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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. It is rumored that every man secretly receives a patriarchy check in the mail each month. Feminist scholars are still trying to confirm this.
  2. I'm more offended by the poor craftsmanship of your poem than its contents, to be honest. Don't write limericks unless you know what an anapest is, pls Agreed, epic fail Hiro No not at all.
  3. Here lies a SJF, crying in bed. Was once alive, but now they're dead. The last person they bedded, turned out cisgender And crying in shame, off a cliff they meander.
  4. Not correct. There were people who did ask for trap xp. And the dev's listened.
  5. No need to change anything. Levelling is fine. It's the (exploitable) encounters that are the problem. When I reached Od Nua for the first time, I immediately started the endless paths to see how far I could get. I reached level 8 in no time. That's half the mega dungeon completed. I then found the progress was going to be challenging because of not the encounters but my lock picking/disable traps skill monkey didn't have enough mechanics although I did have enough lock picks to continue. So I decided to save my lock picks and start Act 2. Otherwise I would have continued to go deeper. And we were told by the dev's that we would find it hard to get past the first couple of levels of the mega-dungeon and have to continue on the main quest and come back later. Nope, not at all.
  6. If you find combat hard, then use doors. Doesn't matter what difficulty, it's all quite easy when you use them. And usually only one enemy attacks at one time. Hard difficulty. Level 7 Od Nua and my characters have just levelled up to level 6. I'm not using any spells and just sitting back having a nice cup of tea watching my characters auto-attacking.
  7. Need to mod in a bed in the grounds outside one of the buildings. Or even a tent would suffice for role playing purposes. Just click on the tent and instant rest instead of going through so many loading screens to rest on the top floor and get back out of Brighthollow.
  8. There is xp for combat. Bestiary xp. Why should players avoid combat and its xp if you will be rewarded with combat (bestiary) xp? That was never an argument from the combat xp crowd. Of course I'm not going to avoid xp if I kill something. However, I have avoided quite a lot of fights where there is no xp (eg.humans). And I wouldn't be surprised if there's 1200 enemies that do reward combat xp in the game.
  9. What level should you be when you get to level 7? I'm on level 6 of Od Nua, with level 5 characters, over 20K of copper, nearly finished the stronghold (about 5 upgrades to go) and playing on Hard. Oh and I haven't finished Act 1 as yet.
  10. I agree with everything felipepepe said from the Codex.
  11. It's the same as the new age way of thinking with kids participating. You don't lose because you're special. Here, have a ribbon, medal or trophy. We don't keep score on who wins or loses. It's the same with this system. You pretty much can't miss with a spell and the same with a spell hitting you, and even if It was a miss in the IE games, it's a graze in this game which is still a hit. So with blinding enemies with no eyes, prone an enemy who's already on the ground or anything else, you still hit. Don't you feel special now?
  12. No, that bug is still in the current game. There were more pressing concerns with dev's spending time removing a limerick.
  13. How do you raise taxes? I don't see any tax option. Although, I'm swimming in money just from picking up loot and nearly finished upgrading my Stronghold. Haven't finished Act 1 as yet.
  14. Not sure what's doing this. First time I've seen it and it rubber-banded back to normal. Stretchy Cape Back to normal
  15. 1. You're now kinda convinced? Already knew about the stats and how you could min-max them before the beta went live. I even mentioned it on one of the KS update threads a year or so back that you'll be able to min-max and have optimum builds for classes. Of course the usual suspects came on and said no you wouldn't be able to, this was going to be different! And the beta confirmed what some of us already knew, that you could min-max. And no matter how many changes the stats went through, min-maxing was always part and parcel of this new system. There is no way around it with a 6 stat system. I was one of many who were min-maxing every minute of the beta regardless of the changes. Change the stats? No problem, I'll keep min-maxing because regardless of what is changed, the system will always be able to be min-maxed. 2. Just like the beta, haven't needed to wear any armour on my ranged characters in my current game. I've said this before in the beta threads, if there are penalties on armour, my ranged characters won't wear it.
  16. I've always felt the development of PoE feels like it's been about 6 months behind where it should be. Originally it was supposed to be released last December. The beta when it was first released felt more like an alpha and the current game feels like it needed a few more weeks before they released it. But they had to release the game sometime and unfortunately for some players, it hasn't been an enjoyable experience as seen in the technical sub-forum. I'm sure over the next couple of patches the game will feel more like a polished stable game that players expect than it currently is.
  17. I'm about to go back...you say you've finished everything in Gilded Vale, doing Dyrford, done bounties and have been down Endless Paths. All BEFORE finishing Act 1. I finished Act 1 unknowingly.....and I've only been able to purchase 2 upgrades for my Stronghold. I've clearly missed a LOT of things! I haven't finished Act 1 and I'd say I'm around halfway through my Stronghold upgrades and currently at level 5 in Od Nua endless paths. I still haven't been to Esternwood or Raedric's hold (waiting on the patch) or Defiance Bay. Not even sure when Act 1 finishes and been doing all the side content. I have over 3000 copper to throw at the stronghold but It's upgrading one of the buildings atm. Think I'll hold off with the last couple of upgrades until they fix it if the achievement is bugged.
  18. Even though I have under 10 Con for my ranged Rogue I played it safe by not dumping it outright. Though I wish I did dump it to 3. Also, I have Grieving Mother and Hiravius and all three aren't wearing any clothes. Eder has 16 con and rarely goes down. So I'm wondering if Con is really worth maxing. Playing on Hard. Cleaning up the battlefield.
  19. When I arrived at Gilded Vale, I picked up Eder and Aloth, but dropped Aloth after a couple of quests and went straight for Durance, Kana Rua, Hiravius and Grieving Mother. You can go through or around the edge of maps to unlock the next map while avoiding enemies which is what I did to pick them up. Then I went back to Gilded Vale and continued with my game. Durance and GM are my favourites.
  20. Aloth is more useless than ever when you pick him up. At least I have Hiravius and Grieving Mother although she's going to get some grief from this patch. Looks like if I want a Wizard that can do something, I'll create a high level Wizard from the inn. This is like waiting for the nerf bat in a MMO, but for a single player game. Also noticed, pre-buffs are out: All Exhortations are now combat only. Holy Radiance is now combat only.
  21. No idea what you're talking about. Joe Pesci attacks the guy from behind, he didn't pick him up as I pointed out in my spoiler. Also, the spoiler example I gave is in the game.
  22. You can't? Is there a particular reason...? I'm planning to play a clumsy physically weak Wizard with hard hitting spells. She'll have reasonably high might, which will unlock might related conversation options... But I don't intend to use them, because she's not a physically strong or menacing person. Is there something that is automatically going to make her appear strong and brutish? I know a lot of the scripted interactions can involve might, but I also know that they can involve tools (which I used with my Cipher who had low might) and given she isn't going to have the physical strength to deal with things, she's probably going to use her brains and a lot of luck to get by.... But is there something in the game that is going to make that impossible? Is there something that is automatically going to make my physically weak Wizard as strong as an ox? I'm genuinely curious... Welcome to Pillars of Eternity. Where your female body building Wizard with 18 Might will be able to literally pick up guys and intimidate them.
  23. Don't worry. You'll be spending money on your stronghold in no time and you'll probably be poor if you're leaving loot with your play style. For me, I use the giant vacuum cleaner that is the stash to strip mine every map with sucking up every bit of scrap I come across. The money sink that is the stronghold won't make you poor if you pick up everything. I still have a lot of coin despite throwing money at the stronghold at every chance I get. Stealth has been talked about and the dev's are looking at it. They want to have individual stealth as well. With regards to Might. Welcome to the 2 year old debate.
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