is a Neutral species to make it harder to get its useful flight armor that makes them more weightless and also add speed to their movement. The attacks could be something such as a manipulation technique that may mess up and configure the players screen into confusion. Almost like an allusion effect to confuse and deter the player. They will be seen flying in the air with the bees at given moments.) Caterpillars. (The descendant of a butterfly it is the before form of the elegant mistress. In this form it can climb walls and wonders around the area. It’s large like body almost like a grub it could be green or some other color. It is also about the size of a Roly Poly/Pill Bug the difference being in the length and movement. I believe it should be able to lift its front or back body and slam back down onto the player as an attack of threatened of course. This attack will smash any surrounding grass blades from its strong blow. It’s armor given or drops could be some type of more squishy dodgy armor. It could have an ability that allows a chance of dodge for the player against enemies. Meaning the attack induced would not work, on chance. It’s fluids inside could be made for a type of potion/drink to give buffs to the player for more combat techniques. Could also be used as a harvesting mount that chews up grass and turns it into fiber and produces much faster than running around and grabbing plant fiber. The player can mount it and run into grass stems and chew them down into fiber. The way to tame this would be quite difficult and it cannot fight for you. It can only harvest if tamed.) Leaf Bug/Stick Bug. (In my own opinion adding more camouflaging creatures could add even more element of surprise to the game. As they can blend with their environment and surprise the player. Leaf armor after killing a Leaf bug and help disguise a player in the grass for a limited amount of time. The player can use this source of camouflage almost like ant armor in ant nests. If the player gets too close or runs into a hostile mob it will find them and attack however, this is to make sure the armor is not too op but useful. Stick bugs on the other hand carry sap on their body that can be picked off by the player. This bug attracts sticky sap to its body that is harvested when nearby. Lead bugs have an ability to stun or put a player down for a moment using a toxic gas like ability. Very similar to a stink bug or beetle. Stick bugs can hit you with their long legs that give them wide range. Not amazing for bow attacks since they are so thin and more or less better for tank abilities with hammers and mallets.) Items: - Bee Saddle (Flying saddle.) - Caterpillar Saddle (Harvesting saddle.) - Cricket Saddle (Jump boost saddle.) - Caterpillar Armor (Deflection armor.) - Caterpillar Hide. - Cricket Armor (Jump boost armor.) - Leaf bug Armor (Limited camouflage.) - Digging Tool/Machine Drill - Trapdoor Spider Random Drop Items (Stuff inside it’s burrow or in its system.) - Stick Bug Legs (Can be crafted into a tool or weapon.) - Caterpillar Potion Supplies —————————————————
  4. for some reason i dont want to update my 11.3 version to 11.4 like, i hate that they change the cycle of the grass plank to 1 Day! Kinda short time for me, atleast make that a 2 days before it despawn, like when you are starting your base, you have to clean up the grass for your peblet foundations, you really have to craft grass pallet for that? You cant store that much planks there!.. For me personally i like to store those plank to a random place/ground so that if im going to build a house, im not gonna cut more grass again and go far from my base... second is, the ant spawning still accure making your game laggy and the grass keeps growing through your base still..specially the ant respawns, i swear obsidian Social media manager saw it in their youtube gameplay, "there's too many ants here".. they are playing 11.3. You guys can re-watch that video when they visit rhe anthill in this version.. focus on fixing that instead.. And also you didnt mention that spiders in 11.3 can Fly now WTF.. their feet is like above their body, specially inside the lab.. So funny but wied for a spider to do that.. I feel like you guys dont listen to your players anymore unlike the first 3 months of this game, you were active.. I sent you video proof and suggestions, and the next update you guys did it, unlike today.. Ive read lots of sugesstions and problem by others but, you never include them in your update, even if its minor of major bugs.
