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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Serious question. why ISNT Transmisandry a thing? Why is it transmisogyny?
  2. After my current game, my new PC will be Keldorn Lightbringer. He will find a letter stating he was adopted and has a long lost brother called Firedorn Lightbringer and travel to the Dyrwood to find out what became of him.
  3. Still waiting for my Wasteland 2 novella by Chris Avellone.
  4. Geezus, some people need to get a grip. This has nothing to do with transphobia.
  5. ^ Very good choices and similar to mine but I don't go for the backstab talent. I have a death godlike, Living Lands, Scientist. Also, I use an arquebus for my opening move. Level 4 Rogue, Hard difficulty, crit and one shotting an enemy at the start of combat when my party was stealthed.
  6. If the adventurer permanently dies, you can then hire a new one to replace him even if he was your 8th adventurer. There's no hard limit. Really? That's good to hear!
  7. Regardless if you get your adventurer's killed, you can't hire anymore from an inn once you create 8 of them. The hard limit is 8. If you want to create more, you have to start the game again.
  8. I dump Con on all my ranged characters and spell casters and have been doing so since the start of the beta. My Rogue who's my main damage dealer has been in melee in every fight and has less than 10 Con and has only been knocked out a few times.
  9. While you can't make notes on the map, there is a notes section where you could put some reminders to the right of the menu that comes up when you open the journal. This is what I do. An early example in my game: Some maps I needed to go back to. Once I do this, I then delete the note. I'd also like this too. There is a work around with adding a portrait of the same name your currently using in game and replacing it with another portrait in your portraits folder. This is what I did with my current game after finding a better death godlike portrait on the internet after I started my game. I couldn't be bothered starting again so I replaced it. But you need to back up the original portrait so you don't lose it. Once I finish my game, I'm going to put the original portrait back in and rename the portrait I'm using to another name. If using Steam, the portraits are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\art\gui\portraits\player
  10. There is a hard limit of 8 adventurers you can create. Once you create 8, you can't create anymore regardless if they all die.
  11. You'll have people declaring it was solved while others say it wasn't. There's a lot of controversial design decisions in the game with the endurance/health mechanic being one. But welcome to the 2 year old debate anyway.
  12. Also, pick up the eight companions and create another eight adventurers to help you get through the game. You'll have 16 to swap in and out to push you through the game without resting. eg. Once a companion/adventurer gets low on health, swap with another that's on full health.
  13. This was one of the main problems that some people on these forums complained about with BG1. In particular the basilisks always got brought up. And these people wanted hints like tracking in the game to tell them what you need for basilisks before you take them on and to avoid the tpk save/reload problem.
  14. You played the beta and didn't run into any of this? This was all in the beta from day one and was never changed. There is no surprise here.
  15. I take Sawyer's quote as not being able to go back and respec companions once you pick them up as that is the base of the companion when they join your party. eg. If Sagani is a ranged character, that's part of her base characteristics. However, you can respec advancements once you get the companion in your party. Maybe Josh can come online and explain more in detail what he includes in 'base' and when does 'advancements' come into play.
  16. 1. Similar in some, different in other ways. It looks like an IE game by the screen shots. However, it plays differently in some ways. 2. There are four difficulties. Easy, Normal, Hard, Path of the Damned. Hard is similar to Core Rules in the BG games. Plus there's two additional settings, Expert (takes away all the additional helper info in the game) and Trial of Iron (one save game and the game deletes it if you die) that you can take on top of the first four. It seems a lot of people including myself are playing on Hard by looking at these forums. 3. Most enemies don't scale. The only ones that do are on the crit path. But only by a small amount of levels and you probably won't even notice it. Also, some enemies (humans) don't give kill xp. Usually it's only critters and only a certain amount of that type. If the enemy appears in your 'bestiary' then it will give xp. If the enemy doesn't appear in the bestiary, then no xp is rewarded for killing them. eg. Kill a wolf and you get xp, but once you kill 10 wolves that's it, and killing anymore wolves won't give you xp. 4. The mechanics are quite different, especially with the engagement system. After I finish my first play through, I'm going to install the IE mod and take the engagement system off. While I don't mind it in PoE, I prefer the IE games where I can move my characters around freely or retreat without getting an automatic disengagement hit. Otherwise you need 'special' powers to retreat like knockdown, escape, etc. The spells system is a little different as they are either encounter of daily powers. Some will see the changes controversial but overall it's a great game imo.
  17. I'd say you'd have to do the crit path, min-max your characters, ignore any side quests (or at least do pacifist outcomes to get xp), abuse the xp mechanics (eg. walking in and out of every house and map, etc), play on easy and rush towards the end of the game.
  18. ^ Yes, I would like to see this link too.
  19. I'll definitely be looking out for Visc. Will be good to see him again, even if it's just in a video game.
  20. Interesting that Josh Sawyer is in favour of a respec option. I wonder if it's because of his no bad build philosophy. eg. you fall into a trap build and the respec is a way to get out of it.
  21. They won't be able to fix that as the town, house, inn, cave or next level of a house/inn/dungeon is a different map and you can't have party members on different maps. It's why you see Loading when you enter an inn or house because it loads a new map. And when you select only one person in your party to go upstairs/downstairs in an inn, it drags your companions along as well.
  22. Yes it did. I played a rogue and it was the same as when I played pnp D&D.
  23. There was a lot of criticism in the beta.
  24. This has been brought up during development. No word on how they're going to implement it when the expansion comes out. I really hope it's not a limited encounter power.
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