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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I have to admit the Scorpitron you come across first wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. I focused fired on the mother and ignored all the baby scorpitrons and when your team is dealing a 1000 or more (Pizepi does ~350, Brother Thomas does over 200 with his two energy weapons), it goes down pretty quick. The hardest battle for me has been Whittier. Not because of the enemies but trying to keep my pets alive. It's the only battle in the game I've come across so far where you have a real risk of losing them. I found the dogs aren't too much of a problem. It's my rat that keeps running off (damn he covers a lot of distance!) and getting killed. After the third attempt, I managed to do it because my rat finally followed my dogs instead of going off in the opposite direction. Once all my pets went in the same direction, it was reasonably easy. And maybe because I left that as the last encounter and I was at a higher level. Oh and to Enoch, there is no time limit to having to do these call out quests. You can leave them and do them anytime you want. I recall you asking about the Santa Monica quest and no, you don't have to go there straight away. You can leave it for later.
  2. Bruce, the only time you comment in a discussion when I'm involved is to troll me. You admitted that you get great pleasure from it in the PoE forum. I'm glad that post is still there for all to see and you can't delete it. You're more concerned about me with your unhealthy obsession and I can assure you it's not all about me. So lets get back to discussion on the game, something I haven't seen you do in this thread. Funny about that. As I said, maybe play the game. It's actually quite fun.
  3. Bruce, you've shown to be dishonest in the WOT forum. And you're all for dishonesty and no integrity which I've shown the entire forum in the gaming journalism thread. You don't need to bring your trolling and dishonesty in this thread now. So instead of you trolling how about trying to refute why having a high charisma on one party member isn't any good. Because Grom-wah has not only failed badly, other people think it's a good idea. And I've shown that having a high charisma on one or your characters in the game can be beneficial. That is irrefutable evidence and logical analysis by your standards. In fact other people have come on and liked or agreed with having one party member with high charisma. Marceror has come on and see's how it can benefit a party and people have liked his post. I don't see you disputing Marceror's posts. Now that is irrefutable evidence and logical analysis. But ignore those people why don't you. You're concerned about me? LMAO. And not only that, you've been on the attack with me right from the start. Gee I wonder why. Sore loser much? But I guess being a sore loser is part and parcel of being proven wrong on many accounts in the WoT forums. So how about lets talk about the game instead of you trolling this thread. If anyone needs to apologise it's you. So how about that apology Bruce? I doubt I'll get it. Lets get back on topic. I know it's hard for you to do but I know you have it in you. Lets talk about the game and you can stop this unhealthy obsession with following me around the forums, jumping into threads and attacking me. The game is fun. Maybe you should try playing it some time.
  4. I'm not defensive about having a leader with CHA 8. In fact, everything shows that it's a good number to have it around 8.
  5. *Chuckles* It's quite humorous seeing you flailing and flip-flopping like a drowning man. The last gasps of air as you try to fling this back onto others before finally drowning. I can picture it now. Grom-wah waving his hand angrily trying to argue the point and then seeing you finally go under. But that's okay Grom-wah, you can still believe what you want. You keep that charisma around 4 and 5 on your characters. Some of us will have a leader with a CHA up to 8 and actually test this in game without the hypoethetical theorycrafting that you're trying to tell us and say our leader doesn't make a difference. hehe, your characters with 4 or 5 charisma. Yeah, great testing. *guffaw*
  6. The difference between us is I have gameplay with an 8 Cha leader and can chart the progress of this leader compared to my other party members. When I do another run through this game with a leader having skills being used frequently such as demolitions and taking the same NPCs and doing the same quests, I'll be comparing those two games. I'd rather see actual gameplay and testing than '5 minutes' of theorycrafting. *chuckle*
  7. Oh I do know what it means. You're the text book case of obtuse. I have to chuckle at these quotes.
  8. Ah, so you now have no issue with a single ranger having a boosted Charisma. Just what I've been saying all along. No you haven't been consistent Gromnir. It's okay for you to apologise. But this has been a good chuckle with your obtuseness.
  9. Day 1 mod download. IE style U.I.
  10. Yeah, I'm not seeing them either. All I'm seeing is this: Edit. Okay. Now I can see it. At least the second one.
  11. I really like that idea with the leader and a heap of non-combat skills. I also have my leader's CHA at 8 as well and think it's a good number to be on. I also like how you'll be able to use a lot of those non-combat skills to get even more xp. That was my mistake with my leader with not choosing non-combat skills that has a lot of use in the game. I see now how your suggestion is better. This has given me a couple of ideas for some new parties, especially with the leader with all those skills.
  12. Geez Bruce. Your sole contribution is to continually troll me on this forum? I explained where the up to 3 level spread came from. And I'm not wrong. There is a 2-3 level spread with my core team and some of the NPCs. But nice trolling anyway. And I did show where I made the mistake of forgetting to include one of the characters who was out of combat. Maybe you can contribute something worthwhile like talking about the game? But you seem obsessed about me. Well how about taking your trolling elsewhere.
