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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. I think 'debuting' should be 'discussing'. It doesn't debut until 2014, based on the current schedule.
  2. This game may not be for you. I recommend looking away whenever words appear.
  3. A busy Doctor is finishing his rounds when he realized he forgot to check on a patient in the other wing. He stops by the duty station and asks, "Nurse, how is that patient who swallowed a quarter?" The Nurse pull out a chart, looks it over, then responds, "No change yet, Doctor".
  4. Two cows are locked up in a pen watching a bull roam free outside. Suddenly the bull explodes. The cows look at each other. One says, "that's abominable!"
  5. ^^^^ A larger image probably wouldn't provide more detail: it looks like a rough prototype. Maybe they'll show us the mockup of the prototype once they have it working.
  6. I really don't care about "achievements" in and of themselves; finishing the game is the only achievement that matters. But it might be okay to have some combination of in-game trophies for your house/stronghold plus a few highly-focused benefits.
  7. The first issue may already be solved by the developers doing away with awarding significant XP from grinding. But yeah, a fleeing enemy should drop some loot in their haste to retreat.
  8. Regardless of their referendum on the matter, Argentina should be given back to Spain.
  9. Perhaps then it's a good thing you haven't played it or seen the game in its finished form.
  10. Yes, group morale based upon the estimated chances of victory and/or the enemy's level of determination would add a significant element of realism. BG had this to some degree, but it only kicked in after the battle was nearly over.
  11. Well at least you did the math...
  12. It's not a game, but the Veronica Mars Movie Project reached its funding goal within 11 hours. Hopefully a sign of things to come. What's curious is that if you Google "veronica mars kickstarter", the actual Kickstarter link was back on page 20! Things that make you go hmm... I guess the search engine hasn't caught up with all the cross-links yet.
  13. March 14: 3.14 -- It's an irrational celebration... at least for some fraction of the world's population.
  14. To me the "vertical slice" just sounds like the prototyping stage of a manufacturing process.
  15. You're comparing a character in a fantasy plot facing perilous foes and dire consequences to... a mundane office job. Sorry, but I'd say it is your analogy that is a little out of control.
  16. I hope they list Kickstarter in the opening credits.
  17. Not saying we need to avoid them, just put in some other ones as well. I just think PE should try new things as well. Oh sure: animation, vivimancery, nephomancy, sapromancy, dueling magic, hedge magic, null-magic, ...
  18. It does sound intriguing... and unique. It's nice to see a Kickstarter CRPG taking a different approach. If nothing else, the artwork is worth a perusal.
  19. Yes Vegas had an improved game engine. I just liked the situation, setting, and story in FO3 a little more. Both had some room for improvement, but they were each entertaining and enjoyable in their own crazy way. I felt I got my money's worth out of them, which is what matters in the end.
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