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  1. This first point made by Silent Winter in another topic, inspired me to have a topic on something that I somehow missed in PoE 1, especially in combat, and which I now understand will continue in PoE2 (for instance the ghost animal companion mentioned), but I do wonder if it's the best and most engrossing way to do stuff like that, RPG-wise. It always annoyed me a little bit that the Druid shape shift was temporary, or even those items and spells summoning stuff. Instead of being summoned and then they fight until death, they just blinked out of existence (de-summoned?). Not fun, although I understand it perhaps makes sense balance-wise, it just makes me wonder if there aren't other ways to balance such summons, temporary companions and shape-shifted druids. It is the temporary bit that's bothering me. I'd much rather have these things go more permanently. If I enter combat as a feral wolf Druid, I don't really care for being forced out of my animal form 22.4s into the fight. What are you thoughts on this? Surely, this stuff could be made more permanent and then be balanced? I mean, Obsidian, went through all this trouble animating and solving other 3D graphics and FX for it, only to see it last for a few seconds. Some summons I rarely have the time to enjoy. It feels a bit like all that wonderful content goes to waste. I'd say, it would make a really fun game even more entertaining and cool as far as your CRPG-characters go.
  2. I've just started to play PoE1 again, and noticed something that did annoy me slightly before, and it feels worse now: characters dying in the midst of combat. What happens is.... Well, next to nothing. No dying scenes, no special final cry, like "Avenge me, brethren!". All that happens is that you may or may not notice that the portrait of the death-struck character suddenly disappears, no sound, nada. Not even a skull-n-crossed-bones portrait replacing it. It's simply disintegrated, and no other characters react. They don't even flinch. Business as usual. Chop on, sling spells... This nonsense must cease. Please, bring us much clearer deaths of characters in combat. Use the portrait, use voice lines, use animations, sound effects, but let it be obvious that one of our characters succumbed. EDIT: My entire party this time is composed of my own home-rolled inn-companions!
  3. I've just started to play PoE1 again, and noticed something that did annoy me slightly before, and it feels worse now: characters dying in the midst of combat. What happens is.... Well, next to nothing. No dying scenes, no special final cry, like "Avenge me, brethren!". All that happens is that you may or may not notice that the portrait of the death-struck character suddenly disappearing, no sound, nada. Not even a skull-n-crossed-bones portrait replacing. It's simply disintegrated, and no other characters react. They don't even flinch. Business as usual. Chop on, sling spells... This nonsense must cease. Please, bring us much clearer deaths of characters in combat. Use the portrait, use voice lines, use animations, sound effects, but please let it be obvious that one of our characters succumbed. PS. EDIT: I posted this in the wrong forum. I've made an identical thread over at the PoE2 forums, so please lock this one, dearest moderator.
  4. Hi all, Do you think if it would be better that the daily challenges persist until completion, instead of it reseting automatically everyday with an option to reset it once per day if we dont like the challenge? I am a casual player and play 1 game with 6 characters everyday. Why only one game? Well, it takes about an hour to complete it and that's how much time i can put to the game per day. So far, I got these challenges: Reduce 30 damage (200 gp), Acquire 15 allies (150 gp). There shouldn't be much problem for players who are playing more games everyday. But in my case; for first instance, I should have focused on failing the combat checks to reduce enough damage to complete the challenge in one game and by doing that risking the failure of scenario. For second instance, I probably should have used most of my blessings for acquiring allies and it would put me in a much weaker position when facing Henchmen and the Villain. On the other hand, a voice in me keeps saying "what's a challenge if it doesn't really challenge you?!". And another says "But i want to have that sweet gold too! Why can't i have it on my own time?". What are your thoughts people?
  5. Obsidian, please add a binding to just pause the game, and not unpause it. It's super annoying to accidentally unpause an auto-pause when you're trying to pause. You have a bind for scouting on or off, so you should definitely have a button for Pause On or something.
  6. I'm not sure why that topic wasn't followed up after 1.03 . And we see lots of repeated posting of topic previously already brought up. It could mean extra work for you to update the list but I think it save you and everyone who bothers to read the pinned thread the time to post and read through countless similar topic of known and acknowledged issues. Sometimes folks just want their concern acknowledged and that it will be worked on, never in the timeframe. That pinned thread can do this for them
  7. I know a lot of people are suffering from long loading times, and even on a good system this can be annoying. Most of the time you spend a lot of time on a map, so it's not a big thing, but after playing the White March and running around in Stalwart this actually became really annoying. With all the running in and out of buildings, you spent more time watching the load screen than actually playing the game. I don't know if it's technically feasable, but my suggestion would be that in areas like Stalwart, Defiance Bay and similar the full map including it's buildings are loaded, so transitions in and out of buildings are done without a loading screen. This might make the load times for the initial entry slightly longer, but you would skip the following transitions which I'd prefer any day of the week. Love the game, and can't wait for the part of the White March!