  5. I own the game on Steam and it runs perfectly. I bought the game for a friend via MS Store and it installs, but when they start the game it just says "Oops, something went wrong" and closes. My friend installed the game via Steam (from my account) and it runs perfectly fine on their pc. Honestly, I just want to refund the game on MS and buy it for them on steam, but as I bought a gift code, which is already redeemed, I cannot refund the game on MS Store. If anyone has any more idea on how the fix the MS store installation (yes, we used google and tried every "fix" there was and nothing worked)
  6. Okay! First, let me just say bravo and thank you for what has already been a super fun game to play! (and we're still in early access). With that in mind, I have some suggestions of things to improve overall enjoyment of the game and some suggestions for future development. If you read this and like my thoughts be sure to drop a like so Obsidian will notice it. Lets get started. The Obvious Things: The sap collectors. Stop making us pick the sap up one at a time! There should be some mass collect option. Please! We need an elevator option! Everyone who's a true master builder wants to make at least one "floating" base. That is EXTREMELY difficult without an elevator to bring up materials with. Even if it were for only building materials would be better than nothing, since I cant climb ladders and hold materials at the same time. Hatches! - Just as doors are to walls, hatches should be to floors. Fire Arrows. This one just makes sense. There ain't no way in hell that in a world where I was shrunk and had to fight inse... had to fight SPIDERS that I wouldn't be lighting them on fire with some Molotov ****tails and/or Flaming Arrows. "Kill it... Kill it with fire!" A boat or raft. There should be a steerable raft of some sort that we can use to fairy around on the pond with. Spider's Doom - Like the Ant-nihilator but for spiders. (I'll tell you what, if I were really shrunk I wouldn't be worried about how to better kill ants. What I would be studying? Spiders!) Tier 3 Axe - It should be a two handed item and it should be clippers. Made from ant mandibles or something that makes sense. This one should go without saying but we all want a entire crow armor set! I'm sure you're working on it already so that's not really why I bring this up. I bring this up because it should be obvious that we *want* armor sets for literally everything we can kill! (Or at least any predator). I know we aren't gonna get everything. An aphid armor set is probably never gonna see the light of day. And I get it! Some critters don't have strong enough hides to make armor sets out of. Like aphids and mosquitoes. That makes perfect sense. But some obviously can! and should taken into consideration. (IE: The Stinkbugs, The Bombadier Beetle, The Larva). The Not So Obvious Things: The Four Leaf Cover! The lucky four leaf clover should be a harvestable material. As to what for... there are a few options I could see right off the bat. First, you could have building parts that only can be made with "lucky clovers" and they could provide some sort of structure bonus or maybe just be really fancy (similar to the feather roofs)! Second, a luck tower. This would basically function as a booster for nearby structures. The mushrooms gardens would grow faster, the stem walls would be sturdier, the dew collectors would collect moisture more often. Etc. Etc. Essentially an enhancement beacon. Third, a new smoothie that gives you a percent chance to dodge attacks (or something, extra % crit, etc.). All these are nice but personally I would suggest option 4, a tier 2 shield! Just imagine it! Having a 4 leaf clover shield!! That would be super cool! As far as its bonuses there are tons of things you could do for it. It could just have more durability and a bigger threshold before getting stunned. Wielding it could give you the percent dodge bonus I mentioned. Though, I think it would be cool if (ya know, since its like all magical and lucky) it regened its durability given time out of combat! That would be sick!!! Lets be honest, farming weevil meat gets annoying. Its not hard. Just boring. It bogs down the game. So a solution to that would be awesome! (Plus there is still a chance you break your shield in combat so its not a cure all shield!) Option 5: I'm not sure that I really recommend because I'm sure many players, myself included, would abuse the heck out of this so there would need to be limitations somehow. But it would be awesome if you could make a 4 leaf clover beacon that stopped enemy spawns in a certain radius. This would let players build bases in cool areas where we otherwise wouldn't be able to. A great example is under the tree. Everyone planned on building their base there until they learned that not 1 but 2 wolf