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  1. Hi! I think i have a problem with my stronghold. I've purchased all the upgrades and nothing happend? (no steam achievement- I'm in act 2 btw) Stronghold is also not showing all possible events. Flag says 3 but i can use only 1 or 2.
  2. I'd opened the chest from the quest "A Voice from the Past" and . Now, I can't go ahead with the quest "The Man who waits" because I should have spoken with him firsts. I was at the step in which you need to ask to Animancer around the place. Considering that this quest is categorized between the main quests, it should be fixed asap. Is there any workaround to move to the next step of the quest via console?
  3. entering the salty inn the game does not exit the cut scene properly and it auto saved over my f5 quick save so now I can not proceed move or do anything in the game here is an image of the bug 33 hours gone down the drain please fix this bug I will keep this save maybe you can release a patch that will break me out of this.
  4. It was stuck at 9 turns, even after completing couple quests it didnt show any progression, but after completing another quest it actually finished, so im pretty sure just the progression didn't show.
  5. Hi My game crashes when i try to enter Raedric Castle from the main gate. I was already inside of the castle but didnt finish the end fight because i was too weak. Cant attache any files but i have them if anyone needs them. Edit: Game also crashes when i try to enter the throne room from the temple. There isnt by any chance a third way in which i could check out? Kind regards Naradin
  6. I notice that upon trying to level from 7 to 8 on Kana the chanter companion, any phrase I choose does not show up in his phrasebook when I go in to edit. In picking from either 1st or 2nd level chants, nothing chosen during levelup shows up in the phrasebook. Is this a known issue, or am I missing something mechanically? Thank you. EDIT: I'm sorry, don't know how to delete this post/thread. I figured out I was confusing more than a few things about the class.
  7. It seems like sending camping supplies to your stash just makes them permanently disappear. This is not good behavior, since it unintuitively deprives the player of something they'd want without warning or reason. The player should either be able to stash camping supplies, or be prevented from taking them.
  8. Found a small graphical bug when wearing Breastplate armour as a female Aumaua cipher where a third arm appears on the right side. pictures shown below: It is small but i cannot stop forget about it now whilst i am stuck outside Raedrik's hold :\ http://imgur.com/2TA2VYP,c1A5ecX#0 http://i.imgur.com/c1A5ecX.jpg
  9. Description: The item ā€œBronze Horn Figurineā€ that summons an Animat reacts strangely. Multiple times after summoning an Animat during combat, he persists on the screen and can still fight as if he were a character. Also, even when the character that summoned him and thus, the item that summons him, are no longer in the party, the Animat follows the team. On a side note, once this bug occurs, the Animat moves at an incredible speed. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: List the steps of how to make the issue happen. 1. Buy a Bronze Horn Figurine 2. Use it during combat 3. Watch the magic happen Screenshot, savefile, and dxdiag in the zip/link below: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qi2gvbuzrc2950p/PoE_bug.zip?dl=0
  10. So my character is stuck on the ground. He cannot move. Its not a huge problem, as I can save and load, and have it "reset" back to normal. I figured I'd report it anyway. I'm not permitted to upload jack, so here's a dropbox link: Log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64975302/output_log.rar (A lot of nullpointers in there)
  11. So I finished the burried temple stuff last night saved and went to bed. Today I go to play and clicking on continue gives me a black screen and the gauntlet cursor. I try to load other saves and while they are all listed they all load a black screen with a cursor and nothing else. Hitting escape will not bring up the game menu and the only way to get out of the game is to drop to a term and kill it. I saw others post about the game deleting saves but this appears they are there, they just won't load or have been corrupted by something. Xubuntu 14.04 RTK Core i3 4gigs of ram nVidia 540M
  12. Grieving Mothers spell list at lvl 9 included this little surprise for me: http://imgur.com/AiRVlKZ Now Im no expert but I get the feeling that Detonate is not supposed to do 11201 Raw Damage. Which it does: http://imgur.com/odHyJUg ...with a graze. Its also the only nuke spell at that level for her so... she now has one usable spell since thats just silly. Not a game breaking bug like some of the other ones that Ive managed to avoid with dilligent saving and backtracking, but mildly annoying none the less. Unless I feel like cheating everything with what I can only assume to be the ingame equivalent of the Godhammer.
  13. The bug: Putting a one handed weapon in the monk's offhand slot will increase his accuracy with the fist attack. How to reproduce: Create a new monk. His starting accuracy with fists will be a certain value (in my case 30\30). Go to Heodan and buy a dagger. Equip the dagger in the offhand slot. His accuracy will now be 42/47 See also: https://steamcommunity.com/app/291650/discussions/0/618457398960796140/ (thread not made by me)
  14. Hello.In stronghold screen when i click hirelings menu it says under every hireling "currently unpaid" despite having plenty of coin .after i fire them then rehire them text dissapears.But if i quit the game and then load the same save,it says "currently unpaid" again.Also guest hirelings dissapears for good if i fire them but their bonuses stays.Not sure about the last part when i fire a regular hireling stronghold's prestige and security drops but when i fire a guest hireling there is no change.So either their bonuses doesnt apply or stack even after i dissmis them.Secondly after my companions return from off screen adventures text in the stronghold screen suggest there are some rewards in the treasury but it is always empty.Sorry for english it is not my first language.
  15. It's impossible to pick a party member as destination for a spell by simply clicking on his/her portrait. Instead the area behind the portrait is chosen. Please correct that.