  13. Pretty much what I said in this post. Obsidian are bug fixing. Not really taking suggestions for major changes.
  14. It's what I did and mentioned in the old thread. (The screenshot in the spoiler is not correct as I immediately noticed a problem with my party and started again). Those skills did change. Magnum didn't take Computer Science (Rose). TC didn't take blunt weapons (Brother Thomas) and shotguns was changed to Assault Rifles. Rick dropped Submachine guns (Brother Thomas). Higgins dropped hand guns and Sniper Rifles was changed to Assault Rifles. But everything else was the same. The attributes got tweaked a tiny bit with everyone dumping Luck in the end. I purposely built my party around the NPCs (Rose, Pizepi and Brother Thomas) so I wouldn't be doubling up or at least minimise it. I did want a second healer/surgeon and Brother Thomas fits that to a tee. I did have to double up on Smart Ass and Perception early in the game but those are low on my core team and have remained so. I also scrutinised all the NPCs and believe these three to be the best imo which is why I've taken them. And I'm finding they are pretty good. No complaints at all with them. If I was to go through again with the same NPC's, there's some things I would do differently. 1) I would keep the Smart Ass skill lower that what it is on my Magnum character and probably keep only one point in it just to get the dialogue checks early on. 2) Same with Perception on my other character. 3) Pick up the NPCs in AZ early on with my optimal way of doing so. And then go back and finish everything that I passed over. 4) Do the pacifist route with the Prison after Titan/Silo 7 and not kill them as I missed out on two skill books. 5) Not take any pets except for the Night Terror. Otherwise I pretty much would keep these attributes and skills for my core team. It's worked really well.
  15. Everyone should have been most as I didn't check all characters as I only glanced at them. Put it down to being euphoric at winning easily at what was a hard encounter. I've now gone back to that previous save and noticed my lowest level character is about 1/2-3/4 on 27 which is the Higgins character who was out of the battle. It's why I didn't pick up on it before. The characters on level 28 is nearing 3/4 on level 28. Pizepi hit level 29. At any case, my point still stands. There's up to a 3 level spread at level 30. And that point spread is increasing.
  16. And now he's more than halfway through level 31 while one is still on level 28 and most are still on 29. It's become a 2-3 point spread, closing on 4 with my lowest levelled party member.
  17. More made up stories. It's not 1-5-2 level spread over all the party. Must be something wrong with Gromnir's reading. But Gromnir is part and parcel of being obtuse, evasiveness and obfuscation. But it's good to see he's gone off his 1.5 argument. Now if he can recgonise the 1.5-3 and 2-4 level spread at level 30 with different party members at different times of levelling, then we're all okay. Oh and I can back up my claims with screen shots of what I'm talking about. But according to the forum and people like Gromnir and Enoch, screen shots don't prove anything. LOL.
  18. Gromnnir I can back up my claims that it's 2-4 levels at different times of levelling and not 1.5 compared to the rest of my party that you claim. How about backing up your claims? No, I didn't think so. So yes, my suspicions isn't strange at all when you make up stories. For Enoch, it's anecdotes all the way! When called out to back up your claims, you seem that the only way for you to rebut my points is call me childish? LOL. Okay Gromnir.
  19. Ah Gromnir, the obtuse and evasive hypocrite who obfuscates all over the place. You're the one who's obfuscating. No Gromnir, I never said that. I know it's easy for you to make up stories and not actually quote anything I say. But please continue with your made up stories. You're still going on about 1.5 levels and basing it on my entire party which is not true. It's at least 1.5 to 3 levels when you get to level 30 for me. And it's at least 2-4 levels depending on which character you compare to in my party at different times of levelling. I imagine it will be close to 4-6 levels by level 40 near the end of the game but I'll have to wait and see. So you think a character that's 4-6 levels higher than the rest of your party near the end of the game is useless? *chuckles*
  20. So you take people's anecdotes over any screen shots that might prove what they are saying?
  21. More obtuseness and evasiveness Gromnir. I'm not the insane one that makes up stories. That's what you're good at. 1.5 levels is not the disparity. You're taking one character and using that as the standard with all my party members. FALSE. My best character is on level 29 while my Leader has already been ploughing through level 31 for quite some time and is very close to 32. He'll hit level 32 shortly. And it's not 1.5 levels as I keep telling you but you seem to be taking that as all party members. Weak argument is weak. I see why you would be saying that to help your own argument. He's 2-3 levels higher than other party members as well. He also has the highest hit points of any character in my party. So now he's become the tank and can take quite a lot of damage as well as having the second highest in the Assault Rifle skill after Rose. Remember what it's like to have a character that's a couple or few levels higher than the rest of the party? That's what my Leader is doing. And the gap is widening. Which also means he gets more skill points by levelling faster. And I'm not selling anything. I'm just telling what my gameplay is like. And you're now misrepresenting what I'm saying which is what you've been doing for these past few quotes and then trying to make an argument against it? So why don't you make the argument against the characters who are 3 levels behind my leader? No, that would be too hard. So where's those screen shots Gromnir? Are you going to back up your claims or are you going to make those anecdotes without any proof. Ah your hypocrisy is funny to see. You claim that I'm a hypocrite but when I call you out, you dodge and weave and try and avoid any proof for you to show. Keep going on those anecdotes.. Also, what can I go off other than my gameplay? And I provide screen shots to back up my claims? Come on Gromnir, posts those screen shots and show us your gameplay and back up your claims. Or are you going to continue to be a hypocrite.