spiders spawned there! I still think option 4 is the best but figured I'd put this in here for food for thought. The Haze Reaper! So I am stealing an idea from William Akhurst Hultz's suggestion (so please go read his too) but tweaking it a little here because I think he missed some things. "Here's the idea, in the haze roams a praying mantis that has been affected by that weird fungus that's all over the place there. He attacks on sight with slashes, lunges, and stabs with his "scythe like" arms and occasionally flies up for a moment to come crashing down with a huge slashing attack." The loot that comes from slaying this beast could be his mantis arms that the players could craft into a two handed scythe weapon that would fit under the "assassin" mutation. I think having a two handed assassin weapon would be very unique and provide something new and exciting for the assassin players! A possible name for the boss could be the "Haze Reaper" and the name of the weapon could be "The Reaper's Claw". Additionally, this boss would drop the materials necessary to build "The Reaper's Mask" a mask that, like the gas mask, blocks the damage from the haze zone. However, unlike the gas mask it would not weather down given use. (Of course it can still take damage if you are attacked, like any other armor piece). This would give players a viable option to build a base in the haze zone (WHICH EVERYONE WANTS TO DO!!!) but as of right now its just not viable. Making us have to kill a boss (possibly 4 times for everyone on the squad) to get it would really make us feel like we earned it! Please consider it! (Should be a summons boss like the brood mother) Hopper's Doom! Okay so the name of this one is bad but the idea is good! (Also kinda obvious but I felt it belonged down here anyways) We have all these tadpoles swimming around and no frogs?! Dat don't make any sense... lolz. So! I suggest a three tiered new hostile creature "Frogs" that have a new deadly attack! A tongue attack that pulls players in right next to the frogs! Let me tell you, I abuse the heck out of a bow and a high rock! So an enemy that could pull me down from my safe high ground, down right next to him!! That would be scary and fun to deal with! The first tier would just be your generic pond frogs. The frog equivalent of the orbital weaver. The second tier would be poisonous frogs, aka "Poison Hoppers", that would be the frog equivalent of wolf spiders. These would obviously have poison attacks but as frogs poison usually comes from their skin I suggest not having its tongue attack be poisons us and instead make its melee attacks apply the poison. Okay so we've talked about frogs but now lets think bigger. A boss enemy. The Toad! Like the frogs he would be able to pull you in with a tongue attack but would also have a variety of other attacks. Other possible attacks could be a long jump up that ends with him crashing down where you were last standing when he jumped dealing a big aoe slam attack, a croak attack that if your in front of him dealing that melee damage would pushes you back off him and on your ass! and of course a venomous attack! Spiders aren't the only small creatures known for their venomous touch! Some of the deadliest poisons on earth are from frogs and toads. Don't let that go to waste. (Should be a summons boss like the brood mother) Loot Ideas: An suit of armor that each individual piece increases your jump height but when worn as a set give you immunity to fall damage! Come on! It makes perfect sense!!! And who doesn't want to jump and land like a superhero?! Regardless of the tier list I came up with, frogs should be an enemy in some way shape or form. Looking forward to it. Ice! Idk what for and what its benefits will be but I want to make ice! and maybe a freezer? Make it hard for me to achieve too pls! Maybe the freezer could just keep food fresh longer or something. Idk. I just want ice! Thx. PS: A personal shoutout to whomever over there at obsidian gaming drew the weird chef man as an easter egg for us more adventurous players! That **** made my day! Hilarious! Thank you!
  7. Game doesnt start anymore after the Update. Already Reinstalled but I still have the same problem. I can try to start the game for one time after I restart my Pc. I will always tell me that the has been a problem after showing the loading screen for 2 minutes. After that I cant even start it again, cause nothing will happen if i try to. I have to restart my pc for another try, but the same problem whil show up again and again...
  8. Hey guys! I am looking for some Xbox one players for Grounded. I would love to play the game more but it’s kind of boring alone
  9. Hi, im DuHashTag, and i really like the game. Its super fun to play, singlepalyer and multiplayer! But... I think it was great to have mountable insects. thanks.
