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Everything posted by Killyox

  1. It is 2014 after all
  2. My thoughts: Does it really matter?
  3. Do keep in mind they are underequipped. It's also normal for fighter to lose most HP and so because he is the one soaking up all the damage from monsters. Monk most likely is less gear dependent
  4. Original Sin is going to be a lot like this game. Both are trying to be old skool. D:OS isn't old school. Divinity is a turn-based aRPG. Comparing it to the old school games is an insult to those games. It's as old school as Divine Divinity etc goes
  5. Huh? But it IS Gamescon demo <_< Gamescom You should get a medal for this. Thank you, thank you. My good man! I am trying to live up to all expectations! I wish to thank my close ones for supporting me in this undertaking
  6. You guys are aware it's just small part of content? And that beta is not going anywhere? You don't have to play it right this moment. You will be bored with it 10 times over before release. I know you are excited but come on. It's not the end of the world.
  7. Huh? But it IS Gamescon demo <_< Gamescom
  8. I would just wait for the beta with any statements. Trying to fix perceived problems that may not exist in the first place isn't the way to do it. It's party based combat so fighter alone will not do anything obviously. He has to have help from the party. Wait until you play it to see for yourselves.
  9. You might wanna check your sources mate. Far as I understand it, the only "Early Access" is through the Backer Beta (which is only available til the 22nd or so). They could go WL2 route and have backer beta before and after that early access beta with prepurchase on steam.
  10. For a change I will start with Druid, possibly elf even though I am not huge one elves.
  11. It's a "you win some, you lose some" situation. Wastaland 2 does have dump-ish stats, but there, skills matter more than stats, so it's not a big deal, and you can have your "lost" character concepts there. Eternity went its own way: it gives player big-impact stats like DnD (a nostalgia box checked), but following up on that Sawyer favored a no-dump approach, and it's a valid route. Eternity's builds will be more varied, but less "real". Which stats in WL2 are dumpish stats? Right now not a single stat is useless. Sure you can dump luck and charisma and go for a more combat oriented party but doesn't mean they are bad. Charisma chars level faster, unlock special events, leader with high charisma and high leadership skill is actually very strong combat boost for all. My Lockpick/Safecracker/Science/Handgun ranger has 5 or 6 luck so he can open stuff and loot with higher luck for better gear. Trust me there is difference between luck 1 and luck 5 and more in regard to loot. Also helps handguns Right now i am doing a game with each character having 3-4 charisma and some 6+ as well as each has 6 intellect. Previously I dumped cha for all except leader as well as luck and went for combat stats. I also upped now game difficulty with this CHA/INT group and it's still very combat effective. Shrines also help in this regard. This is also the team I will most likely play at release.
  12. It seems icons for skills and spells are placeholder. Animations on abilities and spells need more polishing. Damage numbers could last longer on the screen.
  13. If peopleâ„¢ were rational, they wouldn't spend their time or money on something like games. So, it's good for you. The XP system didn't bother me in the slightest since I know I'll spend my time on what I find fun to me. Heck, it's a single player game. Why not? I am a very rational person. Sometimes irritatingly so. Doesn't mean I can not enjoy games.
  14. Do you mean Dragon Age 2? DA:O had some of the best combat I've ever experienced in a single player RPG. I don't intend to insult but you must have experienced very little if DA:O is in your opinion one of the best. Certainly one of the most imbalanced.
  15. Uhm no. Per the head of Larian themselves Divinity: Original Sin had a budget of around 5 million euro's which is more than 6 million US dollars. Obsidian had a budget of about 4.5 million USD. So Larian had at least a million more to play with, combined with the fact that they had their own in house engine to use which saved tons of time and resources which equates directly to money saved for other parts of the game. Wasteland 2's graphics looking good is a matter of opinion so there is nothing wrong disagreeing with me. That said I think the UI is painfully bad, the environment art is okay, but the character models are flat awful and look straight out of year 2002. You're a bit wrong. You're counting Larian's budget with Early Access on steam vs POE with no Early Access. If you compare KS vs KS then POE had double the amount. When POE is available at Steam Early Access you can be sure as hell it will make more than D:OS. They recently updated UI. It changed a lot from when I first tried beta. It's better now. Not the most beautiful but it works and is thematically fitting. Char models do look bad indeed.
  16. I will always put gameplay above graphics. As long as the gameplay is superb then graphics may be splendind (TW3) or can be simple (Paper Sorcerer). At the end of a day It comes down to whether I enjoyed it or not. Why do people have to make things more complicated than needed? I think 3D paperdoll for POE is ugly but at the same time think that environments and top-down view looks really good. Animations could use a lot of polishing but they won't impede my enjoyement at all as long as the game is fun to play.
  17. Uh Wasteland 2 looks like crap. No seriously, the game is ugly as hell. I guess it is intended due to the setting but seriously dude. Divinity Original Sin I will also bet money had a much much larger budget than Eternity does, additionally, Eternity is being made as a modern reboot of the IE games. The IE games didn't have 3d backgrounds. Here is a pic I made purely for people to see some of the most complained about or considered UI features. I made it using the very detailed and complete PC Gamer full demo video that posted their video in as good a quality as can be done. There is still quality loss of course but it gives at least a better idea. The key things I want to point out is #1: It is actually the Dialogue window which has the blurry harder to read text in my opinion. None of them are actually that bad though and I imagine without the compression of video they would both be perfectly legible by any normal person. The character model does look rough on the inventory screen, but much of that could be the nature of the ugly hide gear and the uh.... interesting color choices for their main and secondary colors. All of these elements are merged into one picture but are at their 100% normal full screen resolution if you were playing the game in 1080. Divinity had actually a lot smaller budget than POE and imo WL2 atm looks good.
  18. So many garbage posts here that are offtopic and a total mess for someone who wants to read something on-topic about the subject.
  19. *Sigh* Repost: It's not for everyone no. It's for those who either backed at a tier that cost $110+ OR bought beta access as a separate add on for their pledge. (Regardless of whether you backed via kickstarter or the obsidian website.) If you haven't purchased beta access as yet: At the moment the only possible way to add beta access to an already existing pledge is to see if support can reset your pledge. Otherwise, as diabeetus indicated above, you can wait for them to add the functionality to the website. (Personally I'd wait to see if they can get the functionality up and running before the beta - if only to avoid adding to the workload of what sounds like a very busy support team.) Technically there is another option ;p. Thanks for info though. Can't wait until they release it. Got WL2 beta but not playing it (besides doing Ag Center once) . Don't want to spoil it before release:D
  20. DA:O was good but it was not by any strech of imagination great. Characters were rather bland, story was bad (it was sooo cliche. Save the world blah blah blah. Like every bioware game of new). It wasn't balanced as far as skills and classes go. It was good like 7/10 tops but nothing more. DA2 very average. DA:I ? I don't care much. Witcher 3 ftw
  21. Is it for all backers? Even those that backed through this site?
  22. Some cool Sci-Fi wouldn't be bad. Maybe some Science-Fantasy too.
  23. Don't want it in. I second the notion that paladin is the lamest class:P I just don't like zealots and religion based classes
  24. I thought those were hats, perhaps ceremonial or part of a weird cultish/science ritual. Like these guys: Sate my curiosity but is the boy on the left young Robert Downey Jr ?
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