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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Never seen anyone use the word inspiration in so many posts.
  2. I had the same happen to me. I went straight to Santa Monica to deal with the issue. Man that was a hard fight. I was only level 25/26. I don't think it's required to go there immediately. I probably should have finished Rodia and get up a level or two before tackling it.
  3. You can already do that by buying a level 1 character from the inn and level them up. I guess BG2 was too much for you. BG2 started at around level 8 and your starting party was a melee character, priest and thief/mage. Very similar to the PoE beta.
  4. Need to liven up the place. These sort of debates do the trick.
  5. I've found since the beta released, there's always been two dumpable stats on ranged characters. Nothing will ever change.
  6. This is my optimal way of playing Arizona, It's a fairly meta-gamey way to play but I find it enjoyable. I also open every toaster to get the items.
  7. It's been brought up many times by a lot of people. You pause a lot in this game. And 'a lot' is an understatement. Some AoE's completely block out your party members and you have no idea where they are. Sometimes you might be able to make out the bar on top of your character but it still doesn't tell you where your characters are. The adventurers at the Dragon's Egg have a blue AoE that when it hits your characters you can't see them. Seriously, and no hyperbole. I posted a screenshot some time ago and you can't see my BB Fighter or BB Rogue or the enemy in the AoE. It's just a blue AoE on the screen and it lasts for quite a long time. While the blue AoE is due to implantation, there's a lot of spell effects that make you pause and go WTF. And this blocks out important things like the engagement arrows because you need to see who is engaged with who. When you're casting spells, sometimes you can't see the enemies due to an AoE so it can be guesswork where to cast it. If I have to spend 5-10 seconds working out where my characters are, then there's a problem. Oh, I just remembered. That new attack from the Crystal Eater Spider with those shards that fall from the sky. Holy ****, where did they come from. And you can't see your characters.
  8. Not this game. It's a pause with very little real time game.
  9. I noticed a lot of pausing. I know you were explaining what was going on but it highlights the problem with combat in this game. The fight started at 0.49 and finished around 3.42. There's was around 25 instances where you unpaused to battle and the majority was for 1 second. 17 times for one second and 8 times for more than one second (usually 2-3 seconds). And this is for a ~3 minute battle. Time where you un-paused for combat that I quickly saw. It's a rough guide as I only watched it once.
  10. Yep, CON and INT are dump stats for a lot of ranged classes. My Cipher and Druid.
  11. Yep and I even showed a screenshot where I had enemies attacking each other and you receive xp, bestiary pages and updated kills as if you had killed them. That's 12 enemies dead including the boss of that level with one critter for you to go back and kill. Thinking more about this, I think you should be able to have enemies attack each other and for you to be rewarded. I did overcome that obstacle and not exactly sure if I did exploit the A.I. as the designers intended. Without knowing if the designers didn't intend to have enemies attack each other, it's technically not an exploit.
  12. Go with what they did in the IE games.
  13. I was the opposite with Canyon of Titan. Keeping a Monk alive and travelling with you opens up additional dialogue and quest options and I used him to get loot from the raider's lockers and the toaster. He's only with you for a short time and then leaves your party so I utilised him by looting the raiders, not killing them. And you can avoid battles with the DBM with the monk travelling with you. Even meeting up with Sadler while one your characters is with the monk some distance away. You have one character distracting the monk, while the rest of the party meets Sadler. Great roleplaying options there. I only killed raiders later if they attacked me first but I tried to avoid them as much as possible. I find it funny how some people who are against combat xp are the ones who resort to it and people like myself who like how it's been implemented in games like WL2 with combat xp don't go on kill sprees. My roleplaying experience was that the DBM took care of them so I didn't need to. The random world map enemy encounters are easy to overcome. I like that there are enemies out there on the world map and it should be random. I had Rose put 4 points in Outdoorsman. It then gave you a 100% success rate in avoiding them up to Canyon of Titan. Having a trinket to get you to 5 gave you 100% up to Damonta iirc. Although I did avoid the enemy encounters every time and travelled all over the world map and looted every hidden cache and went to every mysterious shrine. And that's a cost with one of your characters having to invest in the skill. It's a choice if you want to avoid them altogether or take the chance of not investing in the skill and being caught in random battles. And what I liked with in investing so much in Outdoorsman is you were rewarded with avoiding fights.
  14. So you're talking about design goals and not the actual game we're playing. You do know a lot has changed from the design goals when the KS went live and what we have now. Oh and no strawmen here.
  15. You also have to give credit to companies like inXile as well. They started with WL2 which is a great game and have T:ToN coming out in the future. It's great seeing companies go back to the old style games of the past. The future is looking bright.
  16. I think it's happening with Windows too. I have some long save games and they seem to get corrupted now. When you play for a short time, it's okay. If you try and complete all the maps it gets progressively worse to the point where your latest save will likely get corrupted.
  17. Has anyone taken the health healing talents? I always take it for my BB Fighter and BB Rogue. Seems to be a must have for tanks or melee characters. Not so much for ranged characters as my back line rarely gets hit. And because I'm taking it for my front line, I'm finding I'm now picking up the +4 Mechanics and other talents for characters like my Druid who is now my master locksmith. Quite the role reversal. I'd prefer the health healing talents to be able to heal others as well as yourself.
  18. Can't see it happening. What are players going to do? Observe the lions, talk to druids, read lore books or kill the lions and get xp? I'll take the easier option and that's likely avoiding the lions. It's free xp without the danger of combat if I can just read a book, observe them, talk to a druid or whatever. I would go back to avoiding a lot of unnecessary combat and maps left half unexplored if I can just read a lore book.
  19. That's exactly what's happening with Bestiary XP. And I can't fathom why people against Combat xp are all for Bestiary XP with killing random beasts all over the maps that can be avoided. The Lions in Stormwall Gorge are a classic example of 'random beasts' that you can avoid. In fact, at the start of the game, you can immediately go to Stormwall Gorge because you start right at the edge of the map next to Stormwall Gorge, kill the 6 lions which make up half of the enemies on that map, get some really easy xp rewards and then go back to Dyrford before you even speak to anyone. It's an easy less than 5 minute kill spree. They're practically begging to be killed for some easy xp rewards. The wolves in the bottom corner of the Dyrford Crossing map is another example. Totally avoidable and you can walk (stealth) right past them. But why not kill them? They're just as easy as the lions. Prior to Bestiary XP, I didn't bother with them. Now, they give XP rewards. Same with the Wurms in Dyrford Crossing. Totally avoidable and now you can kill 6 of them and get rewarded.
  20. Looks like it was a corrupted save file. Everything seems to be okay now. Also, something needs to be done about these visual effects. The Lion's knockdown is just way too overtop. Do enemies really need this sort of stuff?
  21. That's weird, my game has 7 saved games but in my folder it has 27 and they don't match up. I have no Ogre Cave saves but in my Saved Game folder it has 5. And I have 3 Le a Rhemen saves but they don't show unless they come under a different name. No idea. I'll just copy these saves. Uninstall and re-install and hope for the best.
  22. Does anyone know where the current saves are kept? Last time they were in Documents\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity. Now the current 333 version saved games aren't there.
  23. I'd rather WL2 combat than PoE combat any day of the week.
  24. Getting a 'too many heap sections' and 'Fatal error in gc' message when transitioning to different areas and the game crashes. Seems to be more problematic when going from both underground ruins to the outside areas. Attached error log and output files 2014-10-28_180340.zip
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