  10. hello. i have had a problem with the latests patch on the public test realm. i don't know why but when i kill grub's they don't drop grub hide anymore, i have killed about 20 now and not a single grub hide. i am not sure if it is intended or a bug, or if it is happening for anyone else. kind regards Sarrius The Tiefling Penguin
  11. #1 can't attach anything to the wall or ceiling #2 can not place down anything from the decorations #3 bugs are spawning inside of my base and my base is fully built #4 spiral stairs are not available
  12. Having a regular occurring issue when landing with the Dandelion Glider. Often when landing from holding the glider, the camera stays stuck in third person. As a player who uses First Person mode, this is very frustrating and has resulted in many deaths. this issue does resolve itself after time however it is a very annoying bug that I hope gets fixed. Xbox Gamer Tag: JayTheDrummer26 other than this one issue, I love the game and can’t wait for the full release! It’s clear how much time the obsidian team have put into the making of Grounded and I hope they continue to impress, excite and surprise us with future updates! Keep up the good work!!
  13. Hey, this is BedsideRobin66 and I came across something while playing this game. You know that you can make armor and equipment, but when its equipped it doesn't move from the bag or when something's moved from your backpack to your hot pouch it wouldn't remover it from the backpack. Well my suggestion is to move the item from to backpack to the desired spot if possible. Sorry, just I found this to be a big pain to me. Especially when I'm going out to gather material to build with.
  14. I've played grounded and I love it and love where it's going for new players just starting or those looking for a safe place to build I go over some great places to call home in my Gamers Decide article [Top 10] Grounded Best Base Locations And Why They're Great I'd appreciate the feedback.
  15. Our Oak Tree Base. Will be opening up the game to visitors soon. Gamertag: Stonedprophet
  16. Hi. add dedicated servers to grounded. so that 40 people play in one session (1 session = 40 people). add co-op pve missions for 3 people (sometimes outside the map). also pvp mode for 10 people (5 vs 5). solo quests with a different storyline, sometimes outside the map (an interesting location with different enemies). pve and pvp modes are common (united) for players of all sessions. make clans if possible. clan wars in pve and pvp modes. clan players are awarded clan points. total points are summed up. chat for session, friends, clan and region chat (one language, one region). quickly translate the game into Russian language. the game was popular in the CIS. This is a large region who knows Russian language. pure survival genre = low popularity. you need to mix it with other interesting genres and mechanics.
  17. Would love to see a vr version of this on the oculus quest There isn't many good survival/crafting/building games on there and I believe alot of people would enjoy coming face to face with a wolf spider in person or building there own base and being able to see and build first hand with the two touch controllers And to fight off a hoard of ants or take on bombardier beatles and stink bugs like I'm actual there Plus the game is roughly around 4gb on console which alot of the other games on there take up alot more space so I think It would work out great Id def pay for something like that and I believe alot of other people would agree
  18. Hi, my game on a xbox one x is crashing every time by building a house or a wall or somthing Else. The New update Makes the Crashes, by the old wasnt that not.
  19. I have been playing the game since day one and been loving it but I have never seen the mints respawn since I first harvested them. There are a few others I've noticed like certain weed stems, clay and food doesn't appear in some spots.
  20. I can not save my games on single or multiplayer, my friends world vanishes and has to reload the game about 5 times before it pops back up, but for me no saves at all, i do love the game, but this bug/glitch makes it so uninjoyable if i cant save
  21. On the XBox live PC version of the game, updates to the game require an entire download and reinstall of the 3+GB game files. This occurred with the update to and also occurred with 0.2.1. Launching the game multiple times does not force an update, and there are no manual update options in the Xbox client on PC, nor on xbox.com. Do I have to uninstall and reinstall for every update?
  22. I was thinking you could add some military gear like the ones seen in the pictures and maybe the 5th child could be a custom child the player can customize (sorry if I already sent this I didn't know if my feedback was sent)
  23. Grounded keeps crashing in multiplayer mode. Host has to completely log out of game to allow other players back in.
  24. I don’t know if this has been mentioned but this would be great for those of us builders who like the structure of a build to look supported without having to scaffold all the way to the ground from an elevated build. Vertical Triangle Scaffold (triangular sides) would be nice to cap off a horizontal support made of boxed scaffold (normal scaffold with a border on bottom instead of just legs).
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