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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Armored Grace, but only because it slipped under the radar and they forgot to nerf it. It's but a matter of time.
  2. Funny how you dismiss criticism as "all they want is to complain." Patch 1.1 over-nerfed a lot of things and applied awkward, patchwork fixes to others. Many things that really didn't need fine-tuning were tuned. Preventing Swift Flurry from proccing itself was a good change; nerfing its speed bonus from 20% to 15% was completely pointless and uncalled for. Just to make one of many, many possible examples.
  3. I think it got nerfed from 1 raw damage per focus to 0.5 raw damage per focus (at least that's what I read on Reddit.)
  4. Hey Gairnulf, any plans to add a search function to the tool? There are so many abilities and effects that it can be daunting to find the one you want. A search feature like the one in the Unity Console mod would be amazing.
  5. Some helms (e.g. Acorn Helm or Helm of the Falcon) still leave the Watcher bald even though certain hair styles would certainly show.
  6. Helm of the Falcon from -20% to -10% recovery. Obviously. Improved Critical from +15% (IIRC?) to +10% critical damage. It was clearly making the game too easy. Grimoires aren't the only items with fancy new icons; I noticed a couple other items too. Also the Monk's Wounds indicator in the UI changed color and position. Everything's unnecessarily slower but at least it looks pretty.
  7. I'm on 1.02, actually. No idea whether it got nerfed. Hopefully it didn't!
  8. Missing comma after "Well": Missing space after the hyphen: Titles used as direct addresses should be capitalized (which is the case, for example, when Xoti is addressed as "Child"):
  9. It's an estoc with -15% recovery and +1 Accuracy every 6s that stacks up to 10 times. You can add an enchant that does +15% crit damage or one that applies a -4 Deflection debuff to the target for 45s and stacks up to 5 times.
  10. Blade of the Endless Paths. You can choose to reforge it, or merge it with Whispers of Yenwood to get Whispers of the Endless Paths.
  11. I don't recall seeing complaints about spiritshift being overpow—oh, right. Baubles of the Fin. Touché.
  12. I redeemed my copy on GoG too, for what it's worth.
  13. Favorite: Rymrgand I have a very bleak outlook on life and he's the closest to something I can relate to. Least favorite: Magran, for she's a petty, arrogant prick. Skaen, for he's a scheming backstabber. Woedica, for her opinion of herself is too damn high.
  14. Maybe Rymrgand and Wael had some fun and this guy's the result.
  15. I believe it was prevented from proccing itself—something I consider more akin to a bug fix than a nerf. It's still a pretty good ability.
  16. Been running a quick test with BotEP. Looks like that was the weapon I wanted all along, and I just wasted time thinking that I wanted WotEP.
  17. I might have let myself be carried away with the butthurt. Sorry for that. XD
  18. Well, there's a new free DLC coming out—supposedly two weeks after the first one, which means next week. So... maybe...
  19. OMG. Hope it can be disabled in the release version of the patch!
  20. You really feel that? I think literally every other 2H in the game is better than WotEP now. That puny damage really doesn't work against single-targets, which is what matters (melee guys aren't really crowd controllers.) The same character with BotEP likely out-DPS WotEP with ease.
  21. AoE is still in, that I know of. But with that puny damage, I'd still pick BotEP over it any time.
  22. IMO the problem with Time Parasite wasn't the 50% buff, but the fact that it stacked with itself indefinitely. Removing that would have sufficed.
  23. Some of the best changes: All stuff people were constantly and vocally complaining about. I've seen people rage-quit because the +5% damage from Baubles of the Fin made them cut through enemies like a knife through butter. With the already criminally slow average recovery time at 4s, it was of utmost importance to reduce speed/recovery buffs—especially Swift Strikes and its upgrades from 20% to 15% because, frankly, that insane attack speed was breaking everybody's game. The Chanter nerf, however, is the real winner. Problem: Brilliant Inspiration is too powerful. Solution: Leave Brilliant untouched. Remove the only source of Brilliant in the game. That Brilliant was created and implemented for nothing is but a minor side effect. Nerf the Chanter phrase so that it becomes unnecessarily bland and weak for its Power Level, granting three tier 1 Inspirations that most other classes can already access in spades at much lower power levels. Now the invocation is useless, and Brilliant is still broken (but unavailable.) Very, very good design.
  24. BotEP is strictly better now and it costs half to forge. Until they read this post. Then BotEP will also be nerfed into boring uselessness.
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