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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Subbing thread. IIRC it benefits from the 2H style talent, so it should definitely benefit from the helm.
  2. You could pledge for painted or unpainted minis as both options were available. I got the painted ones for I too cannot paint them, but seeing the pictures is making me regret my choice. Perhaps the unpainted minis would have looked better. Oh well. More money for the game—that much I do not regret.
  3. MaxQuest is doing the work of Yezhua’s monotheistic god
  4. Pretty sure there’s a mod on Nexus that makes godlike racials scale with level. It’s part of a collection of tweaks, IIRC.
  5. The devs routinely check these boards even if/when they don’t actively partake of the discussions. They are probably aware of this thread. A similar request was made on Reddit, where Obsidian devs also have a presence. If you’re especially keen, you can link this thread to them via Twitter or Facebook; they’re pretty responsive on social media.
  6. Agreed. I don’t mind losing achievements when doing the challenges with Blessings/mods—couldn’t care less about achievements—but I’d love the option to mix everything. Tangentially, and as has been mentioned in other threads, Expert mode shouldn’t disable AoE indicators for spells. That doesn’t make the game more challenging; just needlessly frustrating (and Expert mode is mandatory for the challenges.)
  7. Sounds like a DLC I might greatly enjoy, if it’s sufficiently high-level (17-18 or 19-20.)
  8. To be punctilious, the plushie was an extra reward for backers who had already pledged $500 or more. It was introduced during the campaign and was not a thing from the get-go. I wouldn’t expect it to be a $500-quality plushie, if such a thing even existed; just a regular plushie given as a token of appreciation to munificent backers.
  9. Appreciate your hard work and communication, Dan. Thank you for keeping us posted!
  10. BotEP (not WotEP) is very good for a Devoted too, especially if you’re a Devoted/Monk. If you aren’t, consider having a Priest in your party to cast Champion’s Boon to replace Thubderous Blows—your PEN will be stellar. Monastic Unarmed Training would be a good pick so you could switch to fists against pierce-immune foes (as already mentioned in this thread.)
  11. I understand your frustration; however for the sake of putting things into perspective: The Cosmo pin and Cosmo plushie are both a thing. The pin was added to all CE tiers, if memory serves, whereas the plushie was an extra reward for pledges of $500 or more. If you backed for less than $500, it makes sense that there’s no plushie; if you backed for $500 or more, I would reach out to support@obsidian.net; I’m sure they’ll make it right.
  12. I disagree the retail CE is superior to the backer CE. The notepad and postcards seem like a poor substitute for the pin, mousepad, patch, and artwork print (backers got more, and arguably better, items in their CE.) With that said, it *is* shameful that backer tier descriptions made explicit mention of a physical copy that isn’t there. More so when you consider that a physical copy is actually being sold retail, which renders any justifications for its absence in backer CEs moot. Personally, I like to own physical goods much more so than digital. I may use digital for convenience but I still prefer to buy big-boxed games—and it kind of makes no sense if there’s no game in the box.
  13. My only gripe with leaving stuff to mods is that mods can’t add new VFX or SFX for new spells, and if they can provide at least new icons for them, the icons will more often than not be of a different style and/or lower quality than those Obsidian made. For some people this is but secondary, cosmetic stuff: for me, a deal breaker.
  14. It was always like this since release and can’t possibly be intended. The twins as is would be useless as a 1st-level ability, let alone on PL7. Also they shouldn’t be dealing Crush damage.
  15. I’m not a fan of the Steam code either, but FWIW it was explicitly mentioned during the Fig campaign (at the very least by Feargus himself) that physical copies would not come with a disc installer this time around. That does in no way imply that it shouldn’t have been written explicitly in each of the physical tiers’ description, mind you. Just putting things in perspective.
  16. Did I really not write “smarter enemy A.I.” and “more conditionals for player character A.I.”? I should have written that; I’d want for both.
  17. I forgot to mention Modwyr banters and interjections. That would kick some major arse.
  18. From patches I obviously wish/expect bug fixes and typo fixes. Any improvements to the UI are also welcome. From DLCs: Sanguine Plate (had to be the first.) Completed and playable Woedican classes. More player character portraits. More unique items of all kinds. High-level (19-20) content to enjoy when I’m maxed. More monsters with unique looks and abilities. More spells/powers, especially for PLs that only have a few. New abilities across PLs (with new VFX and SFX for extra gravy.) MOAR content for Rekke (I want to know about his country and religion.)
  19. ^ pics or it didn’t happen? How are the other items?
  20. ^ man, that ring-bound manual in the BGII CE was so good...! A shame we’re not getting more of that stuff nowadays.
  21. I’m tempted to betray Galawain on purpose to enjoy more challenging boss fights.
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