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Found 4 results

  1. Not sure why, but I'm averaging around 10 frames per second when playing NWN2 on my system. All settings are set to their lowest value. I verified that it's using my Nvidia card instead of the onboard GPU. I have tried restarting and playing. I have also installed the community patch. I've done fresh installs, but I still around 10 FPS. Any help would be wonderful. Windows 7 SP 1 i5-2450 @2.50GHz 8gb Ram Nvidia GT 630M, Driver ver. 375.70 Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete (latest GOG version)
  2. I don't know the reason why I was redirected to bioware forum when I click the Neverwinter area.Just curious about this kind of situdation,My Name is Gamereasy
  3. Hello everyone, So i got hunger for some rpg when waiting for P:E. And then I realise I actualy never complete any campaign in NWN 2. And before I start I would like to hear some suggestion on how to play it. Are there some good mods which are not overpowered? For example ranger is my favorite class but he quite suck in original NWN2 as far as I remember (but i didnt complete game because some bug). Also what party you recommend for SoZ? I remember that I die quite quickly in SoZ. Any tips or hints are welcome. peace Dude
  4. I'm trying to find out where and when the city of Neverwinter was introduced into Forgotten Realms. Anyone know this for sure? I know that Neverwinter appeared for the first time in a CRPG in SSI's "Gateway to the Savage Frontier" back in 1991. What I'm not sure of is if Neverwinter existed before that, or if it was something that was created specifically for that game. Thanks...
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