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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Consider, on the other hand, that Torment: Tides of Numenera—which is built on the same engine as Pillars of Eternity—loads really fast even from an HDD. Granted, Deadfire loads noticeably faster than its predecessor, but it's not fast in absolute terms.
  2. For those who want to use Xoti's, Serafen's, and Tekehu's starting outfits throughout the whole game, this mod should be of interest. For those about to rock, we salute you.
  3. Graphics Soundtrack Voice Acting Positional and environmental audio Writing Multi-classing Convenience features
  4. Missing period: "fine" should be "find": Missing space before the hyphen:
  5. Shall I post more to this thread as I run into them, or would it be better for you guys if I opened a new thread for each?
  6. Is the heal-on-crit really triggered by crits you deal, rather than crits you take? Thst’s unusual for an armor.
  7. Does the bonus from Scordeo’s Edge benefit from INT and/or PL? Does it still last for 3s if you pick the enchantment that increases the chance from 10% to 20%?
  8. Light or robes for casters; medium for the front line. I like heavy armor but I value speed too much to take a 55% penalty to recovery.
  9. I’m surprised they prevented Carnage from triggering on-hit and on-Crit abilities, but let all other AoE abilities do exactly that. Carnage was over-fixed by not only removing the proccing (which I agree with) but also nerfing its damage into uselessness. Now Carnage is inconsequential as a result of applying multiple fixes simultaneously to the same problem—something Obsidian is sadly fond of, as experience suggests. I hope patch 1.1 will bring sensible balance changes and not multiple fixes to the same problems.
  10. If my go-to gear can only be had when the game is over, then I never have fun at all playing the game. I waste 90% of it waiting for the good gear to come; then it comes and there's no content left to use it on. Personally, I'm glad I can have WotEP so early.
  11. SAVE: Link STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Approach the Children of the Dawnstars to trigger the dialog. Say nothing until Xoti says you're probably not there for the baptism/blessing/what have you. Observe that one of the answers you may give is, "What if I am?" Pursue a different line of questioning. Observe that once the dialog node is over, you're still able to say, "What if I am?" even though it no longer makes sense. It only makes sense to say that in answer to, "You're not here for the [whatever]"; if you don't say that right away, it becomes really awkward to say it afterward. I believe that dialog option should no longer be available then.
  12. ^ Thanks for this, Alienka. Had the same issues with Netehe(sp?) and Una.
  13. "sould" should be "souls": I believe the VO says "it'll", which also makes more sense:
  14. One thing I forgot to mention in the OP is that this build is better served using fists until you get Whispers of the Endless Paths, and possibly until you upgrade it to Superb and get Armored Grace. That's because 2H weapons are generally pretty slow, while the Monk's fists attack as Fast weapons and benefit from the dual-wielding bonus. Don't bother wasting a talent point on Two-Weapon Fighting unless you want to respec later on (which is currently inadvisable as a bug will wipe all your Watcher powers if you respec); using fists already gets the automatic 30% speed boost which is plenty enough. Besides, fist scaling is pretty good so you'll end up with higher Accuracy and Penetration than with a 2H until you enchant WotEP. You make a fair point. There are two main reasons why I chose not to dual-wield sabres with this build: The Lady of Pain is historically a 2H build and I didn't want to stray from its original concept. I'm brainstorming Edér/Serafen builds who would be using Scordeo's Edge + Min's Fortune, so I wanted to keep those available for other characters in the party. Obviously people who read this guide and want to play the Lady of Pain are welcome to substitute Two-Handed Style with Two-Weapon Fighting and wield dual sabres if they prefer I find it odd that dual sabres would kill significantly quicker as WotEP attacks twice in an AoE and Spinning Assault is practically an I Win button. I suspect sabres will lose their edge (pun unintended, but nice notwithstanding) once Swift Flurry, Heartbeat Drumming, and Cleaving Stance are prevented from proccing themselves. Is that how the buff works, though? Its wording isn't the clearest; the way I interpret it is that every attack you make with it has a 20% change to recover immediately. That's 1 attack out of 5 exclusively with Scordeo's Edge, unless you micromanage very intensively (and even then, it may not be possible to switch fast enough to make the second attack with a different weapon.) Or is the no recovery buff lasting until the end of combat once it triggers? Devoted/Shattered Pillar is a variant I've toyed with and enjoyed a fair deal. I eventually decided in favor of Helwalker to abide by the Lady of Pain's maxing MIG staple, but Shattered Pillar has better survivability and can spam Raised Torment which is pretty great. My suggestion is to set A.I. to use Raised Torment when you have 5 Wounds. This will make the cone AoE and Staggered affliction benefit from the +5 INT bonus from Turning Wheel (as well as the +25% burning lash from the same.) Rooting Pain is a must with Shattered Pillar as well.
  15. Haven't really tried with other characters, but I assume it's the same. If you equip Magnera's Chain on Xoti and turn her model on the side, you can see that the armor's empty underneath (there's nothing behind the arm and there are holes where this clearly shows.)
  16. I agree with what Boeroer said in the linked thread—this is probably a leftover from the first game, where raw damage was actually quite good. In Deadfire, raw damage is pretty meh as you can't overpenetrate with it (and underpenetration, which raw damage also prevents, isn't all that common; certainly not enough to make that blade desirable.) Considering how the blade also doesn't have a spectacular enchantment path, giving it proper damage would go a long way toward making it at least viable (it's a pity such a good-looking blade isn't.)
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