  16. Once you have completed the first level of "The Endless Paths of Od Nua" and you have left the dungeon through a cellar door, clicking on the cellar opens the map where you can pick the dungeon level you'd like to go to. However, opening the map first displays an empty map. The only unlocked dungeon is on top of the screen. I don't think that it was intended that I first need to scroll around. Compare screenshots and savegame.
  17. Is it possible to make an option to turn off chromatic aberration? It makes me sick, and I try not to "reach out to souls" just to avoid having to see the effect. Is it possible to turn it off, or make it an option to turn it off?
  18. The Arbalest Hold-Wall has the property of 1.2x Attack Speed. When using it, however, I've noted no change in speed compared to a Fine Arbalest. I don't currently have the means to measure this with great accuracy (I'm using a stopwatch) but the time between one attack and the next, and one attack and the two that follow (starting stopwatch after un-pausing game that was auto-paused by attacking with the Arbalest from stealth, and stopping when the next [or next-next] attack occurred) were indistinguishable between the two weapons. Has anyone else observed this, or gathered more accurate data?
  19. dunno if it's a feature or a bug, but after equipping items with the spellbind property there's no active ability shown. after resting everything works as intended. in the infinity or the aurora/electron engines those properties worked right after equipping. btw it would also be nice if the a.i. can use those special active abilities of such properties to their advantage. perhaps this could be a future addition to the series. ps: there's also a bug with the exmine window. sometimes this window is draggable without restriction (shield, armor), sometimes only horizontally (weapon). and sometimes it will get stuck at the bottom of the screen after moving around (books), only the top half visible. then you have to examine a shield or armor to drag it back to the visible portion of the screen.
  20. Description: I'm stumbled on a quest with no quest description. You can find it in "Lumdala's House" but the quest log won't update. No online walkthrough know about this quest. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: 1. Go to Lumdala's House in Copperlane 2. Open the door with the "Rusty Bronze Key" (I don't know why I have it) 3. Go down 4. Click and interact with scarf 5. Get into a talk (who is Dunryd Row, Lord Gaderman who Kadal?) or a fight with Lumdala 6. No Quest updated. I do not know what to do next.
  21. I believe food is permanently increasing my characters health: My wizard and Aloth both started lvl 3 with 150 health / 50 endurance. They are still lvl 3, and now my wizard has 210 health, and aloth has 180. These are the values naked, no buffs shown. Both have identical constitution (10). Notably these are in increments of 10, and I have been using food to buff their endurance (+10 cheese). Also my fighter, also has 83 endurance, but 850+ health. Aren't fighters suppose to have around 5x health? He's showing about 11x. Not sure what happened there. He does get healed a lot by the priest..... So that's something else to check.
  22. Hello As I've written in the topic, when I press "2" on keyboard, it selects the entire party instead of just that one character. It's important to note, this problem appeared suddenly, after entering the catacombs in Defiance Bay. Things I've tried to do to fix it: Loading a quicksave [still inside catacombs], loading an autosave [inside the catacombs, right after entering], quitting and re-launching the game, changing party members between that slot, reconfiguring keybinds, resetting them to default, and restarting my PC. But, when I loaded an earlier save before entering the catacombs, that didn't happen. Entered the catacombs again, and it didn't happen aswell. I was out of combat when testing all of that, and without any buffs / debuffs on my party. So it's not really an issue anymore. The problem is, that save I loaded to fix it was when I just arrived at Defiance Bay, which means I had to do everything I already did all over again
  23. I have just bought and installed the game. I created a Male, Godlike of Nature, Druid. Within the Encampment and the next area, when creating a new save and loading it for the first time, part of my character's health goes down. This happens each and every time I create a save, and then load it for the first time. Does this occur to anyone else? I simply stopped playing and uninstalled the game due to frustration.
  24. Dear developer team, I just encountered a severe bug that keeps me from moving further in the game: In caed Nua, my wolf companion disappeared after reloading a saved game (after I died fighting Maerwald). Now, I cannot leave the hold, because it is said that I have to assemble my party first (i.e. also the disappeared wolf companionā€¦). Now comes the tricky part: the wolf companion is also gone in all of my other savegames, thus I am completely stuckā€¦ I saw that some other people encountered this as well... Hope you can help me out, Best Alex Here is a dropbox link to the saved game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zfja10p6ss4p3qm/7e8a9a48-5ffc-478b-b429-085ab79f6534%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0 ...and the link to the output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/myvhw5buqm5gybj/output_log.txt?dl=0
  25. During my adventure with Pillars of Eternity (btw. great game:)), I have faced issue related to quest "The Man Who Waits". I have already finished initial part of the quest, opened the door downstairs the sanitarium and talked to Freyol, who advised me to find Caedman Azo in his laboratory - room next to his office on the map. Unfortunately, NPC does not spawn in this place. Therefore I cannot complete the quest. Steam version of the game owned Thank you in advance for your support ! Please find attached prt screen and saved game to check if it works on another computer. I tried to check game files via steam and reinstall it but it did not resolve the problem. saved game (cannot store it under this post - files are too large): https://hubic.com/home/pub/?ruid=aHR0cHM6Ly9sYjEwNDAuaHViaWMub3ZoLm5ldC92MS9BVVRIXzA0YTI0ZDAxN2MxMDMzZTg2NGFiNDc2NDA0ZDgwNzEzL2RlZmF1bHQvLm92aFB1Yi8xNDI3NjMwMzQxXzE0Mjg0OTQzNDE/dGVtcF91cmxfc2lnPWZhM2MzMTczNzVhNDNlNWY4OTE3ZjJhMTRiZTQyYTQ4MDhkNTkwMGEmdGVtcF91cmxfZXhwaXJlcz0xNDI4NDk0MzQx
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