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Everything posted by Killyox

  1. I wonder how would Hearth Orlan Cipher with Gunner talent + rifle/pistol and skill into mechanics play out for combat/story purposes.
  2. Good to know. No access to 435
  3. I don't think so. Interrupt on it's own sucks, having to pump two semi-useless stats to get a high Deflection sucks (making you fairly useless at anything but not getting hit as often by Def attacks) and +1 Accuracy was fine - it was when they bumped it to +2 that it became problematic. Didn't you yourself say how strong int barb with high interrupt aoe through carnage is? With added acc to per it would only make it better and maybe actually too good vs some other variants which would end up doing what they don't want. Afaik they want stats to be rather close in power. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70206-accuracy-be-gone/page-3?do=findComment&comment=1565014
  4. Don't like it. I like minimalistic designs myself altough I would prefer portraits and all on the right side. Monitors are wider than taller and as such putting most UI elements at the bottom takes too much space imo and would be better to take right side for it. The biggest reason why i have window's task bar on the right side
  5. Not at all. Left it long ago.
  6. I am in my 26th hour of playing Dragon Age Inquisition on PS4 and thus far I am incredibly bored. So many things are off wth this game for me. I wonder if it will change at some point but thus far I am really really disappointed.
  7. That would just make Perception horribly broken(op). Again.
  8. Totally OT but how good are talents like Gunner? Or in general faster reload skills for use with pistols/rifles/
  9. Dunno. Maybe for the same reason why Native Americans don't really have beards but black/white etc. people do.
  10. Kinda OT: Can druid charm animal that ogre's bears?:D
  11. Sensuki, can you like... do a single post with all your thoughts and observations instead of posting every 1-3 minutes new post? Would be more legible and easier to find for those of us interested instead of jumping post by post. Thanks.
  12. This may sound strange but... I would limit engagement to NPCs only. As in we can lock NPCs down with engagement but they don't do it back to us unless very few specific NPCs. Not like w ehave to have same stuff for PC and NPC seeing how Health and Endurance is already different from waht NPCs have. PS Did anyone actually play decent amount with talents that reduce chance to be hit by disengagement attacks?
  13. Dunno. Will know once I beat the game. Then I will know more about the world and things I would like to explore more or what I thought lacked in game or such.
  14. The little time I spent with it in older build made me interested that it can have a few roles to fill but previously it was imo better as a ranged guy. Maybe spear for him so he can do 2nd line attacks from behind tankier character? There seemed however to be a problem with accuracy of his spells. Some of them had really low accuracy even with high perception in 333 or 362 (can't exactly recall) so they missed a lot/grazed. How does it look right now and what sort of attribues would be decent for him (not 100% powerplay but ~60% power play and 40% focus for story dialogs)
  15. I wanted to ask community what Cypher build diversity is there and also how does melee cypher measures up to ranged cipher. Is it only bow + ranged to generate focus or melee is decent as well now? In 333 or 362 focus gaines depended on dmg done. Is that still a thing? How effective is it now and how strong/weak his spells and effects are? Is he still cosnidered a nuker?
  16. POE is also perfect candidate for tablets and such. Just saying Will most likely be one of the better games in 2015. Highest hopes are up for Witcher 3 though
  17. I agree with all these except arguably 3, but above all else, you missed the single most annoying ****ty goddamn ****ing hnnnrrrgh thing: 9. "Combat Only" abilities preventing initiation of combat with a power. Also, I'd like to add: 10. No individual stealthing and everyone unstealths automatically at the start of combat, preventing any tactical use of stealth, as well as initiating combat with individual characters. Imagine having multiple rogues that all want to initiate combat with stealth, but at different times. Agreed on 9 & 10
  18. 1) explain 2) i find it good 3) I don't mind it, plan ahead 4) it's good, in IWD and so you would always buy thousands of ammo anyways so they made it more convenient 5) I agree with not being able to move it 6) I actually like this angle 7) Does it matter? Elder Lion may connect to a lion in his prime instead of being a cub or a younf male. Besides this is magical world. Maybe these lions are not our own lions. Doesn;t bother me all that much
  19. That's only if you plat for combat part of the game and ignore story because stats will also impact story which for me at least in 1st playthrough is very important.
  20. I actually hope for slow mode to be faster. Almost still image
  21. IT's OK. I can wait. Just got GTA 5, Rayman Legends, Heroes of the Storm is now Beta phase, Witcher 3 coming and also Mortal Kombat X. I got things to occupy me while they polish their game.
  22. I am interested a lot about "how to properly fight in IE games" part just to compare it to my own experiences
  23. I would lower graze range so less hits are grazes as well as lower crit ranges so less hits are crits. That would be a start.
  24. Feelings are subjective. To me POE feels very IE in regards to art. Obviously updated and higher fidelity. Bit different angle but the feel is there. Combat still needs work but I entirely disagree on the feel of art. That's actually what he said as well. He disagrees on combat and agrees on camera/controls/art. OK. I took it as combat is another thing besides art he doesn't like So small misunderstanding there.
  25. Not really an ui issue. You simply cannot ever have more endurance than health. Simple really.
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