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Everything posted by Flow

  1. So i guess Kicking People out of jobs for their opinions is okay with you ?. I mean this might just be Sign Obsidian is moving More Mainstream. and we all know what Mainstream means. Obsidian didn't do anything. He resigned before they could even react. Seriously, man. You don't know what you're talking about here. Let it go. Thats the Official story. Official stories arent always true. What I just told you comes directly from the writer himself. If you want to ask him about it, feel free to create an account on RPG Codex and do so.
  2. So i guess Kicking People out of jobs for their opinions is okay with you ?. I mean this might just be Sign Obsidian is moving More Mainstream. and we all know what Mainstream means. Obsidian didn't do anything. He resigned before they could even react. Seriously, man. You don't know what you're talking about here. Let it go.
  3. I backed and will certainly play both, but I never actually managed to finish D:OS 1. The writing just turns me off. Hopefully, they're improved that a bit in D:OS 2.
  4. Wait which one is it If its not him ? It seems to me its Definitely Eric Anyways If you are right(Im not sure about that)that actually confirms the rest with writer being resigned because of his views. I'm not going to name names at this point since the whole thing needs to die, but here are the facts. 1) A writer was hired recently to do some contract writing work for Deadfire 2) That writer's posting history at RPG Codex was uncovered and posted by parties unknown 3) The writer decided he didn't want his opinions causing problems for Obsidian and resigned 4) There is NO evidence anyone at Obsidian asked him to resign
  5. Uh... the writer in question is NOT Eric Fenstermaker, folks. Please don't start rumors if you don't have all the facts.
  6. This recent media blitz from Obsidian is very odd. What's going on? Did the PR team just decide to go all out in support of PoE on console and the Tyranny DLC, or are they gearing up for some really big announcement?
  7. Here's the update... Obsidian took all the money and threw a huge rave on Ibiza. Sorry, game is cancelled. But it was a great party.
  8. Another 50% code here. Already own the game on Steam, so useless to me. First to PM gets it. It's gone.
  9. Boo. Managing per-rest spells is part of what makes Infinity Engine/Pillars 1 tactically interesting.
  10. No 15 level mega-dungeon and "2nd major city" pls. I think they're probably learned their lesson and will keep stretch goals in scope.
  11. Sure... assuming they achieve everything else they want to do in the game and an angel emerges from on high and gifts them $5 million.
  12. Eh? If there's one thing Sensuki is known for, it's epic butthurt over the engagement mechanic. That seems like a gameplay issue to me.
  13. Started a new play through today, and noticed I'm hearing audio popping/crackling during some portions of Caldara's dialog. Is this a known bug?
  14. <poke poke> Any way we could convince to compile the WM music as an album and put in the White March Steam and GOG files?
  15. Prepare to be disappointed. Obs probably isn't going to do a major release when their staff is home in bed.
  16. Educated guess would be 10:00am PDT / 15:00 GMT.
  17. I think what Flow meant to say is that it didn't appear in the transcript. Ah, apologies. I thought the transcript was complete. Didn't have time to listen to the audio version.
  18. He mentions the WL2 and T:ToN novellas in that interview. He didn't say anything about PoE.
  19. I wouldn't call it "crushed", but it's more deformed than I would have liked. A soft envelope definitely wasn't the best option for this item.
  20. Got my regular edition box. Now debating whether to open it or keep it pristine. Decisions.
  21. Just got my regular box copy notice as well. And yeah... neither this nor my other order which shipped a long time ago ever updated on the status screen. Ignore it.
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