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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. <Insert mandatory accusation that Obsidian has slowly been releasing content while sacrificing live animals to a coven of witches in their basement>
  2. It’s potentially the same bug someone’s been experiencing with Spiritshift. I recall seeing it reported; one of the weapon sets would just disappear when the shift got over.
  3. That’s sort of how the human brain works though, isn’t it? At least, I know mine does. I can only enjoy something if I know it can’t get better (or close enough); otherwise I spend my time thinking how much better it could be instead of enjoying what I have. (Yes, this way of thinking makes life a lot harder. No, it really isn’t easy to change.)
  4. <Insert obligatory joke equating Josh to Eothas>
  5. Personally I think nerfing from "Full Attack" to "Primary Attack" would have been enough, but I'm OK with Stun too. It's a good CC effect and I was using Charge to reach priority targets fast more than to hurt those caught in the middle anyway.
  6. No option to say you want everything destroyed. No love for Rymrgand followers.
  7. I don't mind having scrolls that mimic spells like we do, but I do miss unique scrolls like we had in PoE (e.g. Scroll of Valor, Scroll of Defense, Scroll of Missile Barrage.) Unique stuff always feels special and adds some tactical depth, and having scrolls do stuff that would otherwise be unavailable is a good way to encourage putting ranks in Arcana to expand your options.
  8. I would (potentially) agree if there were scrolls available for every single spell in the game, which is not the case. In no way does a character focusing on scrolls possess the same versatility or firepower as a full-blown caster. Sure, maxing out Arcana and using AoE nukes is overpowered, but that's due to Arcana's scaling too high rather than being a characteristic intrinsic to the mechanic. I like Arcana as a way for non-casters to be able to use specific spells, and I don't find it as game-breaking (in principle) as UAI. It breaks the game now because of how it scales, but it didn't break the game in PoE. (And even now that it breaks the game, not everyone is using it—I like power builds and I didn't bother with scrolls or consumables at all, for example.)
  9. If you already get to cast spells per encounter, why would you bother investing in Arcana and spending resources on scrolls? I mean, I don't bother with any class but I would especially not bother with a caster since it can already cast. If you say Arcana scales too high right now, I can get behind that. If you say scrolls should be restricted then no; all it would do is make scrolls unfun and not worthwhile.
  10. Also interested in this, and everything listed in the thread linked below:
  11. Hey Caleb, EDIT: I've just realized I was wrong all along. Please disregard.
  12. Wow. Some people are really hardcore. As though the way a game is played was a metaphor to how life is lived. Much impressed. Lots hardcore. Except not really. Games are for recreation, guys. You're way too serious about them.
  13. As you navigate through Neketaka and visit different destinations within each district, a "quick link" is added to immediately travel to each destination every time you click on the district's icon in the world map. However, the Vailian Trading Company's Headquarters in Queen's Berth are not linked in this way, and never appear even after visiting them: Note that this has been an issue since the game's release and it persists in 1.1; I've just gotten around to reporting it now
  14. This screenshot was taken using the soulbound pollaxe on a female aumaua model, but I guess the offset issue extends to other models too: The weapon doesn't rest on her left hand as it should, but rather lower. As a result, the pollaxe looks to be in an especially unwieldy position while the left hand just looks silly
  15. When I put a cloak on my female aumaua character, it hangs too low compared to her shoulders: This looks even worse in armor: If I were to venture an uneducated guess, cloaks on aumaua models appear to be using the same offset as for human models, which are noticeably shorter. An aumaua's shoulders are a tad higher than that, and it shows.
  16. If the sword ships with 60 damage and you bring it down to 15, however, you overnerf it and make it a bad item. If in the process you also nerf the Amulet of Viconia from 5% to 3% bonus damage (hint hint), you’ve just made a completely unnecessary nerf to something that wasn’t breaking anybody’s game. So yeah, nerfing where necessary is cool but not all nerfs are equal, and not all are equally necessary.
  17. Well, Monk fists need to make up for not having any enchantment path somehow... I see your point about DW getting bonuses from two weapons, though. Other styles should be buffed to par, imo.
  18. Great build! My only pet peeve with making Pallegina a Herald is that her banter with Kana in the first game implies she's a bad singer, so it feels out of character for her to be a Chanter.
  19. Was this implemented in 1.1? When I played 1.02, Tekehu would easily outrun the rest of the group in the presence of a slog zone (that's outside of combat as well.)
  20. My reply was tongue-in-cheek. I've always been against speed nerfs of all kinds as the game's recovery's already slow enough as it is.
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