  8. We've all probably got a pet peeve about the way important information is given to you. There's a good number of things I could name, but these are my top 3 that I hope to see in a future minor patch: 1. Make the selected character much more visible in combat. 2. Make the current actions of each party member easier to see without having to select them all 3. Put random playable character sheets on loading screens and allow me to mouse over key words or scroll up and down their stats screen
  9. So there is a big nerf to Defender Fighter coming, but it is not topic about it. Lets asume that devs want to push Fighters to be more than meatshields, and be usefull in combat. However, there is little builds of DPS fighters, and i hardly see reason to build one, since for bruiser there is Barbarian and Mon, for DPS Rogue, for utylity Paladin/Chanter. And if we want it all there is always Druid/Cipher/Wizard. Being tought is nice, but dosnt help much if you dont do much. So far the best things to say about Fighters is that hey offer "blunt and passive gameplay" (quote), and they always "can pick neutral talents and learn Lore skill" (also quote). So the question is: what need to happen to DPS Fighter be a viable party member? What new items, abilities, talents should aprear? Which existing talents, abilities need to be changed? Of course there is a big challenge how to even balance with 4 time per encounter slicken bunch of enemies prone. But the hope is that fighters could combine some tactical debuffs, and normal attack dmg in one ability, and have it avaiable 2 times per encounter. Existing talents/abilities: Disciplined Barrage - Is just soo weak. Accuracy is not big problem for FIghters, and if is, there is more than enought ways to buff accuracy or debuff enemies deflection, all this in longer duracion and as aoe. Could be +20 Acc, +30% attack speed, 20 sec, 1/encounter. It is barrage after all. New talents, abilities: Shatter - Powerful Strike which tears enemy armor into pieces. Reduce DT for -10 for 30 sec. 2/encounter. Also deals normal dmg. Pommel Strike - You forgot to stick them with pointy end, but they are stunned now so its ok. Normal attack.Stuns for 10 sec, 2/encounter. Under the plate - Fighter is master of armors and knows every weakness. Gain passive 3 DT reduction with all attacks. Higher Ground - What falls down shall never raise again. Against prone targets fighter gets +50% dmg bonus. Passive. For synergy with knock out, and also some weapons, and other classes. Synergy builds are fun. Shake it Off - Could be used always as long as fighter is alive. Instantly ends all negative status. Like stuns, paralyze, blidness. 2/encounter. Neutral Talents (all classes) Weapon Precision: WeaponType - You learn how to use your favorite weapon type in most deadly way. Gan +0,25 critical multiplier in your favorite weapon type. That could be better as neutral talent since we can't exacly say that critcals fit better fighters than barbarians, or rogues, or rangers. End there could be much more. Much more is needed. So this topic is often for other suggestions. Some may look like overpowered from level 1 perspective, but in comparison to end game caster it is just what needs to be done to bring some fun, and at least click something. EDIT: Disciplined Barrage is more widely viewed as lucklaster. There is more need for offensive Fighter class abilities than talents, since as talents you can always pick neutrals, and for abilities you do not have choice.
  10. Hello everyone, especially Obsidian. I'd like to proffer a suggestion for a potential new toggle for a game mode that would be very helpful for a number of people, namely Arachnophobic Mode. When this mode is toggled on, all spiders and spiderlike enemies are replaced with statistically identical and thematically appropriate enemies, sort of how the difficulty modes work now. A large number of people are arachnophobic, including my wife, whom I would love to share Pillars of Eternity with. Some people have this so severely that depictions in games can cause panic attacks, which we can generally agree are not fun to have. While this need can be eventually filled by the modding community (see the Spiders to Bears in Skyrim or the replacement mods in Dragon Age), quite often the monsters feel out of place or do not behave properly for their new role. I feel that having the developer create this mode would be the most seamless and would be a very helpful gesture. There are VERY few fantasy RPGs without giant spiders… it’d be nice to have one. To everyone who will inevitably want to say things along the lines like "just expose yourself" or some variation of exposure therapy, there are a number of reasons that is both insensitive and not particularly helpful. If this doesn't help you, you leave it untoggled and that doesn't affect your game in any meaningful way. Thank you for your time, Sincerely, Fayd
  11. The suggestion is pretty straightforward. In a level based game, the player has to be provided level information on the adversaries he faces. First, levels are a total abstraction. There is simply no real world skill that links to what Obsidian's designers decide a mob's strength to be. Sure, I can sorta guess a bear is going to wtfpwn my newbie self, but how soon can I come back? And what exactly is the difficulty level of a shadow which has no real world counterpart at all? And what about humans? How am I supposed to know how strong that sellsword is compared to my sellsword self? Now you can argue it adds difficulty and rewards learning and experimentation. And I'll counter that all it adds is save-reload when you guess wrong. And worse, it is a guess. I like being strategic in my fights and decisions. I hate save-reload. And yet, here I am, playing massive amounts of save-reload because I took on 3 high priests that could heal each other faster than the 6 members of my party could bring them down or because I took on what I thought was a group of ordinary bandits who turned out to be anything but. And don't even think about trying to guess when you can do your bounties. Just go straight to the web to get their levels. I also have this crazy dream where I'll finish this game on Path of the Damned. Except that changes all the levels and makes save reload impossible. So how exactly, short of constantly alt-tabbing to guides, am I supposed to know what I can and cannot fight at my current level? (as a side note, I like the game. This isn't bitching. This is wanting the game to be better.)
