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Everything posted by Killyox

  1. He kicks ass. One of, if not the best melee. Just sustainability is limited by # of casts. Later with per rest it's better but tbh there is no other melee that can stand to wiz with spells on. Deleterious Alacrity of Motion + Citzal's Spirit Lance + Citzal's Martial Power combo changes you into a melee monstrosity. You can also have a lot of other spells slung here and there for even more power but usually don;t have to. cobine it with Curse Of Blackened Sight and Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon to get even more dmg + heal + defense/offense (blind) going on. Alacrity is amazing, it speeds up all casts as well so it's best to start with it.
  2. I never pick +spells. It's redundant. I pretty much never run out of spells (i don't spam them, just use strategically for most impact) so instead on my mage I pick stuff like veil, -4s to tome change and so on. I don't even take blast. Why? Because with grimoire 2 per enc use scaling nicely up to ~50 dmg later on, and ltos of spells +phantoms (which have blast) I don't need it. Low on spells or needing some serious dmg for little spells cast? Concelhaut's parasitic staff is awesome especially with lvl 2 concelhaut's aoe drain that does a lot. Usually picking spells that have huge impact instantly and those that can have a rather big impact over the course of the fight. Having 65 seconds of citzal's lance coupled with alacrity is insane for big, long battles.
  3. Well, my druid (this here) did 150 dmg on crits so it's not bad. This dmg was without Savage Attack so it can be pumped even higher. I like it because even grazes hurt so it fits the idea of a savage beast rather than skilled precise warrior :D On a sidenote I made Stag druid NPC merc to be one of my frontlines with his form and spells. High int/might/con Stag Carnage is pretty good You can supplement it with rogue-class talent as well.
  4. Perphaps they have some active defense skill that raises their stats for X seconds? Still, if they are 1 at a time it doesn't seem all that bad. What's their accuracy though ? They are also probably very vulnerable to freezing damage which is quite logical and raw dmg fields should be fine too even if they graze. Though I admit these defenses are rather ridiculous. Probably autoscaling+50% increase for POTD skyrocketted it.
  5. You don't need to min max for POTD, you don't even need a tank. My frontline atm: Barb with 2H, Rogue, Druid(using frontals & spirit form) I got eder and durance (yeah changed min maxed priest to durance for lols :D). Eder is 'just there' pretty much as a body blocker. Gonna scrap rogue to get ranger I think because too many dudes run into melee Basically PC Mage, NPC Barb, NPC rogue, NPC druid, Durance, Eder, Rogue and Eder get a boot as soon as I get 2 new White March companions Not min maxing. Not using food really, selling 95% of the potions I get. Barb is fine with his 1 per encounter heal + survival and HOT potions. Later on I will give him bandage for 40% health regen since it's most likely that he will run out of health before endurance even with 18 con. You don't even need +engagement talents at all. Hobble, Prone, Stun, bodyblocking bottleneck passages and so on is a pretty good tactic. I often bodyblock preventing new ai from getting to my squishies, drop Curse of Blindness and all hell starts lose. Those 2 Skuldr Kings in the first dungeon were faceroll XD
  6. A Barbarian with Sneak Attack, and someone who casts CC spell as backup sounds very fun. You could maul a room full of enemies ridiculously fast. Actually I think of saccing a bit of Might for Per on barb to have more accurate carnage + better interrupt and maybe follow it up with Interrupting Blows. That talent will give 15% dmg so that lets me sac might a bit for per.
  7. CON got changed. You could say buffed AND nerfed because those who put points there get more bang for buck, those who dump it get more of a hit to them than before :D Per is pretty decent imo. Would consider it on many chars :>
  8. half focus, +2 focus per hit to +33% focus and nerf to chanters reload chant nerfed cipher but I would say he is still pretty good just not breakingly good. My first walkthrough was with cipher with blunderbuss build and chanter chant to reload and it was rather silly
  9. I have binders full of dead level 1 wizards and sorcerers, in BG and in tabletop. I once had a level 1 Sorcerer character in a tabletop game get killed by a squirrel. True story. You had a terrible GM then.
  10. on a side note there is an easy way to learn all spells. Recruiting mage mercs giving each of them diff spells on lvl up and then copying. Costs some gold but it's still pretty good
  11. Don't... I could draw a freaking map of the entire area and where there were enemies, traps and all sort of other crap.
  12. intended, new ai. Adapt. Block pathways. You still get free attack when they disengage but you can't be reckless anymore now. Lock down a path and they won't be able to physically come to you (unless shades and stuff:P) PS i don't mind when they disengage from my barb, free carnage procs all around :D
  13. don't like to dump stats, also with res3 you will be constantly interrupted and pretty much stunlocked since enemies go for the weakest guy, at least in 2.0. My 8 deflection rogue learned it the hard way :D
  14. Too soon There are however some amazing spells for some classes. New priest spells are pretty good. Druid ones are decent but not insane (although spirit form with monk talent is awesome). Monk Dual Forms are devastating . Mage definitely has got good spells I don't find Cipher particularly awesome. Gonna make a new run on potd starting today. Gonna go PC mage, offensive priest, offensive spirit form druid, barb, rogue, monk most likely and then ditch rogue monk to get companions (at least for a time)
  15. I am wondering as well. Wanna start new game just for WM and gonna go probably 2 new companions + mercs rest
  16. Actually the one giving potions is really good. It even gives summoned creatures them. Each for my druid recovered ~100 endurance, gave 5 might and 5 perception for 20s and also +20% attack speed for 20sec. Seems good :D Summons also hit rather hard. It still doesn't beat venombloom and many other spells but it's good.
  17. So now we can get minor versions of other classes stuff. From monk + unarmed dmg. Well my first thought was to check it out with druid's spirit form +usual elemental dmg (no savage attack here) well... +45% elemental dmg on top of it. 140 hits are normal Especially good with Stag Form + Druid Stag Carnage PS this is test char levelled through console commands thus recognizable nick :D
  18. Fact of the matter is that companions are kinda meh. Not enough interactiveness. Preferred Dragonfall's way of handling this. Hopefully White March does something about it.
  19. Probably because stuff already dies eitherway upon activation :>
  20. There is 1 silly bug wiht cipher and 2h i think. Dunno how exactly it works but when i cast X spell my next ~6 hits will duplicate that effect. So if I cast eyestrike every hit does NO dmg but applies eyestrike. When I cast Desintegration... yes, every hit applies desintegration. Same with Mind Plague and so on Kinda silly when I had every swing of the sword do ~40-60 aoe dmg with knockdown with screen wide effect XD Also text is blurry at 1920x1080 unlike before.
  21. Pref steam due to cloud saves. My SSD died yday and put up OS on HDD but generally I feel my saves and profiles are safer with Steam
  22. If it is of any interest I have barbarian in my POTD party in 2.0 beta patch and he is pretty much equal i dmg done to rogue and both of them are tiny bit behind PC Druid.
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