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Found 4 results

  1. It is very difficult to maintain acceptable communication after the patch that controls what is written in the chat. The censorship of the Spanish language reaches levels of the absurd, cutting or altering completely necessary words. It is necessary to remember that these are private games, such a level of censorship does not make much sense.
  2. Hi. add dedicated servers to grounded. so that 40 people play in one session (1 session = 40 people). add co-op pve missions for 3 people (sometimes outside the map). also pvp mode for 10 people (5 vs 5). solo quests with a different storyline, sometimes outside the map (an interesting location with different enemies). pve and pvp modes are common (united) for players of all sessions. make clans if possible. clan wars in pve and pvp modes. clan players are awarded clan points. total points are summed up. chat for session, friends, clan and region chat (one language, one region). quickly translate the game into Russian language. the game was popular in the CIS. This is a large region who knows Russian language. pure survival genre = low popularity. you need to mix it with other interesting genres and mechanics.
  3. Project Eternity is most likely not going to have community based gameplay (also known as multiplayer), but that doesn't mean the community shouldn't bond, does it? Obviously, what I'm proposing is creating an IRC channel, preferably with ops that are somehow related to Obsidian (forum moderators and such). It wouldn't even have to be solely focused on Eternity. Obsidian very has a large fanbase around the previous games as well, so it could be a general Obsidian chat that would be alive and have its use for eternity! But seriously, I've been wishing for an Obsidian backed IRC channel for a while and now that the forums boil with activity, it might even happen. ...preferably on Esper.net :3
  4. Aoyagi


    It's me again, hello and hi. I've always thought of Obsidian as of a community-driven studio of awesomeness. Then I think of Crate, which also is a community-driven studio, but I think they went a little further with it and that's advertising IRC channel on their forums. Things can be discussed there much faster and there even is a dev or two who sometimes even pay attention. The community is healthily growing, thinking of ideas that wouldn't be possible without an instant messaging chat and having more 'immediate' fun. I know there is the "ObsidianOrderOfEternity" channel, but that one's mostly dead and I'm personally not that fond of the whole "Order of Eternity" thing... I think it would be nice to have some place to hang out, discuss things related or not so related and if that place was advertised here and managed by trusted members or even forum mods, no? Also, I'm a bit of an IRC addict, hence my persistence about this. Sorry about that :3
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