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Everything posted by Killyox

  1. I'm totally fine with it. Durance with 8 resolve would be retarded from roleplaying POV. I play them as they are tbh on POTD and doing great. I got only 1 merc left from when I started - barbarian.
  2. #1 is with Novice's Suffering #2 is Form with Novice's Suffering #3 is without Novice's Suffering #4 is Form without Novice's Suffering Well. So we know Novice's Suffering doesn;t (yet) work with spiritshift form and that Nature's Bounty is bugged
  3. Yes but don't compare then your dmg to my dmg from screenshot in OP because my dmg has been skewed by Nature's Bounty bug. Gonna make 2 exact tests. With novice and without and check shapeshift dmg. EDIT: Well this is interesting. Novice's Suffering DOES NOT work in shapeshift
  4. Ok then. Gonna check Novice alone. Yup, novice does not work in shapeshift but does otuside of it UPDATE #1 is with Novice's Suffering #2 is Form with Novice's Suffering #3 is without Novice's Suffering #4 is Form without Novice's Suffering Well. So we know Novice's Suffering doesn't (yet) work with spiritshift form and that Nature's Bounty is bugged Keep in mind though that screen from OP is with bugged Nature's Bounty too.
  5. The screenshot shows 71 TOTAL damage (check the line below the pop-up). Klaus is right. It's a bug. It shows dmg that you did and after substracting DR it adds elemental dmg (which is shown when you mouseover). Total dmg done is correct (the one floating above enemies) and dmg upon mouseover is also correct. It's just that dmg displayed without mousing over does not include added damage but that damage is still there and was done. IF anything this is UI oversight/glitch or w/e. IIRC it has always been like that.
  6. Gonna nitpick a bit but you don't say "true facts". You just say "facts" Being true is what makes a fact. Ok, gonna slink back into my hole
  7. Of course he didn't. He even made a thread in the wrong section of the forum instead of bug forum (tech issues section). Wake up and understand that a new exp has been released and bugs happen.
  8. Erm... maybe White March part 2 is to continue weapon upgrades? HArd to stay, I started a fresh game for WM
  9. It works fine on any wizard. I got my wiz running atm in full plate almost 30 DR to fire/frost due to being pale elf and a lot more with ele resist spell.
  10. They disappear when you click them with mouse. Annoying thing.
  11. OK! It appears there is a BUG with Nature's Bounty. You can chug these potions down without actually drinking them (when you got rdy bar going you drink but it doesn't disappear) to get constant +5 might + per and it can get ridiculously high. More info with screenshots here http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81431-novices-suffering-not-affecting-spiritshift/?do=findComment&comment=1725048
  12. Ok ! I think I've found the cause. These potions that druid makes seem to be bugged. You can press them and get buffs even without consuming them. They also obviously stack in healing might, per and even attack speed (instant attacks ) So Novice's Suffering DOES affect Form and works as intended. It's just these potions that are bugged as hell XD Check this out.
  13. I couldn't get the save (was deleted) but here is another thing. Not as high as before though and before I didn't have Savage Attack at all. So something is a bit off because I have more Might here than I did in previous save (I had there 26). Maybe It's a Form thing. Going to try Wolf like before.
  14. Note I had potion giving me 5 might in that screen (but no savage attack). I will give exact stats of that druid in the screen soon With pot and without. EDIT: welp don't have that save but I can see what I can do.
  15. Maybe some old lingering files somewhere in the registry? Defo works for me
  16. They didn't. Why would you change their stats btw? They got good enough stats to do POTD with them.
  17. It's particularly good to smack enemies with defense reductions and then drop a dot. When they crit they do a hell of a damage :D Had Autumn's Rot on lvl 2 druid do ~140 dmg to an enemy it critted. That's pretty much lethal against those enemies.
  18. Tbh I don't even go for engagement. Playing mostly without it ^^ Don't feel gimped at all. Hell it seems even better with dmg spread over more characters so stuff like Moonwell is even better now when before only 1 dude would get pummeled by 4+ guys Durance, my PC mage and all squishies got backup shield + hatchet combo and diff chars have healing scrolls.
  19. It's fixed. Dots scale with might and int. Int gives duration + according dmg (same dps as was, just longer lasting) and Might increases dmg by %. Dots are now actually pretty good like Druid's Autumn Rot (is that the eng name?) and concelhauts lv2 siphon. Druid can dot quite nicely
  20. Where did I say it needs to be IE clone? I just said they made a worse game using worse mechanics while promising the game that has best of different IE series. Disagreed. Mechanics are nothing fancy but vastly prefer them to Dnd 2 and Dnd 3 & 3,5 Also mechanics were not "best" of IE series that's one and second they could not use those mechanics even if they wanted due to copyright. They said they will make a spiritual successor to IE games and all things considered I think they did damn well. Except companions... not impact or relations or interjections from them.
  21. I wish there was subtitles option for original one too or in text window since the girl commentating sounded like she had mouth full of noodles
  22. switching grimoire is thing that reduces wait by 4sec is handy. So i advise to pick it up tbh. Doesn't take long to switch them then.
  23. That's a rather suicidal tactic I must admit. I made extensive use of Chill Fog, Curse of Blackened Sight, Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon (amazing spell tbh scales with Might & Int due to being a dot). +Priest Seal that knocksdown. With Kana I used invocation that reduces DR of enemies hit by 5 i believe since these guys wore full plate mostly. Finished of squishies first then focused on heavies. When my Mage got locked in melee it was Veil + Parasitic Staff + Spirit Shield time I got to say this -4s talent on grimoire/weap switch is an amazing thing for mage. Grimoire switches are fast and weapon even faster (hatchet + shield like mentioned earlier) In whole Keep it was 5 slimes in the underground that were the hardest. Probably because I just yoloed inside :D
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