  22. At least quote me where I said that because that's not what I said. But it's the usual tactic I expect from you Gromnir. Obtuse and evasive. And it's your usual tactic of claiming things and not backing up what you say. I ask for screen shots and you make up stuff that I never said. If I did say that. you would have quoted me. Funny how you didn't actually quote me in any of my posts. You like to go on the attack when others provide screen shots and information, but when others call you out, you make up excuses. And it's at least a level and a half from my best guy and over 2 levels from nearly everyone else in my party. And that gap is widening. I'm guessing in another 10 levels, he's going to be about 3 or 4 levels higher compared to the rest of my party. And due to him levelling up faster, it means more skills to allocate and he's doing a fair amount of damage. So it's not totally useless. Also, I know all about combat xp and how it's worked out. I was stating a rhetorical in that combat has nothing to do with his levelling up faster. It does show he does contribute to combat which is what I was showing. I know that's hard for you to grasp those rhetoricals.
  23. ^ Yep. I didn't vote because Seari's option isn't in the poll which is what I would have voted for. And the IE example that is in the poll I don't like.
  24. Rather obtuse and evasive of you Gromnir. You're also providing anecdotal play from your game. And you don't provide any screen shots at all to back up your anecdotal gameplay. So what difference have you come across that headshots are better than energy weapons against enemies in LA? If you're going to counter my claims, then at least show some things like your own gameplay with screen shots with headshots and damage compared to Energy Weapons. I have yet to see any examples of people's gameplay in LA in this thread that shows a rundown with an encounter with headshots and Energy weapons. At least I gave an example with my gameplay. How about backing up what you're saying with actual screen shots. I'd like to see your gameplay with headshots and energy weapons. You also miss the point by a mile with my leader with alarm disarming. I said there was hardly any alarm disarming in AZ and with his Kiss Ass skill, it wouldn't have mattered compared to my other characters with the other dialogue skills. If anything, my leader should be near the bottom and not out-levelling everyone else. Because there wasn't many alarms to disarm compared to locks/traps/safes. I have no idea where you think I said alarms made a difference. I didn't. As to my Leaders Charisma, he has 8. He also has 60 kills as of Angel Oracle which I'm up to at the moment. Compare that to my best character who has the most kills with 129, the lock picking and safecracking skills and opened every safe and lock in AZ as well as up to where I am now, and used Smart Ass up to finishing Rail Nomads, it doesn't make any sense. How does my leader who has less than half the kills of my best character, has hardly used the Alarm Disarming skill in AZ be One and a half levels higher than him? An explanation would be nice. As I said, my leader only has 4 skills. Assault Rifles, Kiss Ass, Leadership (which to my knowledge seems to be a passive ability) and Alarm Disarming. That's it. I also have another character with 76 kills, has Assault Rifle, toaster, mechanical repair, demolitions and weaponsmithing. Has opened every toaster, has disarmed every landmine, and repaired everything that needs to be repaired and he's also behind my leader. And he has more kills than my leader. So how do you explain why my leader is the highest levelled character in my game? And because he's levelling up faster than everyone else, this then keeps him competitive in battles and to max out his skills like Alarm Disarming and Kiss Ass which he's already done and Assault Rifles is getting up there as well. He's already the second highest in Assault Rifles now. He seems to be doing a fair bit of damage in combat (6746) now as that's been creeping up and has nearly passed the guy with 76 kills/Toaster/mechanical/demolitions/ guy (6859) but never seems to get the kill shot which is why he's still on 60. But he's no where near the damage of my best guy (14,828) or Pizepi (9,607). So it's not damage that's making him go up faster otherwise my best guy and Pizepi would be in front by a mile. I can only put it down to Charisma must be doing something to keep him above everyone else because he's not doing much in the way of kills and alarm disarming. And there's not much Kiss Ass dialogue in the game. Summary. Provide some screen shots of your gameplay where headshots were outclassing energy weapons against enemies in LA during an encounter as well as your character's levels and skills. I did with Rose's 10 points in AR and she was level 28 compared to Pizepi and Brother Thomas' weapon output. Explain why my Leader has out-levelled everyone when he should be at the bottom of the group. That would help.
  25. 4 skills. Alarm disarm, Kiss ass, Leadership and Assault Rifles. Alarm disarm is something that wasn't fully utilised in the first half of the game and only really comes into play in LA. Kiss Ass is not that much different to all the other dialogue skills. Leadership doesn't grant xp so it's a background skill. Assault Rifles is the last skill I took with my Leader. And that's it. No other skills at all. So all I can take from that is the reason why he's higher than everybody else is the bonus xp from Charisma. And if you want to wonder about developers creating dump stats, you have to look no further than this board you're posting on and the Pillars of Eternity feedback with characters having two dump stats. Especially ranged characters.
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