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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. too bad that SA has again closed its forums
  2. Sixty Euro for a game? There isn't a middle finger BIG enough...

  3. in 2014 surely a lot of extras should be possible to make the place feel alive.
  4. Potato, I think you've missed the update about the map design process. There are several things that would make making maps harder (but I agree, not impossible) You have to make the map (hi-res) You have to mark where characters can walk You have to mark certain objects for occlusion (does this show in front or behind a character as he walks past it) You have to adjust light sources for the dynamic lighting system (otherwise your map might look weird as it is being played) Some objects are 3D layovers on the 2d map. I do believe that the biggest problem is that the tools to do everything but point one are proprietary, but not Obsidian's.
  5. It took me awhile, but I found it streaming on Hulu. I'm watching it now. Best movie I've seen where nothing happens and people just sit and talk. Yep, although I get the feeling it would work better as a theater piece. it was a theatre piece.
  6. maybe we're od nua reincarnated? Yeah prophet reborn
  7. I love puzzles, as long as they are not language based.
  8. Our top three guesses for your English dialect: 1. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics 2. American (Standard) 3. Singaporean Our top three guesses for your native (first) language: 1. English 2. Dutch 3. Romanian Close enough (Dutch, but I do believe I speak English better than Dutch by now.)
  9. I gotta say, that was particularly gruesome to watch.
  10. I didn't believe this. I know Bill is bad, but that was too much, so I looked up the video. WOW. I liked his comeback though "Well you look like a cocaine user, so I guess we're even"
  11. it's been looking good, but I'll reserve judgement untill I can play the game.
  12. It should not come to a point though where resources are restrictive enough that the only way you can kit out your party is to grind the endless paths over and over again.
  13. I'd pick Lidda from the DnD 3 (and 3.5) player handbook. that or PS-catlord. from planescape monster manual II What can I say... I got a thing for petite brunettes. And I might as well pick a portrait I don't mind looking at.
  14. after the graphics uppdate of yesterday, I suppose someone with enough time and access to the tools mentioned could make a map with all the elements found in PoE maps.
  15. Gromnir does this when he's lost an argument, he falls back on fallacies. just ignore him.
  16. so, they'd have 50 paid options for people to add their own weapon, and they'd add 3 in a contest, after the kickstarter. How is that unfair? If you want to be sure, you can still pay for the backer option. If you can't afford to, then you can wait for the contest and hope for the best. I think that is actually *more* fair. besides, I highly doubt it would cost them any backers for that tier. Those who can afford to aren't going to risk it when there is a certain option.
  17. whenever there are bad economic times, you see a large upswing in right wing and populist parties. The unwashed masses are generally uneducated and it is easy to capitalize on their fear. Right wing and populist parties are the best at language directed at these idiots who aren't trained to see they're being manipulated to vote against their interests. In these circumstances anti-scientific, anti-social and hateful sentiments thrive. Remember Hitler was voted in during economically poor times in a populist surge. Refusing to pay reparations to France and England basically won him the elections.(it's not Godwin if it's actually relevant) It's just so easier to point the finger at immigrants, religious minorities, the EU or the poor, rather than at institutionalized corruption, obsolete economic policy and ideologues. voter turn-out in the Netherlands was a measly 38%, which I think will have contributed to the success of the lunatic fringe parties. In Germany with 1% of the votes, they voted in a Satire party FFS. Most people in the Netherlands couldn't correctly tell you what happens in the EU anyway. I'm very sad, as you may have guessed, at the results, but not in the least surprised.
  18. or maybe it's because it is a colonial backwater where animancy has only recently appeared.
  19. I have a standard name I use. in games where I have to make more than one character, I have a standardised process where I bastardize names of deities... long story.
  20. Quick note on the thread drama: If you feel your arguments aren't getting across, maybe it's time to step away from the discussion and cut your losses. Better than to get into a quagmire that only vaguely resembles debate. It's not worth the effort. But then, sometimes, one wants to have the last word, eh? Back on topic: I think feigning weakness to get an advantage is possible if the AI triggers are known. If you know that certain mobs target your weaker members, you can use that in your positioning.
  21. There could be different ways to do it. You could send an E-mail out to everyone who backed telling them that there is a contests for those who care. You could put in a lottery of sorts (though that is less fair, imo) As far as I'm concerned it shouldn't even have to be limited to backers. I just don't believe wealth is a fair discriminator for who could or could not contribute something awesome. There are many poor (or just not as well off) people out there who might have really awesome ideas, or would be just really thrilled at the opportunity, but can't pay an inordinate amount to get their content in. I'm not saying that everyone ever should be able to post content and expect to find it in the game, but creating an opportunity for those dedicated fans to at least have a chance at such a thing would have been a bro thing to do.
  22. I'm not sure if it's legal as much as "no law exists against it yet". I feels like its unregulated more than set in stone legal.
  23. I don't think it's the immoral scientists who follow this path. Science isn't good or evil, only what we do with science is. Some of the most (at the time considered) immoral research has had some of the most impact on our world. Take medical science, where people who died of malaria while digging the panama canal had their corpses sold to help finance the project, and convicted murderers whose bodies were not buried but sold to science. Without those we'd never have evolved our medical science to the point where we could identify most organs. Or Nuclear science, which led both to the atom bomb, but also relatively clean energy, and was one of the precursors for computing. While these animancers might do unscrupulous things now, there is no telling where the science of animancing might eventually turn, and what good it will do. Perhaps the studies will help prevent souls from being fractured as they proceed through the circle of rebirth, perhaps true immortality is around the corner, maybe someone's memories can be saved after death. Perhaps the souls of those who were murdered might be called upon to bear witness against their assassins.
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