  12. 1) All carried weapons should reload automatically when out of combat. As much as I love the reloading animations, you shouldn't have to manually switch between all weapon sets and stand there while they reload after every battle. Also, sometimes they don't reload no matter what you do, and then your gunner is left standing there reloading at the start of combat. 2) There should be an indication on the UI if a weapon needs to be reloaded. Like a red circular arrow or something overlaid on the weapon in the weapon sets UI frame. Thanks!
  13. When observing the Character screens or selecting the active weapons from the quick slot during battle, it can be hard to notice which exactly is your currently active weapon. The issue is more apparent if you have two of the same weapons equipped, or two weapons that are really look alike. To resolve the issue a visual feedback can be added for the Quick slots, to be more easy to see which is your active weapon. For the the quick slot used in battles, it can be similar to the special abilities, with green color around the active weapon. For the character sheet it can be again a green circle around the weapon or number of active slot, or by making the active slot number concave. Attachments, uploaded here: http://i.imgur.com/WmmF9VU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/A6JKhIL.jpg
  14. It would be great if you could have a Dungeon Delve Mode. It would work one of these ways, either: - You can't leave the dungeon until you've beaten the core quest/boss at the bottom of the dungeon. (Special auto-save before you enter.) OR - Leaving the dungeon resets the dungeon, but you still get to keep any experience/loot you got. Respawned mobs don't drop loot a second time.
  15. It's really annoying when I unpause an auto-pause because I'm trying to pause at the same time. It would be great if you were unable to manually unpause the game for 1/3 to 1/2 a second after an auto-pause. Thank you!
  16. I made my rogue attack who has 20 might ( 1.3 ) execptional pike (averge 27 dmg) I expect him do average damage per hit before DR 27 * 1.3(might) * 1.2(reckless assault) * 1.15(two-handed fighting) * 1.6( sneak attack with glanfathan boots) * 1.5 (crit) = 116.2 damage or (1 + 0.3(might) * 0.2(reckless assault) * 0.15(two-handed fighting) * 0.6( sneak attack with glanfathan boots) * 0.5 (crit)) = 2.75 27 * 2.75 = 74.25 damage But actullay my rogue did average 65 damage(before DR) per crit ( from 50 samples) may be my sample is too small but I want to know my damage multiplier stacks properly. ( And I think there is more who want to know his damage multiplier) If it is too difficult and messy, just show us final multiplier (item mod+might mod+modal mod+crit mod+sneak mod+etc) it will be great help for me Thank you.
  17. It'd be nice if there were an option to delete old notes you no longer need in the journal notes section.
  18. So far this game has been amazing, however there are some issues on character information that is rather user unfriendly. 1. Stat affecting passives that only activate in combat. Is there an engine restriction that prevents abilities like Transcendent Suffering from showing on the main stats outside of combat? Many users are confused when they get a passive but it fails to show any changes on the main stat screen. If possible these should just be active all the time rather combat only. 2. Recovery time. There needs to be a way to see a value for this, seeing a loading tip that equiping a shield reduces recovery time, but without being able to see a recovery time value it becomes impossible to tell how major this affect is,. Being able to see a value would also help in deciding on armor and stacking effects such as increased/decreased time from multiple sources. Ideally this would be displayed in seconds on the stats screen. 3. Classes have some cool and unique mechanics but many of these are only displayed on the character creation screen or even not at all. There should be a journal section for each class giving an overview and details on their unique abilities/resources and if you want to go all in a list of their unique abilities would be great too (preferably in a collapsable format sorted by tier so people aren't scrolling through a giant list of spells). A big example is monk wounds, there is next to nothing in the game itself on wounds other than you gain them by taking damage and can use them for abilities. On the wiki it states that wounds also absorb some damage, if this is still in then it is not stated anywhere and there is no place in the game to look up the details on ths mechanic. Similarly with spell casters there does not appear to be anywhere stating when a spell tier becomes per encounter (this needs to be added to the level up screens of the appropriate levels as well). 4. this one is less important and more of a small convenience, but when equipping items that cause suppressed stats it would be nice to have a pop-up letting users know this. I'm not how much of these would be engine limited but it would be a great improvement for user friendliness and make it easier for new players to learn the mechanics.
