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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. This is on a female aumaua model. It is worth noting that cloaks still hang too low on aumauas' shoulders.
  2. Man, I hear you Here you go: Though honestly the godhammer plate with the 2H battle axe is more badass IMO: The new 2H sword is perfect for the "gold knight" setup: Now I just need the Sanguine Plate for my Watcher to be Little Red Murder Hobo (well, not so little, being an aumaua.)
  3. I had the exact same impression. Not many new items but those that are there are actually pretty cool.
  4. I can post them tonight when I’m home from work. Going by memory, there’s the 2H sword from the QA stream and a 2H battle axe (yeah, it’s pretty cool.)
  5. It should be possible, yeah. Board your ship and travel around a little; you should get the message pretty soon (that’s what happened to me at any rate.)
  6. I’d still rather go for the max damage roll suggestion. It sounds interesting and promising.
  7. People who pledged at the CE tier got a complimentary key on top of the one that was included with their reward tier.
  8. Using GoG Galaxy, I had the option to "buy" it (for free, like with the other free DLCs) and it then appeared in the list of DLCs. However, it appeared as a string of numbers instead of with its name (likewise for Beast of Winter, far as I can tell.)
  9. Dave, would it be possible when final patch notes are posted to highlight in a different color any items that were not in the beta patch?
  10. Color me hyped for the entire roadmap, and especially so the mega bosses!
  11. It does not. Only enabling cheats via console does.
  12. I’m on GoG (and backed at the CE tier) and the season pass shows up twice in my backer rewards on Obsidian’s backer portal (i.e. I can redeem it twice.) I redeemed one; the other’s for the taking.
  13. Thank you for letting me know; I really appreciate the communication (and the concern ) Tangentially, your writing in this thread tells me I don’t need to social-media it your way :D
  14. You got friends who use Steam and you’re posting here instead of giving them an intervention? Mustn’t be very close friends, then
  15. Dan, thank you for being transparent about these things. IME, people tend to be way more understanding and lenient when presented with honest and frequent communication about stuff that goes wrong. If you hold back on information out of fear it won't look good, or because you're waiting on set dates or for whatever other reason, the lack of communication is often perceived as a lack of action, lack of interest, or both. Of course that is not necessarily true (and in fact it wasn't in this case), but that's what silence tends to read as. On the other hand, frequent communication—even just to say there have been no new developments and you're waiting on feedback/action/whatever—conveys the message that you are on top of it, and that you care. Again, silence doesn't mean you don't care or aren't doing the needful. It's about perception. I can totally get behind all that happened, and I have no qualms waiting for my backer rewards—but boy does it make it better to know the reason for the wait
  16. Waited some time to get feedback from other users, then brought the thread to their attention via social media. I’ll follow the same pattern this time
  17. If you’re a Fighter, Monk, or Brawler chances are you’re making way more Primary Attacks though.
  18. I'll give this another bump. In part to reiterate how anticipation is rendering my jaw so slack you could mistake me for a Raederic; in part so that people who might have missed it earlier can chime in and reinforce the notion that this armor would add metric tons of value to the game by boosting our enjoyment off the freaking charts
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