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Everything posted by cyberarmy

  1. I really dont like our usual spells have PST kind of videos but some quest related big rituals or powerfull spells could use this.
  2. A good looking human fighter? And both with a shield and whip. Sorry but im drooling! I really hope we can use whips in game, for disarming and maybe "silencing" magi XD Edit: And his armor style couldnt be better i guess. Seems like hes an agile fighter. And a practical one. Edit part 2: I really dont understand people b!tching about new languages. First, not everybody on earth is fluent in english which means a lot in RPG such as Eternity and secondly translations gonna pay for themselves. Most of the new backers will be backing for just this sole reason.
  3. I become a chosen one enough for 2 life times already. I have no problems about being a generic farmer,
  4. OMG for armed races confirmed! O_o Joking aside it would be really nice to wield 4 sabres
  5. Why only 1 choice .... Arcanum and PS:T but i also like characterization in Kotor 2, especially Kreia's. One of the best characters in a video game in my humble opinion.
  6. Heh, i'd like to be that kind of slave (alive one of course ^_^) Powerful magical items should have a useage limit, like you can use Girdle of Frost Giant Strength once a day and it can be used 10-15 times. Or some can backfire like not able to control minions you just summoned from the staff.
  7. I would like to see some swashbuckling justice, a "real" one handed style which we can use our empty hand for defense or dirty tactics. And for dual wielding, its cool if you have a small/light weapon in offhand but duelwielding 2 longswords,warhammers not so much. We could use some other off hand equipment, like focus, book for magi or whip/pistol/throwable weapons for thieves and fighters. Shields also need to have more usage than just defending. And yeah it always bugs me one of the most common weapon combination for ages is ignored commonly in D&Ds. Short spear&shield.
  8. Rare. Also i would like to see some "possessed" items. Since its all out soul business in Eternity it makes sense. Like a weapon which had a powerfull beings soul inside and can upgrade itself 1or 2 timesif we kill some powerfull enemies. And of course i demand(lol ) a Lilarcor equivalent weapon. I LOVE SMELL OF DAISIES IN THE MORNING!
  9. What's on my mind? Cake of course!

  10. I really dont like urgency feeling on main quests.( Fallout 1 im looking at you!) However side quests/event are different and it would be nice to some "timed" events. Like someone needing an urgent antidote/cure holding on for weeks makes no sense or some ransoming bandits wont wait for you to pay a long time.
  11. I support puzzles and traps but these are should be minimal on main quests. However there should be many, hard puzzles, hidden treasures, shortcuts for those who want to explore.
  12. I enjoyed Infinity multiplayer, but its not a must especially at release. They can add it a bit later.
  13. Yes, i would like to see them in game. Powerfull but slow also has more chance to miss critically.
  14. Hıımm conjuring some food with our wizards and poisoning them with our thieves. And then our fool fighter eats it all...
  15. Customizable UI is enough for me. We could change its scale if we want. And we could able to make our own spell/skill/item shortcuts, like IWD2.
  16. Thieves already got many out of combat abilites like lock pick and pickpocket so i support both magi and fighters get some out of combat love too. Maybe tricking NPC with illusions, kind of "waving hand" domination, freeze a llittle pond to get across or melt frozen water. Using familiars or polymorph spells to get access some areas. Telekinesis also can bring up nice options. Fighters getting some unarmed intimidating options in dialogs( there are some in PST if memory serves right) or they can start tavern fight in order to distract some guards, break/bend objects if they are storng enough and also some good'ol taunting in Morte style.
  17. Im supporting this and maybe we can gain some perks after using only 1 school for a long time. Like a long time necromancer getting resistant to cold damage and fear/scare effects while illisionists can detect enemy illisions easily. After using 250 Fireballs im pretty sure a wizard can calculate how he can avoid most of his or enemies fireballs effect. Not quite on topic but i also like to see some counter spelling action or some friendly wizard spell duel.
  18. Inventory tetris is OK. But please dont limit ammuntions, potions, scrolls with a stack number. Edit: and maybe special some containers, like scroll case, equipment box, gem bag. And also some dimensional bags of holding
  19. Having 15 weapons is ridiculous But i like blunt/piercing/slahsing damage types and have no problem if some mobs are highly resistant or even immune to them. I really dont think we can damage a skeleton with an arrow or try to cut an ent/earth elemantal. Oh and i want NPC lines such as "Blasted beggar's immune"
  20. Or something like BG2, each class has its own stronghold. Magi getting a tower while rangers groove and fighters getting some sort of gauntlet/training ground. I know i sound too cliche ^_^
  21. I think its better to stick with "generic" fantasy races&creatures instead of inventing new ones. And they also told us there will be 2 different race(maybe with sub races even) and new races will come when KS got enough funding, so i dont think there's really a problem here.
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