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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Save the Goblins! You can stop the Goblin genocide by donating 10 gold to... Together we can fight for Goblin personhood!
  2. welcome to the forums. please use search function. though we share your enthusiasm.
  3. For a real life example, just look to the Mexican cartels that use children as assassins. because they're disposable to them.
  4. I'll say this, I have strong feelings on this subject in "Real life" but in the game I do enjoy a little escapism and unless these questions can be presented in an engaging way without detracting from the normal RPG experience I don't need to have them in there. So I guess I'm saying this is where I draw the line between how realistic I care the game to be.
  5. How would this be functional in the game?
  6. not a big fan of alignments, but that's a different thread. Yes. the more responses can be added to different forms of input, the more real and alive the world will feel in their response to you. that said, I reckon it's a lot of work to do all that.
  7. Another way in which you can add richness to the world is by hinting at things or referencing them without explaining. This allows you to use your imagination and creates the illusion of a much bigger world that you only know a small part of.
  8. I don't think you have to worry about absolutism. luckily.
  9. the only reason I was happy that Yoshino left was because that left me room for imoen.
  10. "Refusal of the call" They don't deserve it you know Those heroes all. They whine "Why me!?" As if some horror has befallen them. I admit I resent them for it What do you mean? "Why me?" It's something you must embrace! You are the fortunate one you get to be special and unique and you have the nerve to throw it in my face?! "Why me?" If you don't want it, let it pass to me! ME! I say to me! Yes I'll gladly take your place and stoutly face the brass I'll be the chosen one I'll learn the ways I'll slay the beast and leave everything behind Such Opportunity! Yes! let it fall to me! But never does it happen and I get relegated to the "arrow in the knee" A wise lesson to the kid, dumb farmboy he And while he fails the test to accept the quest, it wasn't even offered to me. And while the hero hears wise words he fails to pay them heed and never know, I loathe him so for getting to do the deed. A damsel to be freed in her hour of dire need the man to take the lead to sink the mighty fleet while thinking on his feet. and indeed it might be greed but while I dream and plead for just a chance to bleed more heroes I will meet. Maybe one, one day, will see my gaze the longing in my face the fire bright, my eyes alight and heart ablaze and be humbled by the rage and as we part our ways when I set him on his path better do me proud, his fate embrace or else incur my wrath.
  11. in order to have them challenged
  12. Unless Obsidian has the manpower to fend off a Jihad from the extremist I would recommend they stay way from Muslim imagery. Guild Wars has a dervish class and somehow they seem to be unbothered.
  13. some enlightening answers. I especially liked the question (and answer) about influences. (reading history, great people, which artists he likes, music he listens too)
  14. I do have naming conventions. and a few defaults too. Aehlona Kindheart is my main Default. If female over male matters little I usually play female because well, If I have to look at my character all game might as well be a pretty lady. think of that what you want. If there's more names, or other playthroughs, I base my first name on a DnD god (bastardized so it's slightly different. Aehlona is based on, well, you know...) and Kindheart or Hardheart are usually the surnames. think of that what you want. occasionally, when the game feels different enough, I name my characters after gods of our own mythology. I like Hephaestus, because he's one of my favourite gods (based on his myth)
  15. I've bought that game 2 days ago and I'm playing through it now, having played the sequel before, I gotta say I like it. because the story is compelling despite it being a relatively simple point and click adventure. So far I notice that many of the answers are quests that don't feel very straightforward, quests that encourage you to think/be creative and quests which allow you to approach it from more than one direction. These stand out and stay with you and are compelling because they expect something from you the player, beyond "Go there, kill that" I've also learned there are quite a few games I haven't played yet that I should.
  16. I don't usually play cleric characters, so most of this discussion passed me by. I read up today. what can I say. If I play a cleric maybe there is this cult that follows a sikh-like philosophy that all religions contain wisdom and truth, and that no-one holds the ultimate wisdom to determine who is right. therefore they respect all religions and have to defend against injustice and religious intolerance. That would make for an interesting and challenging character to play. I might even go cleric if they try something like that.
  17. If you're going to have significant difference in how weapons play, without one decidedly being better than the other (just different) then I want to have access to choice. I don't want to ignore the mace because I already found a sword earlier and invested into my swordmanship so that it now no longer is interesting to go with the mace, because I came across it later. that's my only real fear.
  18. Some want wizard towers and temples in thier strongholds, you want Casinos and Brothels. Awesome :D Honestly I want the stronghold to be strange and unique. What the game play of Crossroads Keep was better and awesome, the flavour of the Wizards Tower/Sphere in BG2 was freaking awesome. It should be more then a generic medevil keep. That why I suggested Ob Nau's keep, but there are other ideas awesome ideas as well. Maybe's a mobile fortress, like a space station only for the Ocean instead of space. Or maybe its made from Crystals or Living wood. Or its carved into a Vulcano, with a room for Sharks with freaking laser beams. I also suggest they look at a veriety of late medevil palaces and Castles for ideas it should be beautiful and magnifiant. And if they're going to have a temple in the Keep it should be devoted to the Character's God, not to a bunch Lathanderites. I allows thought that made no sense, its like the Catholic church building a keep and deciding it should have a Mosque or Hindu Temple in it instead of a Christian Chapel, it makes no sense. uhh, no, it's a reference joke.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5tZMDBXTRQ
  19. I'm all for a clean slate, because I don't want to roleplay a character that I might not feel a connection too.
  20. I doubt that the Dragon age games will ever be what I would desire of them. I've said it before and I'll say it again, they are riddled with bad design choices. I doubt it will ever be a real challenger. but what they can do is poison the supply. by being crappy and more well known, they can be the first choice of people new to the genre, or who just don;t know, and then after disappointing the players, have them decide that they do not like RPGs.
  21. I think one of the reasons why stealth is often underwhelming is because the application of it was limited by game mechanics. like, you don;t need to hide bodies because they often just fade, so the game engine doesn;t get clogged up. While dishonoured doesn't seem like the game I would like it to be, I did think it an interesting feature that you could have a special ability that would destroy bodies after killing them (leaving their loot) I too play stealthy characters, which btw, pet peeve: just because I like to play a stealthy character doesn't mean I want him to be the rat-faced charisma-less character. I'd rather have me be the well spoken "I'd never expect it of him!" character with the hidden skillset.
  22. that's not the problem of humans, but rather of how they are presented; as the youngest and unwise race. and yes, I always thought it was belligerent to hear. Why can't humans be the wise old species that gets to be 80 years old while the others never make it past 50?
  23. I actually like the suggestion earlier for competition quests (like the arena) Maybe.... and perhaps it's too radical a suggestion, but maybe you could have some sort of online leaderboards, where you would get matched up with NPC's that have the build of someone ranked slightly above you. this would keep it always challenging, as you'd be playing against an AI proxy of a build that worked well enough to score slightly better than your own. This doesn't have to be just combat, (as long as it is not Pazaak) and I imagine that people who cheat and edit their playerstats would be matched up against others who did the same.
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