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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. I don’t think you did. Most of the stuff the game reacts to is minor enough—especially in consideration of the fact that the second installment takes place in a completely different area of the world—that a few lines from the relevant NPC are about adequate. Frankly, one might even find it jarring that so many known faces show up in Deadfire, depending on the choices made. I agree that your choice with regards to the souls could have had a bigger impact, but perhaps that shows us how small our matters are in the eyes of the gods.
  2. I tweeted that link to Adam, Roby, and the Obsdian account. Hopefully they can have a look.
  3. Would have to test this, but the general rule in Deadfire is that items stack with one another (which is consistent with the rule that passives stack; item bonuses are passive.)
  4. Honestly I don't think armor design in Deadfire is bad at all. I like how it is rooted in historical armor, which was notoriously keener on being practical than looking good—and even then, armor in Deadfire looks good. The thing is, magical armor often doesn't look as special as it could/should. No need to venture into cartoonish, WoW territory with oversized stuff packed with rounded corners and bright colors but, as heldred said, spikes, runes, chains, and VFX would go a long way. Something like the Sanguine Plate in high-poly would look amazing and hopefully Obsidian will give it to us
  5. BotEP, Scordeo’s Edge, Min’s Fortune, Sanguine Blade, Engoliero do Espirs.
  6. These actually look like the uncorrected Google Translate entries, if I recall correctly from the other thread.
  7. Did they confirm it will be available to players as well? I don’t mind either way, though I’m generally a fan of stuff that is unique to companions/sidekicks.
  8. Confirmed sidekick. They didn’t quote a number a hours. They said it’s larger than Bastard’s Wound; smaller than The White March.
  9. Personally I’m more after the looks than the specific mechanics it had in the first game (even in PoE I was using it mostly for the looks.)
  10. Yes. Priest of Rymrgand; can multi into a Chanter or a Rogue.
  11. Isn't Nomad Brigandine one of the unique items that do not have a unique model? Personally I find that none of the armors in Deadfire looks as good as Sanguine Plate (or, well, how good Sanguine Plate would look in Deadfire's engine with the high-poly models)
  12. How many of you remember good ol' Sanguine Plate from Pillars of Eternity? Arguably one of the best-looking armors the game had to offer: Blood-red, with runes etched all over and golden trimmings. The White March expansion even added a red helm to match. Unfortunately, this item didn't carry over to Deadfire—nor was a similar armor included. A little bird told me it's not even planned at present, so I figured I'd start a thread to gauge people's appetite for one. If you too loved the Sanguine Plate and would like it—or a similar-looking armor—to exist in Deadfire please join me in saying so. If interest in it is apparent, I can tweet this thread to Obsidian/Brandon to bring this to their attention in hope something will happen
  13. Vailian expressions such as "bazzo" and "merla" sound funny if you're Italian
  14. But Pollaxe is so much cooler. Who wants to unironically use hunting bows, come on
  15. Is the Vailian process of refining luminous adra effectively destroying the souls therein? If not, is it preventing those souls from ever passing through the Beyond and be reincarnated? In that case, I'd expect the gods to be outraged (the Vailians are preventing them from feeding off countless of souls) and the Leaden Key to be out to prevent it (while it is true that we vanquished Thaos in PoE, Aloth himself says the Leaden Key is very fractured and with poor internal communication; chances are LK cells are unaware of what went on in the Dyrwood and are still fully operational.) Also, no public outrage from any protesters about their harvesting soul-loaded material? Is Falanroed supposed to physically show up in the Principi's Consuaglio if we didn't kill her in PoE? Presently she doesn't, and I wouldn't have minded asking her how she went from dragon-slayer in the Dyrwood to pirate in the Deadfire. Deadfire doesn't offer much in the way of reactivity to the Watcher's choice to empower Woedica at the end of PoE. Was this a deliberate choice, or merely lack of time? If the latter, is it being addressed in the DLCs? Josh mentioned the Priest of Woedica and Steel Garrote Paladin classes were not made available to the player—despite being mechanically complete or almost complete—mostly owing to lack of time to implement proper in-game reactivity. Is this being addressed in the DLCs?
  16. I think she would. Thaos and the Leaden Key, not so much. My understanding from the first game is that the Leaden Key serves all the gods, not just Woedica, and their purpose is to proselytize, ensure the gods are revered and their nature never questioned or discovered. Animancy is what allowed the Engwithans to find out there were no gods in the first place, and create the current pantheon. Ondra herself pulled a moon on Eora to destroy such advanced knowledge (which vicariously suggests the notion that gods can be killed by kith, just as they were created by kith; a notion the godhammer could also prove—which is why Magran was quick to kill off her faithful who contributed to it, thus ensuring that no knowledge on how to fabricate a bomb that kills a god would leak.) It is only natural for the Leaden Key to oppose it—not because they want kith to be backwards in general, but because it's the very venture that can shake the foundations of what the Engwithans sacrificed themselves to build. Thaos then saw fit to make Woedica rule over the rest of the gods for whatever reason. Maybe because some of the others were growing too fond of kith and/or of their animantic efforts. Anyhow, he started to conspire with her, and she complied because she sees herself as the rightful queen of the gods. Taking her power back is right up her portfolio's alley, and she'd support anything that is. I suspect she'd support animancy that promotes lawfulness, because that's what matters to her—it is, quite literally, her nature. Thaos, on the other hand, would probably oppose it on the grounds that any animancy poses a threat to the secret he's sworn to guard.
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