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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Can Swift Flurry and Cleaving Stance still proc themselves or has at least one sense-making nerf made it in? What about Time Parasite stacking with itself?
  2. True. It doesn't look like I have much of a choice but to learn how to mod items and abilities. However a build that requires mods to be good isn't a good build. I'd feel less butthurt if I picked up soap in a jail shower.
  3. According to the reddit thread linked in the first page, Xoti’s lantern no longer stops beneficial spells. Scaling with Religion has been nerfed drastically.
  4. My issue is that the LoP was already just borderline OK, and it bit me that a DW version was actually more powerful. Now that the speed/recovery bonuses have been unnecessarily nerfed and the W in WotEP stands for Wimpy, there’s no reason to play the build at all. And I’m not interested in other builds for the Watcher. My companions can be anything but the Watcher must hit hard and fast without having to wear light armor or dual-wield. I could do that in the first game but Deadfire seems to be going out of its way to prevent it.
  5. It’s in the patch notes; Veteran and PotD have been reworked. Unfortunately they all nerfed a lot of things that weren’t broken, because why not?
  6. The change to Turning Wheel was uncalled for, but it's mostly WotEP and DoC breastplate, along with the completely asinine nerf to the speed boost from Swift Strikes and its upgrades. If they changed this and still let Swift Flurry proc itself, I won't even.
  7. Articulated from -20% recovery to -10% recovery Only provides resistance to Intellect Afflictions Healing on Crit from 4 to 2 Many other unnecessary nerfs listed in the reddit link in the first page of this thread. My will to play the game is waning by the minute.
  8. I'll no longer be supporting the Lady of Pain build from 1.1 onward. You may remove it from the build list, if you like.
  9. Wow, DoC Breastplate nerfed too. Glad to see many, many changes to make things slower because slow = entertaining and fun, right?
  10. I think I got it on the Fampyr island in the bottom-right corner of the world map.
  11. Is the damage from WotEP still the same as a 1H? It only made sense if the blade hit twice. If it now hits once and still has 1H damage, WotEP is pretty bad. Nerf to Turning Wheel and the speed bonus from Swift Strikes very much uncalled for. IMHO the nerf from Brilliant to Smart on the Chanter’s invocation is too much; no reason to use it now. Other changes seems good on paper, provided that stuff no longer procs itself or stacks with itself.
  12. I *think* the problem is that conditions are only checked the first time, then only the cool down is taken into account. We need Roby Atadero’s magic on this one to ensure conditions are checked every time
  13. I remember their mentioning this bug in the last QA stream with Josh and Caleb. They’re aware so hopefully 1.1 fixes it.
  14. Do we know for sure this wasn’t fixed? They said this parch has over 1000 fixes and they won’t list them all.
  15. Great stuff about A.I. conditionals and hair styles while wearing hats! Looking forward to the patch’s release. In the final patch notes it would be great if you could specify which fixes will NOT affect saved games.
  16. Skaen gives you +1 DEX, if memory serves. Indeed, by that time the game is quite literally over.
  17. I forgot to mention this but it’s definitely a kickass feature!
  18. Josh mentioned in a QA stream that there was no time to flash them out enough to be available to the player (especially in terms of reactivity.) Since most of the mechanics are in place, however, I wouldn’t be surprised if they made them available in a DLC, free or otherwise, after working in the reactivity bits.
  19. That’s a bold statement to make at a time when nothing is known about the DLCs except their titles and price point. I played Deadfire front to end and didn’t really feel like an incomplete game; and given Obsidian’s track record, it seems unlikely that they would cut content from the game to monetize via DLC. Not saying it’s false, mind you. I’m saying we don’t know and it’s unlikely. I would reserve judgment for when the DLCs actually land.
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