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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. A fair point but, speaking from experience, [qualifier] of [prosocial behavior] may not be enough of a greater meaning for everyone. I know it isn’t for me. Realizing there is no god may not necessarily turn everyone into a crazed murderhobos, which is essentially what Thaos says he was out to prevent; in fact most people would either find greater meaning in prosocial behavior or simply get depressed. A number may commit suicide. Some would become crazed murderhobos, maybe, but I’d say they wouldn’t be role models in the presence of a god either.
  2. IMO, a "real" god needs to be eternal, omniscient, and almighty—three things the gods in Eora are not. In the traditional sense, a "real" god is also often identified with the ultimate moral truth, something the Eoran pantheon are once again in no position to claim.
  3. Is this toaster of which you speak the mental equivalent of a spoiled 5-yr-old who’ll use this ability to create natural disaster as vengeance if we don’t worship it?
  4. If these gods are man-made, then believing in them = believing in the men who created them. But they were just men, advanced though their animancy might have been. They weren’t better than anyone else in principle (and were possibly worse than many in practice), so they had no right to dictate anything to anyone. Their values were arbitrary because they came from mortal men, not from an eternal, divine god who knows right from wrong. If one has to believe in something arbitrary, might as well choose by oneself; no need for the Engwithans to tell them. If there’s no divine god, so be it. Engwithan still had no right to impose their arbitrary values on anybody.
  5. They would not be frauds. Whether or not they’d be OK is a different matter—Engwithan gods strike me as a bunch of entitled, childish pricks. Millennials, even. Not exactly the definition of OK (we’re talking gods who solve their problems by pulling moons against planets.)
  6. Nothing; they just didn’t fix Spiritshift natural weapons to use the unarmed proficiency, so a Devoted/Druid takes a penalty when Shifting. Considering how long ago this was reported, I’m afraid it will be yet another fix left to modders.
  7. A massive improvement over the first game. The really good items should never be randomized.
  8. Nothing against Laura Bailey; she's an excellent actress. I've just fallen in love with Allegra Clark's voice when I heard her as Verse in Tyranny.
  9. Though one of them is my favorite voice actress, and the other one is Xoti
  10. I have a feeling Hylea’s popularity’s grown exponentially since she picked up baking
  11. I’m surprised so few people are actually keen on having this armor back. Am I in the minority because not many people actually liked the red armor much, or because not many people actually give a flying what their character looks like? I mean, I find both answers equally flabbergasting but you know—might as well quench my curiosity at this point
  12. IMO itemization in Deadfire is a lot better than in PoE—I just really miss my badass red armor.
  13. You could use scrolls for non-Druids. Granted, they are not unlimited but you should be able to craft a good number of them.
  14. They are not divine in nature. They are not eternal beings who existed before time. They know a lot, but they are not omniscient; they can a lot, but are not almighty. Their knowledge and power are generally vast enough to make no difference for 99.9% of the population of Eora, but I can see how people could be disappointed in learning their values were man-made as opposed to natural and timeless.
  15. Voiced sets for companions depend on your reputation with them. AFAIK there are three (good, bad, neutral) for each companion, but I could be wrong. What’s your reputation with our favorite hormonal teenager?
  16. Hello, everyone. I'm trying to put together a mod for the Shifter subclass that would make it select a single Spiritshift form at character creation, and that form would be a modal ability that disables spellcasting while it's active. My first step is to try and turn the Shifter's Spiritshift forms into a Modal ability (they already disable spellcasting, so I don't need to change that part.) Once nailed, I'll move on to making the class select just one form at character creation. Final step will be updating descriptions accordingly. I'm very new to modding Deadfire, so please bear with me Here's what I tried. In abilities.gamedatabundle I found entries for each Spiritshift form that are specific to the Shifter sublcass. To my surprise, they're all set to "IsModal: true" by default; what I did was change a few other fields to match one of the two versions of Duality of Mortal Presence (probably version A). Altered code for one of the forms in spoiler tags: Specifically, I changed: UsageType from "Per Encounter" to "None" UsageValue from 1 to 0 DurationOverride from 22 to 0 ModalIDGroup from an alphanumeric something I don't understand to whatever alphanumeric blurb Duality of Mortal Presence had. I then tried it in-game and this is the result: During character creation, Spiritshift forms are no longer displayed in the ability selection screen (only tried a Shifter but I doubt other subclasses could or should be affected.) IIRC in the unmodded game they are all shown at once and you cannot choose (because you gain all of them regardless if you're a Shifter.) No idea why this happened. Upon entering combat, Spiritshift forms still appear to have a 22s duration. Once the duration is over, Spiritshift goes into a cooldown (like when you deactivate a Modal and go through a cooldown before you can re-activate it) at the end of which it automatically activates again. No matter what form you initially chose, automatic reactivation always defaults to the Bear form, which is the first one in the list. So, something is still forcing these forms to have a duration even though I changed the DurationOverride to 0. Somehow these changes also affected the character creation screen for some reason. I changed ModalIDGroup to whatever Duality of Mortal Presence had, but I do not know what those numbers mean. Perhaps that was a bad move? Any idea what I should be looking at to remove the duration and make this behave like a proper modal? (We can handle character creation once the modal aspect's taken care of; I was gonna change that to work in the same way as it does for other Druids anyway.)
  17. Here's the link I mentioned earlier. https://wiki.fireundubh.com/deadfire/dialogue-options EDIT: Damage dealers and crowd controllers will benefit from high PER the most. Healers/Support characters will benefit comparatively less.
  18. Literally all of them Perception is a universally useful attribute.
  19. Assuming you’re not going for the hardest difficulty (Path of the Damned), anything’s viable. Some would say anything’s viable on Path of the Damned as well, but perhaps not for a first play through. There’s a link around that tells how many checks there are in the game for each class, skill, companion, etc. I’m on my phone now so I don’t have it handy. Going by memory, the following have the most checks: - Cipher class - Aristocrat background - Deadfire Archipelago provenance - Tekehu and Xoti companions - Perception and Resolve attributes - Insight and Diplomacy skills Anybody in your party can be given the Mechanics skill to disarm traps so it doesn’t have to be your MC (though it certainly can.) I’ll try to dig up that link for you when I’m at my desktop.
  20. But can Xoti be in a committed relationship for real? I mean, she’s like what? 25? Still acts like a hormonal teenager.
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