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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. I do like the ability to rotate your view in Wasteland 2. That probably makes more sense in a game where most of the combat is ranged.
  2. That code language looks... way too primitive. How do you even control scope? Ah well.
  3. I have no interest in it, other than in finding a convenient way to skip the comments.
  4. “Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?”
  5. Dilbert Non Sequitur That's about it for me.
  6. Wife's been getting prickly on me arse. I need a hat to match. What would you suggest, sir?
  7. Equally immersion breaking is being able to walk through the corpses.
  8. That's when your ex says, "I will deal with this matter personally...".
  9. I like what I've seen of this so far, and I really enjoyed Divine Divinity; Divinity II much less so. If they can recapture that original feel then it's a definite buy for me.
  10. I think the only thing they've said on this so far is that it'll be similar to switching between chapters in some of the IE games, where you get a narrated sequence, accompanied by static art (which I love, btw). Animation simply is too expensive/time consuming to fit within a crowd sourced budget (and there also seems to be little demand for it in the fanbase). There are still some animations they could implement even with static art, such as slow motion panning and zooming.
  11. Nonsense. Stretch goals are documented statements of direction, so they should be taken literally.
  12. Oh dear, I do hope that is not the font they're going to be using for the game. It makes reading a plodding effort, particularly against a varying background. Good news otherwise. Thank you for the update.
  13. It's a good thing that they reached the $4M stretch goal or they might not have enhanced the whole game.
  14. Interesting, hope it makes it goal. It seems to be doing much better in this run; they're at 56% ($28k/$50k) with 22 days to go. Good for them.
  15. Then that would probably exclude Morte.
  16. Castoff's Labyrinth is looking like a forgotten slice of birthday cake left in the fridge too long. I guess they're imitating the Endless Paths in PE.
  17. It was a nice idea, but perhaps it was too much of a niche genre. Perhaps it needed a more, umm... perilous setting?
  18. It might be interesting if somewhere during the game you run into your former master... and he/she can still teach you a trick or two.
  19. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to tax my mattress.... Need to find a new place to hide my money.
  20. Perhaps, upon return to the area, the corpses should all leave a mysterious stain behind with drag marks leading off toward the exits? I enjoyed the way they did it in the old Warcraft games where an animation caused the corpse to decay into the ground.
  21. The demi-plane of stretch goals; also known as Pilates, the plane of optimistic expectations...
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