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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I'm not misunderstanding anything. Vendors from overseas? So what has been imported from overseas into the USA that's required to be part of the physical goods? Do Obsidian/Paradox have all the items? Yes/No? If no, what items are they still waiting on? And if they don't have all the items, then they would have known about this and the delays with the ports when the poll was created. If they have all the items, then what is the delay? If Obsidian/Paradox have all the goods and we're two weeks out from release, and we know all the boxes have been signed, then why not start shipping the goods now? There's no disc so no problem with piracy which was one of the concerns people had in the poll thread. As LordCrash said, there's a lack of communication.
  2. As I mentioned before, I'm surprised the physical goods (sans disc) is being shipped sea freight. You couldn't pick a more slower method in transporting goods. The transit time for sea freight shipments from the US to Australia is around 4 weeks. That's vessel transit time, not delivery to customer. Add another week (week 5) for the container to be picked up from the wharf and unpacked. And possibly in the 6th week I might see my boxed goods. But more likely it's going to be around 2 months. In the mean time, the DVD is probably going to be sent airmail which will get to me earlier than that.
  3. Yep, something that wasn't mentioned in the original poll. I'm a bit surprised they're sending these sea freight so close to release though.
  4. Oh, so you don't mind other logical fallacies being used by posters like Lephys but take issue with poisoning the well. Okay.
  5. Oh, so it's okay to post stupid posts as long as they don't have implied insults? And you won't call them out. Gotcha.
  6. You could have easily pointed out the stupidity of Lephys' posts as well.
  7. I can understand why Obsidian did it this way, I don't necessarily agree with it being an international backer. And it's what baffled me when the poll went up and still continues to baffle me. There was always going to be a delay for the international backers when they receive their physical goods. Obsidian splitting the physical goods and sending the physical stuff without the disc and then paying extra to send the disc later when they know there is going to be a delay in the first place just amazes me. It might take an extra week to print the discs but the rest of the goods are delayed anyway. Better to send everything together. At least it will save Obsidian money.
  8. I knew otherwise. It will be an impossible task to get physical box rewards (sans dvd) delivered to all backers within a day or two of the release date. There is no way to do it. And one of those reasons is transit times. Different countries have different transit times. TBH, it wouldn't surprise me if some backers get the dvd before their box.
  9. Yes it is. And you can permanently dismiss party members in the current [480] backer beta. I just did it earlier and created a 6 x fighter party. There is also a hard limit on 8 recruitable adventurers. You can't make anymore once you hit the limit with the adventurers.
  10. It's not just a neutral party. I just tested this with the lions. Had all my fighters on top of each other with one lion at the tip of the fog of war and hit him with a bow. Then changed the bow to my melee weapon. The lions rushed in and they got hit with disengagement attacks.
  11. Haven't played this for a long time. How do you dismiss party members? I want to test a 6 x Fighter party with some things and want to get rid of the other BB party members. nvm, I worked it out.
  12. Yes, it's true. I recall a Josh Sawyer post where he says something like he doesn't want players to create never-ending companions to throw at encounters and cheese your way through the game. It's why it has a hard limit of 8 adventurers.
  13. The goods would have to be shipped today (or earlier) for a lot of people around the world for them to receive the boxed goods by the 26th. It's why I voted for option 2 because I know I wouldn't be receiving the box by the 26th. And also to receive the box with no dvd after the game is released and then the dvd even longer is not something I was looking forward too. If I'm going to have to wait, I'd much rather wait for the complete item with dvd and sealed for my collectors edition. Not a sealed collectors edition with no dvd and for the dvd to turn up later. But then I suppose there's a lot of naivety from people who voted in the poll.
  14. It's not ridiculous at all. And yes, you are wrong to speak for everybody. I received my Wasteland 2 Signed Collectors Edition a week or so ago, still shrink wrapped despite finishing the game last year. And I've already looked at the contents in digital format so I don't need to open it. And one day I will most likely end up selling it. So why wouldn't I keep it sealed? You can still buy sealed Atari 2600 and C64 games on ebay.
  15. Thanks for the update on talents to avoid. Perhaps someone can make a thread for good talents to pick.
  16. Don't know if it's been brought up but I found it funny that every house you enter in the town records it as a new map and gives you xp. I can see myself running in and out of houses as I go down streets in towns and cities.
  17. It's not even a bed roll. You can pay an inn keeper to sit around in the stables for 8 hours in the middle of the day, having a chat and not even sleep and you're cured off all broken bones and ailments and are back to full health. However, if you go to the stables for free and sit around for 8 hours and have that same chat, you're still Near Death and not one point of health has been returned.
  18. You must have been mad as a cut snake with the last official patch for IWDII with the merchants. VERSION 2.01 - [v2.01.1016] NEW STUFF - Added new powerful armor into stores Ah yes, Obsidian. tsk tsk.
  19. What two vendors in BG? And you started with a Quarterstaff at the start of the game. Not even any armour. And BG had no DLC. There was only one expansion with TotSC.
  20. Cipher and Druid will be two must haves for me. And will take a Chanter as well. My main will likely be a Monk to complement my power gamer party. Also, be taking the Chris Avellone's companions he's written for which are The Grieving Mother (Cipher) and Durance (Priest).
  21. IE game mods that I'm happy to see and would like to see. Some might be hard or impossible but seeing the draggable U.I. has renewed my faith that some things might just be doable. Implemented with the Tick option: Coloured circles for NPCs Inventory in Combat unlocked No engagement Disable excessive highlighting when hitting the TAB button. Partially implemented but would like to see the Tick option: Draggable U.I. Unlimited Rest supplies Wish List: Vertical Portraits on side of screen Unlimited gold for Merchants (exit and re-entering a shop resets the Merchants gold anyway. Give merchants unlimited gold or at least a LOT of gold to avoid resetting it all the time). Map Transition anywhere on side of map. Drop items on ground. Stealth for individual party members. Be nice to select all party members (currently in game) and hit stealth or just one party member and select stealth. Male or Female portrait option at Character creation. Option to remove penalties from Armour. Healing Spells and Potions to cure Health.
  22. I wouldn't mind if you could go further and segment the below icons. I didn't arrange the icons correctly, but you could have the combat icons to the left and the non-combat icons like Settings, Map and Stronghold icons to the right. Or something like that.
  23. Oh, I've apologized many times on these forums. I certainly don't see it as a sign of weakness. But it is a question that you may want to ask yourself as well. Food for thought.
  24. Trying to figure out how Facebook lite figures into IWD maps.
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