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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. I haven’t, but mine is a signed CE so I expect it to take longer as they need the time to sign it.
  2. It works, but it is bracketed. Going by memory, it’s +4/-4 for “generic” enemies and +6/-6 for “named” enemies.
  3. No nerf, and I believe that’s PL 7 which multiclassed Ciphers can also attain, albeit much later.
  4. Firebrand should benefit from it. I haven’t tested recently but it was brought up during the beta and Josh acknowledged it in a QA Stream.
  5. But if you give multiclasses 50% max power for each class, nobody in their right mind would choose them over single classes. I agree PL should be making more of a difference—been saying as much since the beta days—without going overboard as Obsidian tend to do when they do balance passes.
  6. I agree. Single-class Fighter, for example, is fairly boring and doesn’t have interesting high-level abilities that make me want to single-class. Monks do, actually. I love Brawler, but the high-level ability that makes the Monk invisible and he zig-zags hitting everybody around is super-palatable to me.
  7. I agree, with the caveat that single-class Monk is actually really good (and so is single-class Barbarian.)
  8. Ascendant with max DEX/PER/INT can use Reaping Knives on the party's DPS characters for steady focus gain, Time Parasite for extra speed, then Brilliant on everyone. May not be able to keep it on all the time, but certainly a lot. All the while Form of the Fearsome Brute, I am told, still has +100% recovery on its armor (along with other issues, all of which persist from the beta days)...
  9. Ah, I had missed that pearl. Was the Brilliant Inspiration at all changed? If not, I don’t get why PL7 for Chanters was a no-go but PL7 for Ciphers is ok. The Chanter’s invocation was nerfed into complete uselessness and now another class gets Brilliant at the same PL and that somehow makes sense.
  10. Wow. After all this time it's still in this shape... May want to post to the bug forum again, since the reports during the beta clearly didn't make it anywhere.
  11. +1 PL to +2 PL helps Evoker more than any other subclass; and Evoker is the one that didn't need a buff. I guess they're just really keen on barring two schools no matter how bad an idea it clearly is.
  12. I wasn’t using potions all that much already; now I know I don’t really have to bother with them or Alchemy in the slightest.
  13. Weren’t scrolls scaling with Arcana and potions with Alchemy? If that’s no longer the case, neither are worth using at all anymore.
  14. I know. I’ll make the wuss do it next time
  15. The Wildstrike nerf was in patch 1.1.
  16. I would expect so, since no change to that was listed.
  17. Fairly sure weapon summons scaling with character level instead of power level is intended. It was addressed during the beta days.
  18. Spiritshift still has the completely uncalled-for nerf to Wildstrike, though. That completely puts me off playing a shifting-based build regardless of the fact that they now retain item bonuses. I also see absolutely no reason to remove power-level scaling from Spiritshift duration. Really an unnecessary nerf to something that wasn’t OP in the first place.
  19. I agree with most of the changes, BUT: - I echo Dr. Hieronymous’ sentiment re Ciphers. - Virtuous Triumph and Rooting Pain are over-nerfed. Why isn’t it obvious that going from 100% to 25% is too radical? Now those abilities aren’t worth spending a point on unless there’s literally nothing else to take. - I was hoping to see some of the previous gratuitous over-nerfs revised but alas, was I mistaken. Been a while since I last checked Form of the Fearsome Brute. Do its armor and weapons scale with level now? Does its armor have recovery penalty consistent with other armors (as opposed to the 100% leftover from the early beta days)? - Aspect of Galawain and Citzal’s Enchanted Armory are still underwhelming for tier-9 spells. Really not the kind that makes you wish you went with single class.
  20. Helwalker to get the bonus MIG and extra Lightning/Burn damage, perhaps?
  21. I wanted Eothas to destroy everything but the sucker didn’t have the guts.
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