  19. Not sure if I am supposed to post this here. I just feel like this kind of spell(and any other spells that do something like a confusion effect) are simply not as good as they should be because they make enemies literally friendlies during the duration of the spell. If you cast heal, you heal them. If you cast a "Enemy Only" spell, it doesn't affect them. Not sure if this was intended. A very small gripe. However, it was one of my favorite spells in BG.
  20. So someone over at another forum played an April Fool's prank, which in itself isn't surprising. What was interesting, though, is one particular part of the shopped image used. Thinking on it, a thin line indicating where a character's been ordered to move to would be a large quality of life improvement, making it much easier to keep track of where everyone in your party is intending to go (both in and out of combat). This would also be a boon for queued move orders, with the character's path being clearly shown. Just an idea.
  21. First, let me say how much I love this game. 9/10. If the few issues I have with it are mended, 10/10, and I will buy it for some friends. Total nostalgia and hommage to Baldur's Gate/Planescape series and the other strategy RPG's i grew up with and played relentlessly when I was a wee lad. However, one thing that i enjoyed more about those games that I am not enjoying so much in PoE is how you basically have two health bars. The endurance versus health is totally unecessary and adds a level of tedium for me that breaks the fun of the game. Having to camp way too much. Having to rest way too much, and no way to restore health by the priest/druid in the party casting a spell out of combat? Come on... Something easily done in Baldur's Gate that helped catalyze the gameplay rather than artificially extend it... Granted I am only about 10 hours into the game, but I am not enjoying having to rest and camp so much. I also don't like how easily spells are interrupted while trying to cast. I dislike how few spells you get to cast (using the tired method of spellcasting that even DnD abandoned, that of memorizing your spell "slots") before having to rest yet again. Wizard in the party is getting basically two-shot knocked out in some fights. Reduce the damage EVERYONE does across the board or increase everyone's health. Make fights last longer with everyone doing less damage to one another so that those lovely nice spells you coded into the game can actually get used, rather than just HEAL HEAL HEAL burn burn burn. Combats are either really fast, or not fast enough, or your wizard/priest/monk gets hammered and knocked out almost immediately before the (lets be honest) very slow cast time of some spells can go off. Fighter could use quite a few more class abilities as well. Maybe I am bad at the game and don't quite "get it" just yet, but I am playing on Normal and some fights are just impossibly tough, with 5 members in the party (namely the battles with the Priests in the Lord's castle --- their unavoidable spells hit entirely too hard in my opinion). Thanks for your time, guys, and thank you for giving us such an amazing game. It was well worth the money spent and I play it literally any moment I can spare.
  22. It would be nice if the floating damage numbers had a color (or other modification) to let you know if they were crit, hit, graze, or miss. A miss could just be an asterisk *.
  23. It's just a small thing, but it would make sense for the numbers listing how many uses you have of an ability to be distinguished in color or some other way from one another. (Maybe by being on different sides of the ability, or by one having a little circle around it or a colored square behind it.)
  24. Given that the pet is completely non-interactable, it seems a little strange that a giant name bubble pops up over it every time you Highlight Interactables, and it's annoying because it gets in the way of actually seeing stuff. It's especially annoying in fights when I'm trying to see the status of different characters and the giant name is blocking a bunch of stuff. I've taken to using no pet just to avoid that. Please at least make an option not to display the pet's name when interactables are highlighted.
  25. It would be great if you would (optionally?) return to (enter?) scouting mode after battle. Given how much scouting you do in this game, I often forget that I'm not still in scouting mode after battles and run off (in fast-mode, no less, because fast-mode turns back on automatically) into things I don't want to run into. I realize that determining whether you were in scouting mode before a fight might be slightly tricky, but if you don't want to bother with that just give us an "Enter Scouting Mode After Battles" option. Thanks!
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